No milk/No Dairy : Dairy Free Diet

86 Reviews

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July 26, 2015
Reducing my dairy intake changed my skin
I used to drink a LOT of chai lattes, cappuccinos, etc. I also used to get a huge, cystic pimple on my chin about once every month. They were so severe and inflamed that they left red indent marks on my skin. It was very frustrating because once one cleared up, another appeared. Even though I typically only had one cystic pimple at a time, they made me very self conscious as they were so huge. It was especially difficult at work where I had to interact face to face with coworkers and clients everyday. At the time I thought my birth control pill was causing acne, but then I read about the milk free diet. I didn't eliminate dairy from my diet (I don't eat much dairy to begin with), but rather I significantly cut down on my milky drinks. Low and behold, I didn't get acne anymore. Now I also use an oil free moisturizer, and I slather an acne gel all over my chin at night. I miss my drinks, but I much prefer having clear skin. Before resorting to medication to clear acne, I highly suggest reducing your dairy intake or eliminating dairy first.
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July 25, 2015
Dairy free is the miracle cure
i have struggled with adult acne since I was 18. For seven years I tried high end acne products and topical and oral prescription acne medication. While some products cleared up my cystic acne some what I continued to consistently break out especially around my mouth, chin, and jawline. Finally I discovered that dairy may be causing the issue. By cutting it out entirely my skin has completely cleared. Not only is my face now radiant but my skin on my whole body is softer and my kp has disappeared.
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June 4, 2015
For about three long years I had suffered acne. We're talking seven or eight on the chin - if you're lucky, five would be cystic - and about six or seven buggers on the forehead. Every. Single. Day. It crushed my confidence and I'm going to be honest, ruined my social life. I'd even avoid talking with my boyfriend and refused to kiss him because I was so uncomfortable with myself! Let me also point out that for these three years I was consuming a fairly large amount of dairy each day. I would have a latte each day, about a cup of yoghurt with my muesli each morning and stacks of cheese with my biscuits for 'happy hour'. Over the three years I have tried so many products - from the products on the supermarket shelves like Clearasil and Neutrogena, to Proactiv and the ever expensive Arbonne range. None of the above reduced my problem at all! Then I set off to University, and by accident, cut out milk and opted to Soy purely because I thought milk made me bloat. I also cut out yoghurt purely because, well, Uni budget! And mum wasn't around for the cheese influence. Then, almost immediately, my acne had disappeared! Not joking, no new pimples would greet me in the morning! All I was left with (and still am) are the awful scars, but I think they stand as a reminder of how far I've come! I'm so, so happy with my discovery, it's really helped my confidence rebuild and now I don't feel like such a terrible girlfriend! Obviously this won't work for everyone, as there are so many different reasons people develop acne. But I assure you, there is no harm in giving it a try. I certainly think it's the best thing that has happened to me so far in my life, because it's honestly improved it that much. Xx
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May 28, 2015
I have suffered from awful cystic normal acne across my chin, jaw and neck for a couple of years; and I have tried everything. My next step was the dreaded accutane. I saw a few articles about how people had saw miraculous results from cutting out dairy in their diet; no milk, no cheese no sour cream :( I tried this as I had run out of options, and cut out everything with dairy in it. Within two days my skin was clear; and is still clear a week later, which for me, is a miracle as I am so used to waking up with new cysts. If you suffer from hormonal acne, give this a go.
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March 17, 2015
A change in diet could save your skin!
