Sudocrem : Antiseptic Healing Cream

535 Reviews

Key Ingredients:
Zinc oxide, EP 15.25, Benzyl alcohol, BP 0.39, Benzyl benzoate, BP 1.0, Benzyl cinnamate 0.15, Lanolin (hypoallergenic) 4.00.

All Other ingredients:
Purified Water, Sodium Benzoate, Paraffin wax, Microcrystalline wax, Heavy Liquid Paraffin, Synthetic Beeswax, Sorbitan sesquioleate, Propylene glycol, Antracine 54, Linalyl acetate, Lavender.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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October 3, 2009


It "calms" your spots down in he short term. And also conceals well before you put your foundation on


It blocks pores, therefor if you apply a really thick layer you will just get more spots!>:(

I have used SO many products on my acne/spots:Clearasil, clean and clear, cinique, nivea visage, boots tea tree and witch hazel, boots clear skin range, TCP, savlon, Asda claer skin range, clear complextion tablets, zinq and prescription toner from the doctor and NOTHING has worked!!!! So when I tried sudocrem I was pleasantly surprised. It reduces spot size overnight and costs next to nothing..! So I would recommend anyone with spots to try it.
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September 27, 2009


It disinfects the skin and gently fades scarring. Affordable. It is important that you only apply a small amount to the face, I suggest a half pea sized amount on the cheeks and forehead.


Sometimes you can apply to much and be left with a sticky mess on your face.

I've used this product on and off for about a year and it does work when used as a combination treatment. At present I am taking 300mg of Trimethopim (Morning and night) and using Clean & Clear facial wash and Aderma moisturiser in the morning. On the evening I used Clean & Clear facial wash with a thin layer of Suedocrem (I mean THIN, like a small pea sized dot on both cheeks and forehead is enough) and then a layer of Nicam gel on the most affected areas - DO NOT APPLY ALL OVER THE FACE OR AFFECTED AREA BECAUSE YOU WILL REGRET IT! You may find you break out alot more in the first few weeks but this is because all the impurities in your skin are being drawn out and it won't matter what treatment you use if it is working you will break out intially in the first 2 weeks, if it progressively gets worse then obviously stop treatment but give it at least 6 weeks. Also if you have severe acne scarring then I suggest buying a Aderma Zinc cream which soothes and calms infected areas.
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September 25, 2009


this stuff is amazing :)
works really well on redness & popped spots!
HUGE tub so lasts ages, cheap & woks better than most expensive brands.


is a little bit greasy, but when it soaks in it's fine. its worth it if it gets rid of the little devils on your face! am i right? or am i right?

well, i have really oily spot prone skin and it has been getting alot worse recently. i tried loads of stuff but nothing seemed to work, except clearasil ultra scrub but then i found out im allerdric to it so had to stop using it. then my auntie reccommended this. at first i thought "hmm..nappy rash cream on my face" but with this yucky face im willing to try anything and i must admit i was very very pleasently surprised. so i put on a thin layer on my affected areas and in the morning i noticed a real difference. they were'nt gone completely (its not magic) but my redness and the size of the spots were reduced significantly. therefore, i really recommend this stuff!!! dont waste money on expensive brands coz they dont work! buy this!!
September 18, 2009


It reduces redness & inflamation straight away, and so makes skin less angry looking. Good for cold harsh conditions in winter.


Contains lanolin which is sheep's oil, and can block pores. Skin unable to breath properley because this is a barrier cream and is very viscous.

It is good for an instant fix for red agrivated skin, and helps it heal quicker, but im unsure about longterm use...
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September 18, 2009


It's excellent.. I was so amazed t how quickly to works! It certainly gets rid of the redness...making your face look clearer!


Hard to wash off, and you can still have white marks on your face the next day, but better than spots!

Buy it, Try it, and get rid of those spots...
September 6, 2009


im 13 and i used to have very servere acne, and now my spots have all gone, i still get quite bad reddness and the odd spots, i use sudocrem to see if it would help with the reddness and spots and it worked quite well, i use before i go to bed (:


make your face really pale white, and hasnt got the best smelll,

use it before you go to bed (: it really does workk! buyy itt!! :L
September 2, 2009


it dies them out quicky.. even after a few hours i notice a big difference!! and takes almost all the redness away


erm, i dnt think there is any part frm it being so visablee!

usee it if u have a spott an seee how good it is.... its worthh it :D
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September 1, 2009


awesome! i had a spot that i stupidly picked and it left a massive red patch on my face, 5 days of applying a thin layer of sudocrem at night and it was gone! also works very well for spots that havent been picked :)


stains pillows, and sometimes if it hasnt all soaked in it can take a while to get rid off the remaining white bit left on your face in the morning. doesnt smell that great, but once your asleep you wont know it

brilliant! but it and use it. it will gets rid of any spots perfectly
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August 31, 2009


I use this product before i go to bed and the redness of my spots has visably reduced overnight. Sometimes it has even dried out my spot completely. Just a thin layer will do!


Can dry the skin out if used too much and may stain pillows

If you have any sore spots or realy red ones, then sudocrem is for you!Works like a charm!Better than any expensive spot treatments i have bought!
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August 29, 2009


this product works wonders; i suffer from mild acne and moderate patches of eczema and have struggled to find a product which gets rid of spots and doesnt irritate my eczema.. sudocrem helps clear them both up; im really happy with the results.


can stain pillows

buy it buy it buy it!
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