Duac : Clindamycin (1.2%) and Benzoyl Peroxide (5%) Gel

1815 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Clindamycin Phosphate (1.2%) and Benzoyl Peroxide (5%).

Inactive Ingredients:
Carbomer 980, dimethicone 100, disodium lauryl sulfosuccinate, disodium edetate, glycerol, silicon dioxide, poloxamer, purified water, sodium hydroxide.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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June 25, 2012


- Completely clear skin
- Tube lasts for 1 and half months
- Dries quickly


- Dries out skin a little

Before I used Duac, I used to buy new products every week, none of which helped at all. I was frustrated and just wanted to find something that worked. My acne seemed to be getting worse and not better! So then I tried Duac. After the first 2 weeks I started to see a big improvement, and by 3 weeks, my skin was perfect! I used to be very insecure about my skin. My acne was really bad, but I never felt good when I had spots. Now my skin is totally clear and has been for a whole year now... It's such a relief to finally find a product that works! I highly recommend Duac. I wash my face (with a facial wash by La Roche Posay) before I go to bed, then I apply Duac. It only takes a minute and dries quickly. Then I wash it off the next morning.
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June 16, 2012


Cleared me up nicely
Can be used under make-up now
A little goes a long way


Messed up my face the first 2 months
- dry
- redness
- flaky
- a little sore even

Touch wood, this product has worked wonders for me and I could not give it higher praise. My acne went from SO SEVERE to 99% clear over 6 months and I hope to stop using it in the coming months and see how I go without it. Of course,, with the good come the bad and the first 2 months were hellish, i was taking an antibiotic and using isotrexin and night, it all made my skin worse at the beginning. I combated the dryiness with lots of moisturiser and my skin slowly adapted and went back to it naturally olive tone. Bottom Line - GET IT, TRY IT, HOPE IT WRKS FOR YOU LIKE IT DID FOR ME!
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June 15, 2012


Do not use this product. It worked great for 10 months then all of a sudden

Do not use this product. It worked great for 10 months then all of a sudden I ended up getting a burning sensation in my stomach that went down to my intestines on and off during the day. I went for blood tests, urine samples, stool samples and even an endoscope and everything came back good. I was taking a probiotic along with Duac at the same time. I stopped the probiotic and the issue still persisted. My Dermatologist, Doctor and Gastroenterologist all said they doubt it was from the Duac Gel. But I stopped applying it to my skin for a week and I no longer had anymore stomach issues. This thing works like a miracle drug but in the long run the benefits aren't worth it. Please be aware if you get any of these side effects to stop taking it right away.
June 10, 2012


Use as a spot treatment works very well


Burns so I cant use completely over my face

I use Duac as a spot treatment on new pimples that are forming. Typically it works and havent had any deep cysts forming in recent months. I use this in the morning and Epiduo at night. I can't use it all over my face as it does burn very much
June 10, 2012


-Works fast
- clears up whiteheads and pimples


- dry skin for the first 2-3 weeks

im 18 and my acne started when i was 15 i have an amazing diet eating 5 fruit and veg, atay away from dairy, drink about 2.5Lt water a day im also very active and i exercise alot. about a year and a half ago i went to the doc after trying evetything that i could buy from shops he gave me this and to start off it dried my skin out and made my cheeks a bit red but it worked amazing for 8 months then when i started college again i started to slowly bfreak out again and around my birthday it seemed to stop working completly. i went hack to the doc and he gave me antibiotics and ive been on them for about 2months and a week they havent really worked. i have no idea what to do next as as my forehead is staring to break out and i never get them there or my nose chin or temples just my cheeks. nexts step is accutane and the doc told me i have no chance to get on that because my skin isnt that bad but im so depressed from my acne coming back i cant even go out and meet my pregnant girlfriend want to get clear for the birth in novemeber but i see no hope. someone HELP!!!
June 3, 2012


worked when nothing else has!


took a while to see results

i've had acne for 8 years, tried everything! holistic and all the drugstore brands out there, when all i needed to do was GO TO THE DERM and seek professional advice. she tried a few things (differin, Diane35) before prescribing me benzaclin, teva-spironolacetone and doxycycline. I'll admit it took around a month to really see results but its my second month now and i only maybe get a new pimple once a week, before i was too embarrassed to even let my best friends without makeup I had atleast 15 pimples present on my face at all times! I still have acne scars i have to deal with now but at least now i've stop new ones from forming. Sorry this review is so long but when i was searching on this website before i found what worked for me i always wanted to know the reviewers history to see how it applied to my situation anyway good luck with this one!
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June 2, 2012


Clears up acne fast


Bleeches clothes

Very good
May 27, 2012


Cleared me up :)


Somewhat drying
Pills under *some* makeup

Many people on here had a bad reaction to this. The reality of acne medicines is everything works differently on everyone. Just because something burned your face into smithereens doesn't mean it won't work for someone else. When you use any face product, you are taking a risk. If you put it all over your face and you have a bad reaction -- I'm sorry and I've been there -- but it's your, not your Derm. or the product's, fault. ALWAYS test a product on a small part of your face when using any product. With that out of the way, onto my experience. I'm almost 16 and have had acne since 10 or 11. It wasn't until my freshman year that it got bad. I mean really, really bad. Moderately severe -- cysts, pimples, blackheads, whiteheads --- the whole deal. I've tried everything under the sun and this was the only thing that cleared me up and I'm ecstatic. I had begun to lose hope. I still have a few small zits and the occasional cyst, but it's nothing to what I had and I'm very content with my face. The only things that still bother me are blackheads and scarring. My routine is this: Morning- 1.Wash face with Adovia Dead Sea Mud Soap 2. Apply Cetaphil moisturizer (sometimes with Aloe Vera Gel) Night- 1. Use Pond's Cold Cream to remove eye makeup 2. Wash face and remove foundation with Adovia Soap 3. Apply Cetaphil moisturizer 4. Apply Duac (Ps. My Derm. gave me a box full of samples and I have not yet purchased the product. I have enough samples to last me several months.)
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May 24, 2012


- cleared up acne completely
- worked fast
- affordable
-once my skin cleared up, it stayed clear even if I stopped using it everyday and only used a few times a week.


- made skin slightly red,
- will dry and make your skin flaky for the first week then it goes away,

I love this stuff! In 7th grade my skin was horrible, ruined my self esteem and just made me feel ugly. Angry red bumps covered my forehead and cheeks, and nothing worked. I've tried multiple prescriptions, and none worked. Until I went to my doctor yet again, begging for something, anything. And he prescribed this and let me tell you, it saved my life. Within 2 weeks the biggest and angriest of my bumps disappeared. Within a month or two my skin that I tried for years to get rid of was perfectly clear! It was amazing and my self esteem rocketed back up, I got a boyfriend and fell in love for the first time. I'm in 11th grade now, and this stuff is a major yes in my skin care regime!
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May 14, 2012


Clears acne


Takes its time clearing acne
Dried up skin for a week straight (to the point where I could not move my face)
Requires a lot of moisturizing
Caused permanent wrinkling and damage to my skin

Just not worth it.
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