Baking Soda

1345 Reviews

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June 19, 2010


Calms redness and size of pimples
Helps even skin tone
Balances sebum production
Fine granule powder; not really abrasive
Softens facial skin


Stings if put on more sensitive areas of the face like the nose and upper lip.

Before I start this, some advice which is important that you must know...DO NOT exfoliate when you have inflammations on the skin.This either results in making them much worse, or causing even more acne on your face...I learned that the hard way, unfortunately. :( On a better note though, you have to make sure that you don't scrub whatsoever with this, and even try not to scrub it in, if you have current acne inflammations. It is better to dab it on, to avoid causing furthur irritation; but if you think that massaging it in like a scrub will be beneficial to your particular skin, then go ahead. This is just from my experience and a bit of common knowledge about my acne condition. To make, you simply put some in a bowl, and add a little water until it makes a cement-like paste. Easy as that. :) Then just dab it gently on your whole face or the affected areas. If your skin is sensitive like mine, leave on for 1-2 minutes. If your skin isn't, leave on for a maximum of 5 minutes. Overall, I like this mask. So far, it has been quite effective for my hard-to-please skin...and trust me, hardly ANYTHING works for my acne, especially not chemicals. I have been using a strawberry cleanser for my skin for the past few days, which I got from the book Organic Body Care Recipes. (Which I give special credit for a beautiful face recipe.) Buy the book and check out the cleanser recipe. There are also alot more great recipes from masks to toners, and of coarse cleansers and more...definitely reccommend the book to anyone. ^^ Anyways...I dab the baking soda on over top of the cleanser on all of the affected areas, leave it on, then rinse off. The bottom line is, I find baking soda is effective to clear acne. It bleaches your skin and gives it a more even tone, and shrinks and calms the redness of your pimples. Good luck with it! <3
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June 18, 2010


-works SO well for whiteheads and blackheads!
-skin feels refreshed,not dry.
-cheap and easy!


-stings in the beginning!
-sort of messy.

this will DEFINITELY be my new scrub!mix some baking soda with water,and scrub gently all over your the beginning,it STINGS to high heaven,so make sure to use just enough for your face! ( and not too much. ) wash with warm whiteheads come straight off afterwards,it's amazing!
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June 18, 2010

clears acne treats scars hardens and can't move, lol so here is the deal, ive used every over the counter u could imagine, proactive,max Clarity, acnefree,noxema,clearasil,clean and clear, beore etc, and damn it sucks, ive read about home remedys, ive even tried hydrogen peroxide (DONT DO IT, NOT WORTH IT!!)...i read this and used it, in 4 days, its amazing!!! dont believe me, see for urself


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June 14, 2010


Cleans skin well
Makes face feel soft
Helps with light acne


Be careful if you have sensitive skin! IT left burn like marks on my cheek

If you don't have sensitive skin, give it a try. if you do, KEEP AWAY.
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June 13, 2010


- Helps with blackheads.
- Smooth skin.
- Makes the skin glow beautifully.
- Cheap and can last ages.
- Very easy to do.
- Makes my face smell like unbaked plain biscuits :)


- Stings quite a bit for me.
- So far hasn't done anything for redness.
- Any bits not washed off feels grainy.

This is my first time using baking powder, so far it's exceptional. I made it into a paste; with a tea spoon of baking powder and a equal amount of water and stirred. Applied on my face like a mask and left for five minutes then washed off with warm water. It really helps with blackheads and I think in time it will weaken them so that they are easily removable. Doesn't do much for redness or cystics so far. It's also really evened out my complexion; I've always had uneven skin since a horrible sunburn when I went skiing. But this has really helped. So far my skin is soft, but I would still recommend using moisturisers (or in my case, Extra Virgin Olive Oil). Definitely worth a try.
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June 9, 2010


clears up acne


leaves skin not really smooth

i use this with honey lemon juice rose water and granulated brown sugar (to form a scrub) i leave it on my face for 10 minuites then i start to scrub it i scrub it for 2 minuites and then i take it off i dont really know the price because i brought this big pack from costco
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June 8, 2010


-easy to make
-stayed on well enough


-made skin feel grainy
-skin not noticeably softer

I would recommend this if used sparingly. I left the mask on for about 5-10 minutes, and it seemed to be doing its work. I washed it off with a soft washcloth and warm water. My skin felt tight and grainy, not something enjoyable! If you want your skin to be wonderfully hydrated and clear, I would recommend using Noxzema every day, as well as a light moisturizer.
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June 7, 2010


- makes skin feel clean after use
- clears up acne :)


- might not work for everyone

I've had acne since I was in 5th grade and now I'm a senior graduating from high school. I've tried tons of products, neutrogena, clean and clear, clearasil, the acne regimen, kavi products, and lots more. All those products are good, but their expensive and I wasn't sure if their extensive ingredient list would be good for my skin in the long run. Well I tried baking soda and I LOVE IT! My acne is so much better I don't need to use foundation other than on a couple spots. I wash my face lightly with the baking soda (like a scrub), and then leave a mask on twice a week or on problem spots for about ten min and then wash it off. I highly recommend giving baking soda a try, all you have to lose is 59 cents but it might make a huge difference!
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June 6, 2010


Makes skin feel nice and smooth, cheap, easy.


Did not help with breakouts

I used this product for a few weeks. I made a paste out of baking soda and water and applied it to my skin and left it on for about 10-15 minutes, then very gently rinsed it off. It did leave my skin feeling nice afterwords, very soft and smooth. But this did not seem to help my acne at all.
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June 2, 2010


Brightens Skin
Exfoliates Well


Broke Me Out In Tiny Red Dots All Over My Face! Which Makes My Acne Appear 20X Worse :/

I was really hoping that this would work, but it did nothing for me but cause more problems. I think to use this method you'd better have pretty hefty skin it is definity not a great option for someone with sensitive skin! I wouldn't say that its a horrible method I just think it probably only works on people who do not have sensitive skin. So try it if you have normal skin, but for my fellow sensitive skinned people beware. :O
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