Duac : Clindamycin (1.2%) and Benzoyl Peroxide (5%) Gel

1815 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Clindamycin Phosphate (1.2%) and Benzoyl Peroxide (5%).

Inactive Ingredients:
Carbomer 980, dimethicone 100, disodium lauryl sulfosuccinate, disodium edetate, glycerol, silicon dioxide, poloxamer, purified water, sodium hydroxide.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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August 13, 2009


got rid of my pimples


requires consistent use ( every night)

this product worksbut is expensive without insurance
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August 9, 2009


i had light acne on my forehead and withing the next day it was all gone for the most part.


can occasionally dry the skin out and make it flaky

it is a really great product. but it can be expensive with my insurance it was still 78 dollars
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August 6, 2009


This stuff is amazing. I'd never had acne before in my life but suddenly.. crazy breakouts all over my cheeks when I turned 19. I tried everything... this combined with antibiotics actually works! And works really fast.


Drys up skin a bit.. I guess. And can make you sort of red but that doesn't last long.. it's definitely worth it.

Get on this stuff. It actually works!
August 6, 2009


Worked beautifly.


Stopped working.

I have been using this for a couple of years. For the first year, it cleared up my skin so well. I have very oily skin also, and it seemed to have helped that too. After a while though, it stopped working. I started breaking out (my problem is mainly whiteheads with the occasional pimple). My skin became very oily again and I'm so upset because now I have to find something else! UGH!
August 5, 2009


Im finding this cream/gel really effective for papules and pustles because it flattens them overnight. Ive only recently started to use this and my skin has started to darken due to the BP but my pimples are vanishing really quickly.


Its super expensive!!! Normal Benoykl Peroxide 5% costs about $13 dollars,and this costed me $35 AUS dollars!!! ARGHGHHGH

No side effects, no peeling whatsoever, made my face a little bit oily actually but a toner should un-oil it :) It does the trick for me, and i'll continue to use this. Unlike other lucky people it didnt help my scar (i onnly have one major one and its quite deep!) Its a great product but just a little bit expensive.
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July 31, 2009


clears acne if used consistently.
Made my skin a little less bumpy
a little goes a long way


A bit drying

I have used this for a year and i think its okay. I still have acne and im not clear but im to scared to switch to anything else so i will stay with it.
July 29, 2009


clears up all the acne within a month, small pimples come back but they leave within 2 days. its the only thing has actually owrked for me


the acne will come back after 2 months of going without the product. so continual use is a must.

depending on the person it works, for me it is worth the money, only needs to be applied twice a day and that is about it, wash face before going to sleep before applying benzaclin at night.In the end this product works very well.
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July 29, 2009


strong medication that seems to clear pimples up pretty fast. i have been on duac for 1 week now and i am starting to see a difference. put it all over infected areas every night before bed.


the first few days of using, my face was red in the morning as if i had a sunburn. (not bad at all, actually didn't look bad). and im still getting little pimples here and there, but not as bad-think it is still too early to tell how well its working

so far i am seeing a difference in my overall complexion. my skin has more of a glow and color to it. however i am still getting little pimples here and there but again, have only been on it for a week. it is definitely strong and works fast on my pimples.. if i feel one coming i will apply extra to that area and it seems to clear it up a lot faster.
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July 26, 2009


It seems to have worked. Inexpensive with insurance. Though I only use it nightly


drying, also may be becase of stress or my period but I still get a few every now and then. I'm also starting to get close to my expiry date. Here's hoping for the best!

Seems awesome enough (knock on wood) I use right now, LUSH products...to clean and moisturize,which haven't really helped, I think a good cleanser etc may be key...diet too perhaps?
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July 25, 2009


Works pretty good if you use it twice a day.


Dry skin, flaky skin

Use it if you have bad acne