Coconut Oil

234 Reviews

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November 2, 2011


Busted a cystic that had been around for a month.


Scary to put oil on zits!

I started ingesting 2 Tbsp of coconut oil in a morning smoothie 2 months ago. My long time troubled cystic skin improved. But I had one cystic that would never go. Only ebb and flow. So irritated, a friend said put coconut oil straight on it. I did, before bed. The next morning I got in the shower. Used the usual cetaphil. Got out, looked in the mirror and it had erupted! It was gushing gross infected looking gunk. I hadn't touched it! I put more oil on it and it felt flat. The next day a big scab layer came off revealing a tiny spot, almost healed! I'm sticking with it!
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October 12, 2011


Heals cystic acne
Disinfects wounds (punctured skin)
Reduces redness
Unclogs pores
Moisturizes skin (noticeable within a week)
Great for minor burns


Irritates the eyes
Can feel a little greasy to touch

I have oily, acne-prone skin and coconut oil works really well, nonetheless. This is my second time trying it. T, I didn't apply it the right way and applied way too much oil so I broke out. I was very skeptical and fearful at first but a little goes a long way. In the morning, I use a facial cotton pad to apply in gentle strokes a thin layer over my skin and leave it alone. I do the same in the evening and that's it. I use homemade organic soap to wash and pat dry with a clean towel. Nothing else goes on (except for SPF sunscreen for those sunny beach days). I used to use tea tree oil for acne spots but now, I don't even have to touch it. Coconut oil does everything my skin needs. Unless you're leaving it overnight, avoid apply the oil around the eyes. It can start to sting very slightly through the day. The acne started to calm down and heal quick. There's less redness and my skin feels very smooth. There's the occasionally purging of whiteheads but the cystic acne completely stopped. The oil does feel a little greasy to touch compared to all other facial lotions and cream but it's 100% natural. You know you're using the right stuff for your skin when your dog wants to lick the oil right off your face. The strong coconut scent can be disconcerting to some but you'll be glad to know that the scent does fade out after an hour or so. Give it time and you'll see good results. You'd want to get extra-virgin or virgin coconut oil, oil that is cold-pressed and unrefined (as a few have mentioned here) and organic. The coconut scent is full-bodied and sweet, almost creamy and earthy. Just to add, I controlled my acne, free from any oral and topical medication with good nutrition, identifying my food intolerance, staying hydrated all day and with coconut oil. No other combination has worked as well for me. Hope this helps!
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September 26, 2011


Heals scars and active acne quickly
Strengthens Skin

The quick verson of my story: I was on antibiotics for my acne for almost 10 yrs and stopped all medications about a year ago. Since then I've been struggling to find a way to cure (or at least tame) my acne naturally. I just started using raw, unrefined, organic, extra virgin coconut oil. I had tried jojoba oil for about 3 months and really really really wanted it to work for me, but it just didn't. I was scared to try coconut oil b/c I had read that it clogs pores and caused additional break outs in some people. I'm so glad I tried it because I notice a clear difference in my skin. After using it for just two days I noticed that my acne scars were healing very quickly and my skin was softer and smoother. Also, new cysts are less painful and come and go more quickly. I'm still working with my diet and exploring food sensitivity to try to figure out the underline cause of my acne, but the coconut oil is definitely working with my skin and not against it. I would say my skin has moved from moderately severe to moderately light. LOVE IT!!!! How I use it: After washing my face with a mild facial wash, I rub the coconut oil all over my face. I focus on area's that need the most healing and massage my face for about 3-5 mins. Then I steam my face with a hot wash cloth to open up the pores. I used the wash cloth to remove excess oil. I use the wash cloth to steam and remove excess oil 2-3 times. Lastly, I treat active acne with tea tree oil. My face feels clean and moisturized. I do this in the morning and in the evening.
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August 31, 2011


antimicrobial, antioxidant, antifungal, antibacterial, soothing, anti-candida,
great for hair, as a face moisturizer, clears up acne


eye irritant, make sure to buy 100% unrefined virgin coconut oil (not milk, organic recommended but haven't noticed a big difference)

I absolutely LOVE virgin unrefined coconut oil for my skin! I use it as my regular moisturizer after washing my face and applying whatever OTC acne treatment I'm trying at the time. It always leaves my face smooth and happy. Its also great for hair as its the only oil that penetrates the shaft. Also, as shown in this published medical study [link edited out] , Coconut oil is useful in treating candida so if you have that problem, I would definitely recommend it!
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July 16, 2011


Light, great smell, versatile head to toe, inside and out oil!


Can become addictive and expensive if you don't buy in bulk.

