Sudocrem : Antiseptic Healing Cream

535 Reviews

Key Ingredients:
Zinc oxide, EP 15.25, Benzyl alcohol, BP 0.39, Benzyl benzoate, BP 1.0, Benzyl cinnamate 0.15, Lanolin (hypoallergenic) 4.00.

All Other ingredients:
Purified Water, Sodium Benzoate, Paraffin wax, Microcrystalline wax, Heavy Liquid Paraffin, Synthetic Beeswax, Sorbitan sesquioleate, Propylene glycol, Antracine 54, Linalyl acetate, Lavender.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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October 31, 2010


- Cheap
- Over the counter
- Easy to use
- Doesn't clog pores (as far as I'm aware.)
- Very soothing
- Great for reduces redness and inflamed Pimples
- Quick Response to Small to medium breakouts


- Wouldn't use on severe break-outs due to it being ever so slightly greasy
- Don't over-use or you will completly dry skin out
- NOT to be rubbed in.

Basically, whatever you have heard from "miracle products", don't always believe it. Different skin types react to different products, however, this product would be safe to use for light to moderate acne/breakouts. There is no instant cure for this very annoying, stressful, depressing and lonely skin disorder. It takes time, I've learnt the hard way. This product will greatly enhance your chances of reduces your acne/breakouts. Few basic steps to use: 1) Wash face with a light cleanser e.g tea-tree foam wash - this also works wonders. 2) pat dry with a soft towel (never rub dry. EVER) 3) Leave effected area to dry for a good 10-15 minutes. 4) Apply a Sudocrem, by gathering a small amount on finger tip, and literally "patting" onto skin. DO NOT rub in. 5) Leave on for approx 6 hours (whilst you sleep preferbly) 6) Check the mirror and notice an improvement. :)
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August 8, 2015
As a 16 year old teen I would actually cry about my acne sometimes and Sudocreme was the last thing on my mind to try, and yes of course it didn't "cure" my acne but nothing else has worked as well as it. My skin is much better just by dabbing sudocreme on any spots or red areas, it completely calms them down and they become so less noticeable. It's definitely worth a try :) I created an account just to review this product so I would recommend to just at least give it a go.
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August 5, 2010


1. Its Super Cheap
2. Not Many People Know Of It
3. Smells Lovely
4. Comes in a handy tub
5. Lasts ages
6. You can buy it nearly anywhere
7. You can use it for lots of different things
8. Can be rubbed in to make it nearly invisible
9. Hides redness almost instantly
10. Keeps skin soft


1. Gets all over your pillow at night (However, it washes out in the washing machine completly)
2. Leaves your hands dry if not washed off
3. You need to sleep on your side to prevent it from rubbing off your back and face.
4. Annoying in the morning when youve slept in and you notice your face is all white and you have to wash it off before you leave. However, it is easy to wash off with the use of soap or shower gel and cold water [cold water to close the pores]

I have never been happier with any product to help my spots. Everything i get prescribed at the doctors doesnt work and sometimes make them worse. Sudacrem not only drys up the spots but also heals minor holes in your skin from picking. I am half way through a tub at the moment, and beside it lies another unopened tub ready for when it EVENTUALLY runs out. Im 15 and i have most of my spots around my chin and forehead. AND MY BACK. its easy for me to apply the creme to my face but i usually ask the help of my mum to put it on my back and target particullar areas. I WOULD RECOMMEND YOU LEAVE THE HOUSE RIGHT NOW. And go to the nearest supermarket and pick up a tub of this to try for yourself. All these years ive spent well over 100 pounds on spot treatment wipes, cremes, gels and none of them work. Now im back to what i used when i was a baby. Hehehehe :) i just noticed. My mum helps me put sudacrem on my back and 15 years ago she helped me put it on my butt :) Thank you Mr. Sudocrem, You have made my teenage years much easier to cope with :) 10/10
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August 20, 2010


really soft skin, less redness, nice smell



work wounders !!
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February 19, 2015
it actually works great
Me Im A Teenager Im Getting spots so one night i decided to use sudocream and the next morning they were gone i suggest this to anyone who has pimples instead of poping them and getting scars
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June 10, 2015
THIS is bullsh*t
June 10, 2015
THIS is bullsh*t
December 14, 2010


