Flaxseed Oil

204 Reviews

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May 16, 2010


Good for other health benefits.


I had moderate acne before trying flaxseed oil and grounded flaxseed (1 pimple every 2 weeks). I took 2 tbsp of flaxseed oil and 2 tbsp of grounded flaxseeds per day for 3 weeks. My face exploded with cystic acne all over my face. They were red and sore for weeks. I stopped taking flaxseed all together and the acne went away, but it left me with a ton of marks all over my face. I will never take this again.

It may work for others, but it was a HUGE mistake for me to take it. I'll stick with getting my EFA's from 4 tbsp of liquid fish oil which helped me so much and 2-4 tbsp of coconut oil per day.
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March 28, 2010


greatly improved my severely dry hands (I have ocd with handwashing) and improved my mood.


severe acne

I used it for 4-6 weeks and had the worst skin of my life. Same thing happened to my friend. This supplement has amazing benefits (recommended for my vision but also helps with numerous other things), but I had to stop taking it because it wreaked havoc on my skin. I wish I wasn't allergic to it, but I'm not surprised because I also have allergies to caffeine, alcohol, and zinc. I have a clean diet because my system is very sensitive. Once I stopped taking flax seed oil, the acne went away. There isn't a "no acne" option in the "acne severity" box, but I have absolutely no acne whatsoever (thanks to pricy SK II products and Armani makeup lol but hey super clear skin is worth it to me).
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February 21, 2010


good for regularity


allergic reaction - hives, acne-like eruption, redness, swelling, itching

i wasnt using the capsules. i was using the organic oil from a health food store. i was taking 2 tablespoons a day with food as opposed to like 4 capsules a day. the oil is supposedly better for u anyway. well, not for me! i was using the oil for a week and it ended up killing my face! i was in so much pain i was crying! i had to take benadryl to get the swelling down. so, if anyone is thinking about taking flaxseed oil, dont! or proceed with caution!
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February 9, 2010


good for you


caused breakout

After being clear for about a month, I had a breakout on my chin and forehead. Having not changed my regimen, I noticed that the only change I have made is that I've been eating flaxseed at breakfast. After reading other reviews, I have no doubt that this is the cause of my breakout.
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December 28, 2009


super healthy, omega 3's, etc.


Cystic acne, only put took for a day or two because i didn't need to try it any longer to determine that was the prob.

I have been suffering from pretty bad acne for the past 4 to 5 years (started at 25), and have bad scars mostly on my cheeks. I bought Flaxseed oil after reading about the anti-cancer benefits----big mistake but also eye opening. I took a spoonful of it one night and the next day I looked like a chipmonk, I had the largest cyst -zit that i've ever had in my life and freaked out. I finally came to the conclusion that I must be allergic to flax or something cuz i had been taking a supplement with flaxseed oil for the past four to five years. Finally, an explanation for my sudden acne issues. Basically, if you have any sort of acne situations or skin sensitivities you should check with a hollistic doctor first before taking it. By the way, since I've cut flax out of my diet the past month, i haven't had 1 zit!
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December 18, 2009


My hair is more lustrous and my eyelashes have gotten crazy long. Pretty surprised.


Endless cystic pimples... 2 hours after my first spoonful of flaxseed, my nose became very greasy and within 48 hours I developed those same damned pimples. They won't go away. Even though i've decreased my flax intake steadily, they refuse to leave.

Though i do suffer from the occasional cyst-like pimple- maybe 3 a year- i have never suffered from acne per se, just basically ingrown hairs from a curly beard. Enter ground flax seed. Just (1) tablespoon daily and 6! of those SOBs in under a week. No way that's coincidence. And they love to linger longer, requiring attention for over 3 weeks now... I wanted to grab fiber, Omega 3s and lignans in one shot, but i dont think my skin or my social life can hack it much longer. I wish i would have known about this potential side effect. If i'd stopped taking it yesterday, my face would still need a few weeks to get back to normal.
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December 9, 2009


Good for you in many ways


NOT GOOD FOR YOUR FACE!! I have had breakouts and it is bothering me. SO, I went on the web to check it out. I have breakouts on my chin, my cheek, and middle of forehead- this one is big & under the skin oil pocket that isn't even poppable. GROS!

I dunno if you want to try it...but I don't ever want to take it again!..The ground seeds seem better than the pills. Gave me pimples...and I usually have great skin. Feel embarrassed! Buy Omega 3,6,9--> works better for me.
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December 6, 2009


Moisturizing benefits?


Worsened acne

Okay, so I already eat a balanced organic diet, replete with oodles of fruit and veggies, very little dairy, meat or alcohol (and all of that organic). I also work out daily and run marathons-- thus, no lack of physical activity. One reviewer stated that there was an initial "toxin removal" process needed to take place before flax oil was effective in combatting acne. Well, I consider myself to be healthier than about 99% of the population (and more toxin-free), and I was intrigued by the possibility of flax's use in reducing inflammation (post-exercise), controlling acne (I suffer from the occasional breakout, despite my lifestyle), and combat aging (I'm 29 and I probably worry about those little lines around my eyes too much). I took flax for 3 weeks consecutively, then again for 2 weeks consecutively again. Both times I stopped due to the increase in breakouts and oil output apparently caused by the flax (as nothing else in my life had changed). Made my skin worse.
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November 28, 2009


regulates bowel movement, more energy


really bad acne breakout

I took flax seed oil capsules to lower my cholesterol and get rid of my pimples. It had immediate results in regulating bowel movement. However, it gave me really bad pimple breakout, especially in parts of my face, where I rarely get pimples. I'm never taking this again.
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October 28, 2009


I've heard a lot of good things about Flaxseed and starting taking it in addition to Red Yeast Rice to help lower my not-to-high cholesterol.


A few years ago I tried the dried flax but broke out with red bumps on my face & body, figured I was allergic.Recently I tried Flaxseed Oil Capsules for past 2 months & again, red pimple like bumps on arms & legs, cystic pimples on chin won't go away

So, I guess Flaxseed is not for me. I really need the Omega 3s but I can't tolerate these under-the-skin pimples that won't surface or go away! Help!! I've tried everything under the sun to clean my face and dried it out in the process -- but maybe now stopping the Flax, hopefully all will clear up. I'll let you know . . .
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