The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.
June 16, 2010
You might miss buying bp and other acne treatments
you might also miss looking at the red spots on your face but you'll get used to it.
Ive just been using Epsom salts for a little less than a week and the results are amazing! My pimples are pretty much gone! And my acne scars are really hard to see! I can't believe I didn try this sooner I always have Epsom salt in my bathroom!
What I do:
All you need is hot( or warm ) water and Epsom salts.
In a small bowl I pour in about 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt , next add in 1 tablespoon of hot water.
Rub the scrub on your face with wet hands. The extra water will let the salt disslove so It get get into your pores. Once you use up all the salt and water mixture then rinse off your face with Luke warm water then pat dry.
Epsom salt will not dry out your skin. Make sure you don't scrub too hard!
January 13, 2014
I am a believer!!!!
Immediate results
I am an almost 30 year old female who as a teenager did not suffer from acne at all - I actually had clear skin and would often get complimented on my clear complexion! About a year ago I started to get acne.....blackheads....whiteheads....big pimples....little pimples.... It seemed as though anything I did did not help at all....went on the contraceptive pill, bought hundreds of dollars on skin are products and nothing. I was starting to give up hope and was about to try a peroxide based cream (which I was extremely hesitant to do) when I came across a review for Epsom Salts. I thought to myself....what do I have to lose? There were so many positive reviews.... And it just seemed do simple and cheap! After a day, my skin was the clearest it has been in over a year. I could not believe it. I have been using epsom salt morning and night for 3 days now and my blemishes are almost all gone. I had some scarring as well and that is fading each day. I cannot believe it! it amazes me at how simple, cheap and easy it is. All I do is wash my face with cleanser, dissolve about a tablespoon of epsom salt into a cup of warm water and wipe on my face. I let it sit for about 10 mins then wash it off with water and apply moisturiser. THATS IT. I honestly cannot speak highly enough of Epsom salts and the impact it's had on my skin. I only wish I had taken before and after photos. If you suffer from've got to try Epsom Salts!!!!!!
December 9, 2015
I have been so excited the last couple days about epsom salt! I had a baby 3 months ago and immediately right after she was born, I started breaking out. Worse than I have my whole life. I am 30 years old and have had acne since I was 10. I got on Accutane when I was 17 and it cleared it up but like a year after getting off it, I started getting acne again. But not bad, just here and there. I have had 3 kids now but never broke out with my first 2, just during pregnancy and most of it went away after they were born. But the acne I have had lately has been terrible. I got on the birth control pill loestrin fe because my doctor said it would calm my hormones down but it hasn't seemed to help. I have tried Panoxyl and it has helped a little but my skin still felt irritated and hurt. I have acne all around my jawline and around my ear area and some under my jaw, nowhere else, but cyst-like acne that really hurts and wont go away. I tried D.r. Teal's Epsom salt, the ginger clay one 3 days ago and it's all drying out. My skin doesn't even feel the same! I put some in my hand and a couple drops of water and pat it on the area and the cysts shrinked so quickly, like within hours. I could feel my face tingling even after I washed the Epsom salt off. I bet my face will be clear very soon. It has worked faster and more effectively than any acne cream or wash I have ever used. It is AMAZING. I think the whole world should know about this stuff.
November 30, 2016
It's like magic
I'm 41 years old and never had bad acne except during my pregnancy (hormonal). About a year ago I started to have regular breakouts that would leave dark spots in my face. The pimples were cystlike never really coming to a head and lingering for weeks regardless of what I did in my attempts to get rid of them.
Three months ago our city experienced a historic flood. My husband and I were trapped for 12 hours before being rescued. The severity of my acne has been horrific since then, waking up to multiple new pimples daily. The flood water was disgusting and toxic. I assumed the acne was resulting from my medication, hormones, stress and possible exposure to floodwater. I read that a lot of people experience bad skin reactions from the drug adderall, which I have been taking for a year. I've even had facials with blackhead extractions. When running my fingers across my skin I could feel fine bumps under my skin. These were clogged pores just waiting to turn into the monstrous painful cyst that I've been experiencing. I thought about getting off of my medicine until I found this forum. Since trying the epsom salt my acne has cleared up within 48 hours tremendously! All of my cystlike pimples are almost nonexistent! No new breakouts and the dark spots are already much lighter. I'm praying that the results don't change and I've found a simple cure for my breakouts without having to take another drug or discontinue the use of my current ones.
