Clindoxyl : Clindamycin (1%) and Benzoyl Peroxide (5%) Gel

396 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Clindamycin (1%) and Benzoyl Peroxide (5%).

Non-Medicinal ingredients:
Carbomer 940, dimethicone, disodium lauryl sulfosuccinate, edetate disodium, glycerin, hydrated silica, methylparaben, poloxamer, purified water, and sodium hydroxide.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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December 18, 2008


It works better than any OTC regimen out there. It is because of the strength of the benzyl peroxide. No OTC can ever compare, so stop wasting your money and get a prescription.



This really works... stop wasting your money on other products. I never thought I would have clear skin. I would always wear makeup and fear for someone to see me without it, and then wearing make all the time makes your skin worse. After using this product for a month or two my skin is completely clear. I wish I would have known about this product earlier. Now I do not have to wear foundation, my skin is flawless! It's a good look!
November 19, 2008


-Worked unbelievably quick, cleared up acne substantially, easy to apply, affordable (with health plan), not overdrying (for me), no initial breakout (again, for me).


Comes in a pretty small tube, but you apply it sparingly anyways so no big deal really. Does have a 4 month expiry date, which is kind of short i suppose (and probably explains the small size of the tube).

After having relatively clear skin for the first 20 years of my life, i suddenly broke out about a year ago, primarily on my forehead and back. Initially i tried your basic Neutrogena SA wash with little success. I then moved on to other brands (still using SA), added exfoliants, gentle cleansers, fish oil, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, you name it. I even drastically cut my dairy intake (instead drinking soy milk) and stopped taking supplements (for weightlifting), multivitamins, etc. I should also mention that i tried a BP cleanser for approximately one month with little success. Fed up, i finally went to see a Dr. (not a derm, my city has none). He took one look at me and prescribed me Clindoxyl and tretracyline (oral antibiotic). My skin started clearing up after 3 days and is now probably 90% improved after only 1 week. I cleanse with teraseptic (which is pretty harsh, fyi) twice a day then apply clindoxyl, that and taking the tetracyline twice a day as well.
November 11, 2008


- clears up acne fast
- helps prevent acne from forming


- dries up skin
- skin peeling
- inching, might experience purging with lots of white heads when first used

give this a try anyways, it worked wonders for me after the purging period. It's the most effective treatment I have used so far.
November 7, 2008


Excellent product. I have been using it for about 2.5 years now and my skin is clear, just a few blemishes with stress and pms. As long as I apply it regularly, all is well.


The bleach DOES ruin towels and pillow cases, so make sure your face towel is one you don't mind having bleach stains all over it.

Strongly recommended!! Saved my face.
October 28, 2008


Works quickly (saw results within 3-5 days after first application), gets rid of infection in most pimples within 2-3 days, evens out complexion nicely! Love the clear application also.


Dries out the skin a little too much at times. Other than that, I have no complaints.

Get this product! It works super well!!
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October 14, 2008


clears up skin relatively fast, no burning sensations or dry skin unlike other topical acne medications, evens out skin complexion, reduces excess sebum, also gets rid of scars


i find it a little bit inconvenient that i have to wash it off

Ever since I started getting acne 5 years ago, I have basically tried every acne medication available. Including acutane, which actually left me with permanent liver damage, SWEET. However back to the point, clindoxyl is the best of all acne medications that I have used. It has never failed me, and my skin has never been in a better condition than it currently is.
October 1, 2008


Cleared up acne on my face instantly. It is clear (and not a white cream) so you can apply it in the morning as well as at night time. I've only used it twice so far and I already see a huge difference.


It can be pricey is you don't have health insurance. Original price was about $55.00.

I would highly reccommend this product. I have tried endlessly to get rid of my acne (on my face) and it just kept coming up. This product is quick and effective.
September 22, 2008


It cleared up the fresh breakout pretty quickly and over a few weeks got rid of some older marks. My skin gets less oily during the day now too!


My skin can look quite red some days but it's nothing that a little powder can't fix.

My skin still isn't perfect but it is a lot easier to manage and to make it look good. I have to use less makeup now and my skin feels cleaner all day. Get it!
September 19, 2008


Clears skin up fast.


Dyes fabric.

I use this product only at night before bed. I don't use any other acne cleansers. I just wash my face with warm water. Before I apply my make-up I use Aveeno mosturizer for acne prone skin. I also use clinique make-up for acne prone skin. It is all oil free and works great.
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September 8, 2008


umm..clear skin! and it even reduced old scarring?? i didnt know it was supposed to do that..but it did!


I have to remember to use ugly pillow It bleaches fabric.

Get it.