Apple Cider Vinegar (as a drink)

191 Reviews

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September 1, 2007


Cheap and fast-acting. I have the clearest skin I've had in years. It is so amazing and has worked so quickly that I find it hard to believe.


The smell and taste is pretty bad so it takes some getting used to. You may be subject to alot of jokes at family gatherings ( which you can always respond to by saying "you can laugh all you want, I have clear skin."

Before starting this, I had extremely oily skin. My shiny forehead was covered in bumps, my temples had hard to get rid off zits, and my cheeks were constantly broken out. For 5 long years I felt hopeless and very ashamed of it. After a month of organic ACV, ONLY 1 MONTH, I now have clear healthy looking skin. I get tons of compliments like "OMG your skin looks so good", "what have you done?", and "was your skin always this great?" I am so HAPPY. I hardly break out anymore, but on those days that i do( ie. time of the month), it is one or two tiny white heads that are barely even noticeable. It has been heaven-sent for me. Try it out because with this there is absolutely nothing to loose. I drink 2tsp mixed with an 8oz. glass of water through a straw twice a day(in the morning after breakfast and at night before going to bed)
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August 22, 2007


works pretty quickly and has helped me so much and i'm only on day three!


taste pretty bad, and burns your throat, but hey it helps.

Great product, but it has got to be ORGANIC, otherwise it WILL NOT WORK. 2tbl spoons twice a day, mix it with water and drink with a straw so it doesnt touch my teeth, i also recommend brushing your teeth afterwards to help freshen breath.
August 16, 2007


Great! Inside and out! Feel much healthier and for my skin, i use as toner which makes my face glows. Wonderful product.


when I use normal white vinegar i smell like food and when using ACV, i smell like wine. ehhehe but it goes away after awhile. dunno if anybody else can smell me, haven't tested it

I actually like the taste raw from bottle 2tb 2x a day or 4tb 1x a day. taste lot like wine. think it even taste better than beer but that just my opinion coz i don't like booze whatsoever. (Sorry! lol) Bottom line is just hafta try it first, take it inside and out. Nothing to lose, cheap stuff compare to other awful acne and health products.Recommend Bragg with mother!
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August 11, 2007


>Definently stops production of acne caused by oil production and diet. Probably hormonial too.
>Only takes about a week to see results. Sometimes less!
>If taken day and night (2 tsps for me) will prevent breakouts


>taste (something to get used to)

Probably the best acne treatment ever!! I've suffered for 4 years and i've tried alot of bullsh*t products out there and this has by far worked the best.Its hella lot cheaper too! When you drink it tho, I would recommend pouring the ACV in the back of your mouth (avoid teeth) and immediatly wash it down with some water or better yet juice or green tea. You could even try it with pop if you want cause it wont affect the ACV. I don't know about dairy though. O yea! Also the brand I use is Braggs raw, unfiltered,organic,etc. It says it has the "mother" in it. ONLY BUY THE ORGANIC ACV!!! I've heard drinking the non-organic can actually make acne worse!!! Probably all the chemicals and sh*t they put in those... I say... GO BUY SOME BRAGGS OR WHATEVER RIGHT NOW AND START DRINKING IT TONIGHT (you can add it right into your current regimen) YOU MAY SEE SOME RESULTS TOMORROW MORNING!!!!
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August 10, 2007


Better than any 'cleansing' drink I've had. Use to buy Kombucha @ $3.29 each, and what a rip off. I never felt anything or noticed anything except burping.


The smell isn't that great and the taste is something to get use to.

I'm not sure if it's changed my skin because I started using 'The Regimen' at the same time, but I feel healthier inside and out. I drink this mixture 3x a day 2T organic ACV 2t agave (better than honey) 10 oz. water. I down this in about 30 seconds since ACV isn't that good on teeth. I also brush my teeth right after.
August 10, 2007


It works. It helps me stay clear. I believe it helps in controlling hormonal acne. It is cheap.


It smells. It taste icky.

I firmly think that this stuff helps during my time of the month. My breaks out are far much smaller. When I consume 4 tbs a day. 2 in the AM and 2 in the PM. When I get lazy and don't drink it twice a day I get a "normal" break out that month. Which is 3-6 huge pimples around my mouth area. When I start again taking ACV twice a day every day by the next month my break out is ether none existent or greatly reduce. This is a staple for me. I do believe that this helps for my average day to day blemishes 2. But I am loyal to Dan's BP that is the real killer :)but doesn't get that hormonal acne. Also a great toner! I use Bragg's "mother" Apple cider Vinegar.
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