Having acne sucks! I love to wear makeup but when there are lumps and bumps under your skin it feels pointless. It's embarrassing since I've always been complimented on how pretty my skin is. I wear makeup to compliment not cover. I've never had to wear makeup to hide my skin. Epsom salt has been magic for my acne.
Twice a day I take a a tablespoon full and put in the palm of my hand mixing with a few drops of warm water. The. I massage it into my face and neck, leaving it on for a 10 min. Rinse with warm water and pat dry. Sometimes it stings a bit but it does not dry my skin out. Today I'm going to wear makeup and see how that goes. I'm so excited.
May 5, 2013
For me, epsom salts are a straight up miracle for acne. I have struggled with acne since I was 8 years old, and I am now 17. That's almost 10 years and I'm not even an adult yet! I've been on Accutane, Duad, Bactrim, Proactive, clearasil, Murad, and probably 50+ other topical treatments/antibiotics that did not work. I've had terrible cystic acne, and my face has caused me distress, embarrassment, and severe self-esteem issues. Although in the last couple of years my acne has calmed down a little bit, it's still been very present, and I am so done dealing with it. SO I decided to finally go with my intuition, instead of the mindless prescription writing of dermatologists, which evidently got me nowhere. I noticed that every time I went to the ocean, my skin would clear up immediately, so I decided to research if seawater helped clear up acne. I stumbled across many articles which hinted to "yes"! The articles also said that epsom salt was a perfectly good substitution, and thus the journey began. I simply pour some epsom salt in a dish, followed by warm water, then I dip a cotton swab in, gently swipe it across my face, and WALA that's it. If it's nighttime I let the salt soak into my skin, and if it's day time I gently rinse it off. That's literally all that I do, and after 2 weeks my acne is almost nonexistent, and my scars are fading. Magic!
September 13, 2016
I've had acne all my life, however over the years it has changed drastically. In high school I had very mild acne, mostly blocked pores. When I went into my freshman year of college, I started breaking out dramatically where I started wearing foundation just to hide the marks. I tried everything the dermatologist gave me, aczone, sulfur washes, proactiv, x out. I was using exposed skincare for a while and my acne got slightly better during that treatment, but not fully. At that point I was getting cystic acne, it was painful, large and hormonal (mostly around my mouth and chin). After I graduated I saw the dermo again and he prescribed oracea (doxycyclen 40mg) which did WONDERS for my skin. It was so clear for the first time in a very long time. After about a year it stopped working and my cystic acne came back with a vengeance. I looked all over the web trying to find acne cures, finally went to my dermo and got epiduo which I havent seen much of a progress with. I needed a quick fix so I found the reviews for epsom salt and decided to try it. After 1 week of using it, my skin is looking AMAZING! Ive never seen such fast results with a topical treatment. All my cysts have dried up and come to white heads (but not huge white heads like the ones I was getting). All I do is mix the epsom salt with warm water, plop it on my face and let it sit over night. It's been such a miracle. I suggest you all try it before taking any prescriptions from the dermo, half their sh*t doesnt even work. ENJOY!
May 13, 2015
I had an EXTREMELY bad, horrible breakout. It was ALL OVER my forehead and chin. I tried apple cider vinegar, but it ended up making the problem even worse. My parent's had big giant bags of Epsom salt to use in baths to calm their muscles after their workouts. I knew that Epsom salt detoxified and cleared back acne. So I looked up on using it for my face.
I do this-
1-2 times a week I exfoliate with the salt
Every other day I dissolve the salt into water, spread into my face, and let dry.
Then I dissolved the salt in water, then mixed the salt water with my Clean & Clear morning burst cleaner. I use that 2 times a day.
Also, I ice my face down every day.
I've done that for maybe 4 weeks, and my skin is almost perfect! I just have one TINY TINY blemish that is almost gone, then a little bit of scarring.
December 24, 2013
A quick fix that actually fixes
reduces inflammation
reduces redness
tastes funny if it ends up in your mouth (?)
About epsom salts: I was nursing a mega breakout right before Christmas due to eating party food and drinking Margaritas. It's the holidays, so it's hard to stay on a gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar free diet with so much delicious stuff all over the place to eat!
