No milk/No Dairy : Dairy Free Diet

86 Reviews

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December 23, 2013
After 10yrs of acne I'm finally clear


Hormonal acne cleared
Less bloating and gas
Cut a lot of fat from diet


Strict diet restrictions

I'm a 20yr old female and I have moderate but constant acne for 10yrs on my cheeks and jawline. Even on birth control and androgen blockers I still had a zit or two. Until I cut dairy completely from my diet 5 months ago and replaced it with soy did I have perfect skin with no break outs. I chose soy milk as a replacement because it's high in estrogen but have not tried other types of milk. I'm positive it's the dairy to because I'm writing this review with three inflamed pimples after drinking rum cream the other night for the first time in months. Cutting diary completely can be hard. You must keep in mind what the ingredients of everything is you eat and how it is prepared. It took several mistakes like biscuits, mashed potatoes, anything with butter, and soup bases before I learned ingredients of what I was eating. If you have hormonal acne please cut dairy from your diet.
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February 6, 2013


-It helps hormonal.
-Lots of yummy alternatives (soy, almond, and coconut milk)
-Makes your body feel better in general.
-I can still have very small amounts of dairy without my face exploding.


-Takes about 1-2 months to see results (but it's so worth it!)
-No cheese (wah)

I've had bad acne for 10 yrs now. Last winter it flared up even worse than before around my jaw/neck/chin. I was skeptical of doing the dairy, but I tried it for a week. I didn't notice a difference, but then I was desperate and tried it again and it worked WONDERS. When I cave and have some dairy, my skin flares up in a couple of weeks, and then goes back down again, proving that it is definitely related to dairy! My skin still isn't perfect, but this definitely helps manage my hormonal acne!
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January 23, 2013


Clears skin



I had no idea what dairy was doing to my body until I tried giving it up myself and did some research on it. I had some moderate acne on my face, neck, and chest. From what i gather my issue was from hormonal imbalances and cutting out dairy helped cleared my face among other issues i had going on with my body. At times when i do indulge in some sort of dairy product rest assured there will be a pimple somewhere coming up. i can almost name it by what food it was that made it appear.
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November 11, 2012


No more cystic acne whatsoever


Can be very difficult to stick to

I have been on a dairy free diet for about 6 months, 2 months in I COMPLETELY stopped getting any cystic acne and I have honestly not had a single cystic pimple since, I do still get surface acne but much much less frequently I understand this may not work for everybody and must admit it was very hard at first to exclude dairy from my diet but I have had amazing results and recommend anyone to at least give it a go An animals milk is meant for its offspring, it contains hormones and sometimes other things added by milking companies such as steriods and antibiotics that we should not be ingesting Do your best to eat what we are meant to be eating, theres nothing to loose, you'll see improvements all round not just in your skin dont treat your body like a trashcan!
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September 20, 2012


No more inflamed acne


I love cheese and cereal

Ok , removed all dairy for about two months, results were a m a z i n g , not ONE new inflamed pimple after 2 months , I am beyond happy. Yes this was my answer and cure but your acne could be caused by something different , but it does not hurt to try it and hope for the best. I am currently clear and have been since dairy removal. I had at the time mainly chin and jawline acne about 3-5 large red pimples at a time....but no more:)
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September 10, 2012


Acne clears up significantly


Have to find alternate source of protein
Difficult to avoid dairy altogther

As strongly as all doctors disagree with me, I lived with acne all my life and know for a fact that I always breakout whenever I have dairy products. I'm also lactose-intolerant. Never fails. Everytime I stay away from dairy food, my face clears up. When I have a glass of milk, a huge tub of yogurt, caesar salad dressing instead of italian/french and even cheese, zits will appear, out of nowhere, for no good reasons. This happens ALL the time. I leave at least 2-3 months in between trials and nothing else explains it. Plus I become more flatulent and sometimes, have a slight indigestion. I don't really care what dermatologists or doctors say when I tell them I can't have milk because of acne, I know it doesn't work for me. I don't completely stay away but I take it real easy on it. Now, dairy products, I'm going at one serving per fortnight, very little. Note: I'm acne-free now. I have the occasional zit every 3 weeks or so from stress or lack of sleep (and dairy food) but I had very severe acne a year ago. My face cleared up and staying away from dairy product helps.
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June 28, 2012


Acne is rapidly clearing, topical regimes are working better. Milk and dairy products are easily replaced (I've been using almond milk in my coffee and oatmeal). Yogurt doesn't seem to break me out (possibly because of the probiotics?) so I continue to eat it on an ongoing basis, but I try to eat miso and take probiotic supplements for a happy gut because I want to avoid dairy as much as possible. Overall, I feel healthier and my skin is looking drastically better.