Ease of Use
Amount of other uses - psoriasis, eczema, chapped lips, burns (I burned my ears and finger using curling tongs for the date mentioned below and this sped up healing)


Can look a little silly but this is both entertaining and not an issue when you see the results in the morning.
You need to tie your hair back for bed.
Your pillow will get white marks but you wash your pillow cases regularly anyway right?

I'm 24 and gave up trying to cure my terrible skin, my solution was to buy expensive foundation and hide the problem which made it worse. My cousin has acne at 34, we're daughters of twins so I concluded I had no hope. I get the problem on my face, shoulders, back and chest. In winter I get severe psoriasis on my back and little patches elsewhere. Using sunbeds clears the psoriasis as long as I burn, my spots subside a little but I get awful dry skin instead. I don't like to use sunbeds so I spend all winter covered up, I can't wear party dresses and feel horrible about myself. Last week I woke up on Monday spotty as usual, my face was so dry I looked like I had dandruff all over it and I had a patch of psoriasis on my cheek under my right eye. My lips were chapped and had split at the corners. I canceled a date I had that evening because I felt so ugly. I had to take drastic action! I had a pot of Sudocrem in the cupboard and decided to see if it could at least help a little. I washed my face and plastered it in Sudocrem, like a face mask and went to bed. I woke up with a greasy fringe and white pillow. I went straight to the bathroom and washed my face, I applied my usual daily moisturiser and inspected the results. My skin was smooth, the psoriasis wasn't scaly just a red mark where it had been, all spots I had had reduced in size and redness already! I smiled at my reflection and the corners of my mouth didn't split! I continued to apply Sudocrem before bed each night (tying my hair back) and rearranged my date for Thursday. Thursday came and I began applying my date makeup. I barely had to use concealer, I only had dark circles under my eyes to cover! No dry skin to pick off or spots to squeeze. I felt really good about my finished look. My date commented on how soft my skin was, I actually let him touch it, RESULT! I slept in my makeup on Friday and was punished with spots on my nose and chin, it's Tuesday now and I have
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March 16, 2010


Cheap, sold in many different shops, works (for a little while).


Stopped working after a while and seemed to make my acne worse.

I think this cream is just too thick. at first it worked really well, but after a while I found my spots were getting bigger and more aggressive. I've stopped using it now and wouldn't recommend it to anyone else. My sister had the very same reaction.
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March 21, 2010


What I found is that this cream doesn't do much to help the actual spots, however I find this product very useful as a sort of concealer, It imediately reduces the appearance of spots.


Very thick and requires to be well rubbed in.

What I would say about this cream is that it is useful for the day as it reduces the appearance of spots. Wouldnt reccomend using it at night, I have noticed no improvements with this cream.
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May 24, 2016
The first time I used sudocrem for spots I couldn't believe how quickly it was clearing them up, so I started absolutely caking my face in it at night and during the day if I could. WORST IDEA EVER. I ended up getting the worst spots all over my face and I still have a few of them. I went off of it for a couple of months and am now trying it again and so far with moderate use (small dots on problem areas overnight). and washing it off as thoroughly as I can it's worked magic less than a week, highly recommend but be carful with it.
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May 10, 2010


It doesn't smell, its cheap, in my opinion it does help spots, also good for many other things.


This varies, but it may not work as fast and effective for different skin types.

Since i got into my teens, i began getting spots. I never suffered from severe acne but i always seemed to have a spot, sometimes i would have a big break out. I've tried all the products, such as clearasil products, everything like that- bottom line: for my skin type they dont work. I've never seen a major difference. i began using sudocream a few and weeks ago, and this difference in my skin has been SO good. I get the occasional spot, but sudocream really drys up the spot and gets rid of it. I would advsie anyone to try it.
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