Flaxseed Oil

204 Reviews

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July 9, 2009


Flax seeds



Use ground flax for your acne. It does a miracle for me!!! Never a bump again!!! Forget proactive solution, the problem is not outside of your skin it is inside of your body. You have inflamation in your intestines. Fax seeds help heal that.
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May 24, 2009


Cleared my face! Red marks fading slowly, smooth face, no more break outs.



I take 2 Flaxseed Oil capsules, 1 morning and 1 at night with 50 mg of zinc. All I have now are redmarks left after acne. I also had an oily face but when I started using flaxseed it decreased the oiliness. Might help for people with the same condition. I use nature's made organic flax seed oil.
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May 9, 2009


Its great for skin.. and to feel healthy.


Headache+Stuffy stomach when chewed in mouth.

This stuff is Great, Iv used it for about 5 days two capsules twice a day, Its great, i have no Pimples! at all.. and Nice Smooth Skin. And When i used to Run, i would get stitches and puffed. and i hardly do at all and i feel so much healthier and stronger...this is also great for when i go to karate twice a week. i Would FULLY recommend this Stuff.. but it may not be promising to everyone as everyone is different. Good Luck.
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April 10, 2009
Acutane will ruin your liver. research it. It's HORRIBLE for you. Have fun. I guess a ruined liver is better than acne, since acne won't kill you. Wrong. Eat a diet rich in natural raw foods. fruits and vegetables. Lots of juice. The benefits of flax seed oil outweigh those of acutane tremendously. People have been using it for thousands of years for all sorts of ailments. Acne is not the worst thing in the world. Please find a cure that won't do damage to your internal organs.
January 23, 2009


Practically acne free when I stick to ground flaxseed daily. Skin is incredibly smooth and soft.
VERY easy to mix with smoothies (which means you can up your fruit intake as well!).
Many other beneficial properties (anti- cancer, inflammation


Requires a lot of willpower to stick to it everyday.

This review is in regards to GROUND flaxseed. Although oil may contain more omega-3s, only ground flaxseed contains lignans (thought to decrease the risk of breast cancer) and other important nutrients. It is also very easy to mix with smoothies, cereal, breads, etc. I have moderate acne (although I am particularly prone to the cystic type - usually in mild doses). I have never found over the counter acne medications to do anything for me. When I stick to 1 tablespoon ground flaxseed per day, my acne virtually disappears. I find that my skin is very clear and soft. I also notice that I wear much less makeup - indicating that my skin is healthier with a natural "glow'. I attribute flaxseed's success to its ability to reduce inflammation. You MUST continue to take it. Recently I have gotten "lazy" and noticed a return of the cystic type acne. I will be resuming my flaxseed regimen to that I may once again enjoy healthy, natural looking skin.
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January 21, 2009


I like flax seed it gives your body omega fatty acids thats good for skin improvement


umm don't put flax seed oil on your face( think about it)

i had bad acne throughout high school, now that I am 24 my skin has a little damage to it; nothing that a good scrubbing process can not fix; but my skin today never really breaks out. I think that using flaxseed in your diet along with medication, ( i was persribed diffren gel and tetracycline) your skin will improve; do not use harsh treatments, eat healty, exercise and don't smoke (it makes a big difference) then you can see improvement. Treat your skin like you would a babies skin...never pop zits and never fret your skin will improve...best advice see a doctor, get on antibiotics and special creams...its really the only way to fight a extream breakout.
January 3, 2009


Cheap, my skin has more of a glow. My break outs are clearing up, and my scaring is also healing.


The oil tastes pretty bad.

Overall, there isn't a reason that people shouldn't be taking this. There are numerous health benefits, and I know my skin is looking a LOT better since I've been taking it. You have to wait about a week or two to see the effects, though. Also, I would suggest taking the oil over any capsules. Two teaspoons of oil is equal to roughly 12 or so capsules. The oil tastes like crap, but it is well worth it to man up and take it. My skin is looking better now than I can ever remember!
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December 29, 2008


Easy & Natural. My Skin is starting to look great


I guess just dealing with the breakouts in the first two weeks

I really felt like I had tried everything but nothing seemed to work but then i came across flaxseed. I take 2 1000 mg organic flaxseed oil gel tabs in the morning and two at night. The first 2-3 weeks I seemed to break out a little more than normal. Week 4 I added a raw whole food vitamin with probiotics (vitamin code), and a product called candida clear by Now Foods and my face looks pretty darn clear and is starting to heal. You really just have to be consistent with it but it really does work. The flaxseed gel tabs cost me about $7 a month, the vitamins cost me $25 a month, and the candida clear about $10 a month. It might sound like alot but it works and its worth it.
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October 19, 2008


Cheap and it works


Takes a month or so to get used to the taste

I take 2tbls twice a day - organic, cold pressed oil. You need to continue to use it - even though you are likely to break out badly after the first week (I did). I also had a mild breakout at week 2. I kept going and after about 20 days a patch of skin really improved. It's just getting better every day now (I'm about 6 weeks in) and can't believe how soft my skin feels and how clear it is. Friends who haven't seen me face to face in the last 6 weeks just can't believe it when we meet. I have had bad rosacea for about 15 years and have tried everything - IPL, antibiotics, etc. Just give a try - what do you have to lose?
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September 8, 2008


Cleared my skin and gave me a healthy glow - almost tan color. I stumbled on this after reading about the BUDWIG DIET, which is named after a German scientist (9 times nominated for the nobel prize). You must search this more! It's amazing.



I'm reading the Budwig diet which has some major points. 1. You should mix flax oil with cottage cheese until there is no oil. There is a GOOD reason for this which i won't go into here. 2. You need to stop eating all partially hydrogenated oils. Otherwise the flax oil won't work. This is why I think some people are NOT having success or more acne. Read this website for more info - they claim it even cures cancer! No joke - must read: [link edited out]