I sort of miss dairy cheese (but not enough to pay for the consequences of eating it). There are milk products in ALOT of things, making them difficult to avoid. People might think you're nuts if you tell them you are avoiding dairy because of acne, so I've been telling people that it makes me stomach sick (which, isn't far from the truth) and that seems satisfactory for people who may not understand where we're coming from.

This is the best thing I have ever done for my skin and body. I embarked on this a few times, each time my skin cleared up significantly, but then I would be coaxed into drinking a latte or eating mac'n cheese or cheesecake and my face would break out within 3 days all around my chin and lips, then it would start crawling up my cheeks.. ugh... it was terrible. Because I would have these new breakouts and then all the healing ones from the month before clustered around in a gigantic red mess on my face. I've been having the acne that never totally clears so I concluded that this must be a dietary issue. I was right. If you have chronic cysts and acne breakouts everywhere, particularly on your chin, try dairy free. *make sure if you are changing your diet like this, that you replace it with something so you don't feel deprived, you're getting nutrition, and you don't wind up with something similar to an eating disorder. If you are a vegetarian embarking on this, try eating more legumes for your source of protein, or quinoa. The biggest hurdle will be sharing your dietary change with family and friends. I was a vegetarian for around 6 years and was given much criticism. So, I expected the same with this, but thankfully, it has not been too bad... but people keep bringing up dairy to me (Oh, do you need milk? Let me give you this poutine covered in cheese..etc.). It seems like cow's dairy is so engraved in our culture here in the western world that many cannot imagine a world without it. Well, let me tell you, that not partaking is definitely possible, and you might just feel and look better because of it.
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May 17, 2016
I hate how many people have given me sh*t for quitting dairy. People are so quit to criticise people for their own personal dietary choices and I can't for the life of me understand why. Especially when 90% of the time the dietary choices people make are either better for the person's health or for the environment/welfare of animals.
August 27, 2011


-It help in reducing acne.
-There are supplements for diary.
-Free (and come on free is always good :^), right?)


Cheese is so delicious! I miss foods like quesadillas, fettucini with Alfredo sauce (YUM!)... =/

As the person below already touched on, dairy can cause hormonal imbalance, therefore theoretically lead to acne. I've noticed that cheese specifically tends to break me out significantly (this could possibly be a result of it being being heavily processed). However, drinking milk and consuming various other similar diary products, FROM TIME TO TIME (note: not everyday!), doesn't produce horrendous acne break-outs (at least not for me); a quesadilla on the other hand... Uh uh, tisk squared.ISo, bottom line it works, you should try it. I kept a food journal for about a month, listing absolutely everything I consumed, and what do you know, I found a trend: CHEESE WAS THE BAD BOY. Anyway, I'd recommend doing the same to notice what food you're personally sensitive to.
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August 14, 2011


helps keep my skin clear


ice cream tastes really good

For me, this is SUPER important in addition to not eating empty/refined carbs or sugar, taking probiotic and vitamin supplements, and keeping a good topical routine. Without a doubt dairy can cause acne, and everyone who struggles with it should consider eliminating it from their diet and seeing if it helps them.
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August 11, 2011


Acne is often caused by hormonal imabalance. Stress and hormones in dairy often overload our natural hormones...

which is why many doctors prescribe The Pill as an acne cure.

Instead of meds, cut dairy for a few months and you'll notice all breakouts and redness disappear. Apart from the scars, I have completely clear skin:) It's easy to find non-milk alternatives.

Now that I'm on top of my acne, I eat dairy occasionally, and break out every time I do


None - I'd rather have clear skin than eat cheese

HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!! Please try if, like me, you had given up hope.
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