Green Tea

536 Reviews

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July 15, 2010


makes skin less red, tightens pores


stains teeth

actually i put cold green tea directly on my face, as if washing my face with it. drinking it really didnt make a difference, and ive been drinking green tea for years now. my face doesnt feel super tight after the gt wash - it feels just right. my skin takes on a glow, and i feel amazing. give it a try!
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July 3, 2010


Cleared up all of my acne and gives my skin a glow to it. When I first started drinking green tea I also had a lot of the pimples that were underneath the skin. So, I also started taking birth control due to a hormal imbalance. But I definitely notice the difference when i'm on the BC and stop drinking the green tea.



Drink green tea....lots of it. around 2-3 cups a day!
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June 20, 2010


I have been applying this Topically for about 2 months regularly, sometimes twice a day. It takes a long time to actually get rid of acne I may say, but if you use it regularly for a Year, it should be gone. I've used it and have seen results. If I hadn't have been using this, My acne would be much worse. I do notice that it gets rid of pimples quickly, but to cure acne, it takes a while. It controls your acne and has amazing health benefits. Truly try it, and drink Decaffinated ONLY.


None at all, I have developed a love for the taste, and have no problem drinking freshly brewed Green Tea. :-)

Absolutely worth it. It's an essential for me and I drink it every day. See for yourself, it has so many health benefits and makes your skin feel fresh.
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June 20, 2010
it works...try it...=D
June 9, 2010


*green tea tastes good
*it clears acne
*lightens scars
*gives u more energy



Green tea is a cheap way to clear acne I drink 3 cups a day and put it on my face at night. Green tea also gives me more energy in the morning.
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June 8, 2010


-Visibly clears blemishes and redness
-No breakouts
-Removes scars
-Leaves behind clear and smooth skin
-Great detox for a cleaner system



After using dozens of products and even seeing multiple dermatologists and receiving treatments, green tea was the simplest and best solution. My skin is nearly back to the way it used to be, smooth and clear of any blemishes. Though I do not mind the bitterness of pure green tea, I normally drink one that is flavoured. I got a box of 100 tea bags for about $4. I drink anywhere between 2 to 3 cups throughout the day and in the evening, occassionally use the tea bag as an astringent before bed. During the first 2 weeks, I drank it 3 times everyday and used it as an astringent. My skin became visibly clearer within the first week. Though it may seem like such a simple solution, definitely give it a try. And even if it doesn't work as well for your skin, use it for its many other purposes like detox and weight management.
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June 6, 2010


No new pimples since I started drinking it. It's been helping with facial redness and hyperpigmentation. Definitely a confidence booster because I am starting to see my skin clear up tremendously.

I used to get cystic acne from eating too much junk. I stopped eating all that rubbish and only got smaller/less painful pimples. Two weeks later, I started on green tea and for the last two months; my face has been clear of any breakouts, even during that dreaded PMS.

I'd also like to mention that my acne is hereditary, I used to eat junk (I know, silly me) before I turned 17 (that's when my breakouts started). Never ever got any pimples. Even without applying the green tea as an astringent, I've seen tremendous improvement. I should mention that I've tried a ton of OTC products; practically burning my skin off with BP, I tried ACV, supplements, acne creams and a ton of topical stuff. Nothing works like cleansing out your system. Don't take caffeinated green tea. Natural green tea is best - sweeteners and preservatives just like to MESS WITH YOU.
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June 4, 2010


Helps with :
- high cholesterol levels
- infection
- impaired immune function
- surpresses appetite
- antioxidant


- caffine can keep you awake as well as initate acne flare ups (drink de-caf!!!)
- aquired taste

I have struggled with acne and breakouts (mild to moderate) for as long as I can remember. I have used every acne product out there without getting a perscription or going on medication and nothing has worked. Red Tea (Rooibos) "worked" for a while but then breakouts continued to happen. I just got back from an amazing trip to Las Vegas where the desert air cleared up my skin entirely! Getting back home to Ontario Canada I was looking at pictures from the Summer of 2008 and trying to remember how my skin looked that good without the desert air! I worked at a hotel that served Starbucks coffees and tazo teas and I remembered (since I do not drink coffee, soda etc) I LIVED on Green Tea that summer. Laying out in the sun also helped since my skin LOVES Vitamin D (and dry air... Ontario has a lot of Humidity in the summer months). I decided to try drinking Green Tea again.. I was on the Rooibos kick and then gave up and really wasn't drinking any tea at all. I'm 24 years old and am tired of using Proactiv and face washes/toners that cost $40+ dollars. I am a firm believer that acne is cured from the inside out, I try not to eat a lot of deep fried foods etc, but I am human and occasionally break my cycle :) My point is, I live life. I'm not worrying about using acne facewash's anymore, or worrying about what I eat. I kickbox 3 times a week, work everyday, lay in the sun once a week and drink 4 cups of green tea everyday. I am now using Garnier Skin Renew (nothing for "Acne Prone Skin") as well as Garnier Fresh Invigorating Toner (Has Natural Grape Seed Oils) and I honestly DON'T moisturize at all... if I did it would certainly be something from the Garnier "Fresh" Skin line. I love the products, and the smells. Take it from me, I've been suffering from this for over 10 years, GREEN TEA WORKS! Simple Lipton/Nestle/Tazo Green Tea (I chose Decaf), and it's as simple as that. I unfortuantely can't live in
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May 24, 2010


it cleanse your system. Gives you energy.


taste bitter, has not helped with my acne

i have been drinking the korean brand green tea religiously for more than a month now hoping it will help to clear my skin. I even tried using it as a toner for a while (green tea bag + water) and even bought the new St. Ives face wash with green tea since i have read so many articles on how green tea helps with acne and so far, i have NOT seen any results. My face has worsen and has not cleared (yet). I have not stopped drinking it tho since i know it makes me feel good and sometime soon i will see its result!
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May 24, 2010


*Reduces Redness
*Makes skin so soft
*Makes me feel more healthy
*Reduces sweet cravings


*Does seem to have helped my acne at all

Been drinking green tea for two weeks now! Love the way it makes me feel. I replaced diet coke with green tea and water. As well as drinking it, I create a mask by breaking open the tea bag and mixing the leaves with cetaphil face moisturizer. Lather it on my face for an hour nightly and my face is so smooth. It's amazing!!! My skin needs a bit of TLC after using differin.
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