I have been using this oil for about a month now. I am 50 and still get adult acne! I bought a jar at my local GNC for 12.50 for 16oz. You start out taking it internally slowly to let your system adjust. I found the best way to do it is to add as liquid to my daily yogurt. If you scoop it out as solid you actually get more than you intend. I take 1 tablespoon 3 x day. As the oil hits the cold yogurt it solidifies and reminds you of the chocolate coating on an ice cream bar. This oil is great for your hair,feet, body and face. After shower I let my pores close then use the oil. A little goes a long way. Give it time to soak in before bed. It has cleared my face and my acne scars are fading as well as my few age lines!! Use it on your feet then wear socks. I now have more energy and feel great. ONLY buy virgin UNREFINED oil. AVOID the cheap LOUANA at Wmart. Cheap price means REFINED which WILL clog pores and arteries! Right now it is summer here and 100 degrees or more and my face is not breaking out. With the right oil applied right you will see results. I just found that NUTIVA can be ordered online at Amazon. If you sign up for auto delivery you get the best price and can adjust delivery or stop anytime! I now have two 54oz jars coming to my house every 3 mo. so I never run out! You will find this oil addictive and necessary to your life. REMEMBER good oil is white and smells of coconut. If not, you have REFINED oil that will clog your skin and arteries!
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July 6, 2011


Reduces inflammation
Moisturises skin
Extreeeemly healthy for you to use in cooking!
Long lasting/A little goes a long way


None beyond the smell, if you don't like the smell of coconut

It's an excellent moisturiser that doubles as an acne helper, and is an awesome cooking oil - however, if you don't like the taste of coconut, use the refined version because it doesn't have the smell or taste of coconut. Coconuts grow in tropical temperatures and therefore are not damaged by being refined with heat; however, I have not tried refined coconut oil on my face, so I can only attest to the use of extra virgin coconut oil (it's what my mom bought, so we won't be getting more until it runs nout). However, I do know of many people who had refined coconut oil work for them. Please note that you should be using PURE coconut oil; it SHOULD NOT BE MIXED WITH OTHER INGREDIENTS UNLESS YOU KNOW THE OTHER INGREDIENTS DON'T CAUSE ADVERSE REACTIONS ON YOUR SKIN!! I swear that this is why another reviewer claimed that it was the coconut oil that harmed their face - they never thought about (nor mentioned in their review) what other ingredients were in the coconut oil that might have caused the reaction!
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June 30, 2011


- Your skin will glow the next morning
- A little goes a long way; dont overdo it
- Place over popped pimple and it will close it up, remove blemishes, and heal it overnight
- Works better when ingested


- Very oily
- Smelly bedsheets

After repeated trial and error with coconut oil, I must say that ingesting it is the most effective means of curing acne. Applying it on externally only helps heal the scars and control breakouts but eating the stuff actually kills the bacteria within your body that starts the acne. You may not notice a difference at first, or perhaps start breaking out even more but that is just your body detoxing all of the bacteria and pushing it out. Take 5 teaspoons a day and after about a month, you will start to notice improvements. Be patient. It will certainly help improve your diet which will aid in eliminating acne. Ive been consistently eating it daily and my acne is practically gone, not to mention my skin looks incredibly healthy and vibrant.
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May 18, 2011


Baby soft skin, even skin tone, Acne KILLER, MULTI-PURPOSE use, great diluter for other oils that are more potent!


Feels greasy at first, solid at room temperature so a bit difficult to use solid.

I've battled acne for YEARS since I was 14 until recently. I'm now 23 and been using EXTRA VIRGIN COLD PRESSED coconut oil produced by N u t i v a. My very good friend had extreme eczema and it CURED him, and he made me a small batch mixed with tea tree oil. The first week I broke out a little bit more than usual and then everyday I've noticed less and less pimples. I started noticing a dewy healthy glow to my skin. For my skin, it's very boorish and oily, so I use TJ's tea tree oil cleanser, and then I made my own astringent (2 teaspoons of tea tree oil and 18 teaspoons of distilled water) on a cotton ball. I let it dry and then I moisturize with coconut oil. I use coconut oil now to fry and as butter substitute. I use it as an all over moisturizer, use it in my hair also. I love multi-use oils and these two, especially the coconut oil I swear by! I now have a celebrity like skin and it's all thanks to coconut oil & tea tree oil combination. :)
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March 27, 2011


clears redness, pimples, and keeps skin smooth and doesn't dry out skin


NONE unless you don't like the smell of coconut. But who cares if it works.

IMPORTANT! THe coconut oil has to be extra virgin, unrefined, & organic for it to work. It should have a strong coconut smell too. Regular coconut oil will clog pores! Look up the EVU kind and it won't. I love it bc I was trying different oils like avocado, primrose, and jojoba oil and none helped really. My skin was very red compared to my neck and was on a acne free diet that wasn't working for a month! I used the coconut oil and in an hour the redness was gone and my skin look 10 times better:) So I ate whatever I wanted over a weekend mainly bc I was sick and didn't care lol and used the coconut oil and guess what? My skin still stayed balanced. Try the coconut oil if nothing else has worked trust me.
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May 16, 2010


Eliminates acne in it's tracks. Especially the cystic acne.



I started using extra virgin cold pressed coconut oil the last few months and it brings all of your acne to a whitehead which is better than nothing. After a few days, the whitehead is gone and the pimple is dried up. It also helps to moisturize your face and help fade marks. I use it when I come home from work and right before bed and leave it on all night.
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