Flaxseed Oil

204 Reviews

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July 9, 2008


Easy (mix 2Tbls with orange juice each morning). Cheap! I buy mine pre-ground in the baking aisle of my local Whole Foods--a large bag is $3-4. Also promotes bowel regularity and cardiac health.


I think the lignans in the flaxseed oil may have dysregulated my menstrual cycle one month (longer menstruation than usual), but have not had a repeat occurrence.

Worth a try for acne and definitely worth using for its cardiovascular benefits (lower blood pressure, etc.).
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June 26, 2008


It works - for hormonally linked acne. It's cheap.


The taste is not the greatest.

I'm a 30 year old female who has unsuccessfully tried many internal and topical acne treatments (you name it, I've tried it). My skin broke out after coming off being on Diane 35 for fifteen years, so you can imagine my trauma of going from flawless skin for so long to cystic acne for the past eight months. Flaxseed oil (1TBS/day) is the only thing that has worked for me. Within 3 days I realized I was having no new breakouts and after two weeks my face is almost clear - and drastically, noticeably different - a great self esteem boost!
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June 8, 2008


It's a beautiful thing...I started taking this because I thought it would be healthy for my heart...little did i know it was going to clear up my acne like it did...my face is as smooth as a baby's bottom and it's never ever ever!!! been like this.


There really is none for me..honestly!

This product is cheap and effective! I wouldn't say it's the cure for acne because my acne wasn't that bad but it get's rid of even the tiniest pimples that you're so used to and don't see anymore. With that, it gives you a more youthful, flawless appearance. I use the pills from the Spring Valley brand; they sell at WalFart!
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May 20, 2008


No more acne!!! Seemed to help with my dry eyes a bit as well.



I am a twenty-eight year old female that has suffered from chronic, persistent acne since I was a teenager. I had tried numerous solutions (including two separate four month rounds of Accutane) all of which failed. I have also done an alternating series of six microdermabrasion treatments and six salicylic acid peels. These didn't help either. For me, acne only really occurred as a cluster of deep whiteheads on my cheeks resulting in a very bumpy texture. They were rarely inflammed. Sometimes these whiteheads (usually after picking and yes, I know I'm not supposed to but pushing the thick, white blockage out was the only thing that seemed to help) would turn nodular or cystic resulting in fortunately, only fairly mild scarring, but they always came back. I have been using three 1000mg gel tabs (two in the morning one at night) of flax oil per day for a few weeks and the all the bumps on my cheeks, even the deep ones are gone. I'm not saying this will work for everyone but it worked me
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April 14, 2008


Miraculously fast results,using 2 TBSP. ground flaxseed a day (instead of oil), my horrible face acne cleared up within a week. It remains clear; scars are fading. Smooth skin, no dryness or redness!


None; be creative with what you mix it with; try to never miss a day.

haven't used the oil, but ground flaxseed mixed in oatmeal, yogurt, applesauce, spaghetti sauce, soup, pancakes or whatever has been my miracle cure. I was also using Herpanacine, vitamins, and Proactiv, but never saw any results until I added ground flax. Then within 7 days the out-of-control acne was gone! I am a teenager and do not want to be without my flaxseed now.
April 14, 2008


It completely got rid of my acne. I use the seeds which you need to grind up but they seem to be the most effective.


Sorry I have to say this but the seeds make you poop like crazy. But its worth it.

I started taking flaxseed for my general health and noticed a decrease in my acne. It has helped me lose weight (I wasn't trying but I just noticed) and has so many health benefits. I recommend the ground up seeds because they seem to work the best but if you can't get your hands on those then try the capsules. Even if you don't have acne, you should be taking this. Also for my last eye exam, my horrible vision got a bit better and my doctor asked if I had been taking flaxseed oil because it helps.
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April 11, 2008


I just started taking a couple of weeks ago and have noticed considerable improvement in my skin. I also have carpal tunnel (originally why I decided to give flax a try). It has helped manage the pain, however, I still experience some discomfort.



I'm going to keep using. Hopefully, in time it will help with my inflamation related to Carpal Tunnel. My skin looks fantastic!
April 5, 2008


Great. abosolutly. i started taking flax seed oil capsuls when i started working out heavily again. along with a good multivitamin and salmon oil. my face had been clear for a while and i wanted to see exactily what the flax was doing. Turns outGreat


None. the capsuls are just fine. no rashes or any of the wierd stuff people are saying.

Less acne and a good price. And with so many other health benifits why wouldnt you be taking it?
March 22, 2008


I was taking flax oil mixed in with my daily protein shakes for the health benefits. A few weeks later I noticed my skin looked and felt great. I even recall saying "mom, doesn't my skin look fantastic?!"...But i didn't realize what was causing it..


none. it is VERY good for you.

like i said i didn't realize what was causing it, because i was also taking many other supplements, drinking water and working out a lot. When a job change made it so I couldn't work out anymore, and I stopped taking most of my daily supplements, my acne came back. Just a few days ago i started my protein shakes with Flax oil again and my skin has cleared up. I decided to check online to see if it was a known acne treatment and sure enough!
January 24, 2008


AWESOME. I use 2 tspns. internally follwed by water. Also 3 x's a week externally on my face. Very cheap as well. I get cysts 1 x a month and this stops that and I haven't gotten any new pimples. WOOHOO :) just give it a try.


None so far.

I take the liquid kind, no the capsules and twice a day. I think it is great. give it a try, at the least just use it as a face moisturizer in the evening before bed and wake up to soft, healed skin. :)