Anyway, I was totally bummed that I would be stuck with these four huge zits for the entirety of the holidays... these were deep and the kind that hurt, so I was certain they'd last a week. In desperation, I soaked my entire body in epsom salt like I normally do, but also put a hot washcloth soaked in the stuff on my face, refreshing it with more whenever it cooled. I probably stayed in the tub doing this for 30 minutes, and my zits were SIGNIFICANTLY reduced in size, swelling, and redness. Thrilled, I covered them overnight with a retinol (Philosophy - Help Me) and a paste made from epsom salts and the next evening in the shower they PEELED OFF and were GONE. The spots where they were are still a bit pink, but they are GONE GONE GONE and my face does not hurt anymore.
On diet: I should note that I COMPLETELY stopped eating sugar, dairy, and drinking alcohol except red wine after I broke out, so I would not get any new zits. I think diet is the #1 way to prevent acne from occurring, and if you're breaking out like there's no tomorrow you should get rid of dairy, empty carbs, sugar, and grain alcohol from your diet. I also recommend omitting gluten and grains for a trial period to see if you have any sensitivities to that, as well. I can eat small amounts of grains, but more makes me break out as I am VERY carb sensitive. It's best for me to just pretend that I can't eat grains at all, even though it's a sensitivity to insulin spikes rather than an allergy to a specific thing that causes breakouts for me. I can't stress enough that cow's milk needs to be gone from your diet, either. That stuff is like a breakout in a jug for me, and I'm surely not the only one.
Conclusion: epsom salts are AMAZING for dealing with a breakout you already have, but if you are having breakouts that you can't control, you should look at cutting excess carbs and dairy from your diet.
November 25, 2015
After 26 years .... Clear!
My acne started when I turned 11. I am now 38. Nothing has helped for me too have clear beautiful skin like both my sisters. A year ago I began applying a palmful of Epsom salts mixed with a few drops of water, enough to just wet it, directly to my affected areas and then leaving it to dry, about ten minutes. Rinse it off and go on with my day. Then repeat before bed. At first I broke out horribly. However I decided it was just the salts purging my skin and continued to do this fingers crossed. After the initial purge, about one week, I noticed I wasn't getting any new cysts or whiteheads. Then I began to notice that my blocked comedones were disappearing. My skin had never been so clear. So I decided to start an all natural routine. I now wash with the Epsom salts the same way however after washing I now spray on a mixture of 1/3 Organic ACV with 2/3 Distilled water and 10-12 drops Organic Tea Tree oil. Then apply jojoba oil all over for moisture and on the odd much much smaller little pimple I may get during my menstrual period I just put a drop of tea tree oil on it directly. And it seems to disappear over night. Once weekly I mix up a mask of Benzonite Clay with ACV, Lemon juice, and tea tree oil which I leave on my face for an hour and rinse off and continue with the rest of my routine. I know have beautiful acne free skin!
Know begins my battle with scars, large pores and pitted skin. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
February 1, 2011
Reduces overall redness of skin
Prevents pimples and blackheads from forming
Makes skin feel clean and fresh
Very cheap
Easy to use
Stings if you get in eyes
Tastes pretty bad if you get in mouth
Started using about three weeks ago. Most of my pimples cleared up within a week and my acne scars lightened.
First I wash my face with purpose bar soap and rinse
Then take about a tablespoon of epsom salt and scrub my face using my fingertips concentrating more on my problem areas
I pat/air dry and follow with cetaphil moisturizer just around eyes, upper lip, nose and chin where I get dry.
I then apply Burts Bees spot treatment oil with a cotton swab to my problem areas
I do this regimen morning and night.
I stopped using the epsom salt about a week ago because I thought that maybe it wasn't the part of my regimen that was helping but after a few days I noticed little bumps/blackheads forming on my forehead and the overall red appearence of my forehead returned.
I'm back to scrubbing with the epsom salt every day and my skin is starting to clear up again.
I definately recommend this as well as the purpose bar soap and burts bees spot treatment. Anything with willowbark extract(such as the BB spot treatment) has always been really good on my acne.
-makes skin soft
- drains toxins from your body ( like heavey metals)
-easy and cheap to use
-fast and effective