I'm 16 years old and have suffered from acne for about 3 years. Everyday I would have a new cystic pimple, maybe even two a day. My acne was so inflamed and sore and I just put it down to hormones and being a teen. I went on the mini and the full pill, both with no effect on my skin whatsoever. I then saw a Chinese face mapping chart. I discovered that the regions where I was constantly getting acne linked to intestines and food allergies. So I googled this- dairy and gluten seemingly the main culprits. I then avoided milk, drinking almond milk instead. This alone led to a huge improvement after a few weeks. I noticed I wasn't waking up with painful acne everyday, only getting them occasionally. I then cut down on other types of dairy- yoghurt, choc, cheese(which is hard to avoid!). The reason so many people get acne from dairy is because if you are lactose intolerant, your body can't process it. This leads to a toxin build up from your intestines, showing as acne (and other symptoms such as gassiness, sore stomach etc.) I would say definitely try to cut out certain food groups, a food diary is helpful for this. After a few months of no dairy, have dairy again and see if you get a pimple. That was my way I seeing that it was really dairy after all. Although it sucks because I love dairy so much, less pain and insecurity everyday is worth it! :)
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March 9, 2015
A dairy free lifestyle works great for my acne
I realized about 2 1/2 years ago that dairy was the culprit of my skin problems. Before I realized this and before I stopped dairy, I had an array of acne on my face, along my jaw line and neck. This was the worse of all kinds of acne, it was the huge, boil like, cyst like acne. I tried everything under the sun. I used prescription grade creams and antibiotics, nothing worked. To make a long story shorter, when I realized it was acne, I got clear, healthy looking skin. It's one of the hardest things i've had to do in my entire life, including give child birth 2ce with no drugs. I do cheat once in a while, and trust me, i notice and so does my fiance. Literally in a matter of hours, and for the next 3 days, my skin becomes inflamed, and i get a few cyct like pimples. They are not the gynormous size that i used to get when i regularly consumed dairy, but still, they are enough to know that I can not eat dairy, not a little, not a smidge, unless i'm ready to battle some acne for the next 2 weeks to a month. Because once my acne flares up, it takes that long to go away. Now i have tried to eat almond milk, in place of cows milk, but nothing is the same, i'm not going to lie to you. you'll never find cheese that will replace real cow's milk cheese. It's so cruel that i can't have cheese. No pizza, no parmasian cheese on my pasta, no chicken broccolli alfredo, no home made mac and cheese, not even kraft boxed mac and cheese, no cream in my coffee. Trust me its awful, and I wouldn't wish this on anyone, Ice cream, my favorite all time food, is banned. It's the worst, but you know what, at least my skin is clear, and I have the choice to eat dairy if i'm ready to be in pain for a while. If you want clear skin, and you've tried everything under the sun and nothing has worked, then try going dairy free, yes it's going to be horrible, but it will be worth it, and even after 2 1/2 years of cutting it out of my life, it is still missed each and every day of my life, so be prepared, it will never go away. Sorry. lol, don't mean to get you're hopes down, i'm just preparing you for what is for real. Good luck you guys.
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December 13, 2014
I've always been drinking sweetened milk drinks & chocolades and always had smaller cysts on my cheeks.Now, after 7 months in which i havent tasted milk ive seen huge improvments on my skin.My face is all smooth and has a bit of hyperpigmentation which is going down. I still get a pimple sometimes but definetly not as before. Remember : patience is key
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December 11, 2014
It works but it's not easy
I discovered the link between dairy and my long-running acne (I've had it since I was 12-13 and I'm now 32) by chance when I had horrendous acne while pregnant. I thought it would go away once I'd given birth but it still persisted. My daughter was breastfeeding and was getting significant eczema and I read that she may be reacting to the dairy in my diet going through to her milk. So I stopped dairy for a couple of months and had the best skin of my life. And I've been through Roaccutane, the Pill, numerous antibiotic pills, Vitamin A creams, Benzoyl Peroxide, facials, peels, you name it. It doesn't eliminate the acne completely but reduces it significantly. I still have a more than average oily T zone, which has always been a problem, but definitely less acne. I've found butter is ok but cream and milk are the big no-nos. Considering I love both of those things, and I used to be a massive milk drinker, it does make it very hard to adjust my diet. Every now and then I will cave again (although I've gotten used to drinking soy hot chocolates) and pay the price the next week, which proves to me time and time again that sadly, dairy is just not meant to be for me.
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September 24, 2014
Really amazing
It's been a year since am on dairy free diet & its working. My previously oily T-zone is no more oily. Those nasty pimples shows up whenever i eat dairy food by mistake. Also Stress is one of the contributor I suppose. So stay away from dairy as well as stress. Keep smiling!! :)
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August 8, 2014
no milk helps acne but doesn't clear all the way
Reducing dairy and milk helped reduce my acne a lot as well as eating a sensible diet with eliminating soda and kool aid while throwing in a some fruits and salads throughout your diet will greatly reduce acne . at least limit intake of dairy products... DRINK LOTS OF WATER
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