Hibiclens : Antimicrobial and Antiseptic Skin Cleanser

80 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Chlorhexidine Gluconate Solution (4%).

Inactive Ingredients:
Fragrance, Isopropyl Alcohol (4% W/V), Purified Water, Red 40.

Other Ingredients:
Nonalkaline Base.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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November 30, 2006


Very simple solution to a problem I've had for years. The best I've ever seen.
Also is a great antimicrobial to use to wash your hands with on a regular basis.


Keep out of your eyes.

A great product
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November 3, 2006
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June 7, 2017
Saved My LIFE
Suffered horribly from painful cysts and boils for my entire life. At one point I had about 25 boils on my shoulders & back, several under each armpit, several on my inner thighs, 4-5 on my jawline, 7+ on my cheeks, and even on my upper arms. I hear people say going in public is tough and I laugh because I was at the point where Wearing clothes was pretty much impossible and I could only either be naked or wear a mumu. I used to be beautiful and found myself at a very low point spiritually of feeling defeated by a lifetime of suffering. I spoke to myself a few months ago and was very frank. I had decided that I would prefer dying to coping with the pain & disfigurements of this any longer. Then one night I was googling "all cotton bra's" because the bra elastic touching the acne area's is one of the most agonizing thing I've ever felt. I discovered someone's post under the bra reviews about Hibiclens. I bought some at Walgreens the next day and my infected skin literally began healing within 12 hours. It's been a little over two weeks and I am crying tears of joy because I have my freaking life back again. I went from over 25+ active boils, cysts, & open & draining area's to TWO. I have never seen my adult self look like I do right now. I'm still in shock and disbelief. If I could help one person who is on the edge, I would tell them to forget diets, supplements, oral antibiotics, and bullcrap bp. I had convinced myself that the root of this problem was inside of me, something was wrong with "me." Whether it be hormones or excess sugar or some random mineral or vitamin deficiency, I thought it was MY fault and I had to fix my insides. I never considered that the problem could be as simple as a surface staph colonization that could be eradicated by Hibiclens scrubbing... I believe in divine providence, because when I was at my very lowest point, spiritually wishing myself dead, I found Hibiclens and it saved my life.
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July 14, 2017
If you had cysts under your armpit, you might want to get checked or hidradenitis suppurativa.
February 18, 2019

Such a great review. Much love to you!

May 25, 2016
After 10 years of dealing with breakouts I finally found a product that ended it all. Been using twice daily for 4 months. Skin hasnt broken out once. Cleared up clogging too. Wash first with regular cleanser then put a thin layer of hibiclens on face and let sit for a couple mins. Then rinse and go about my day. Changed my life.
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June 15, 2016
can it be used as a face wash?
May 25, 2016
I've used hibiclens long-term with the regimen, happy with the results
I've been using this with Dan's regimen for about 7 years (applying for 2 minutes then using Dan's cleanser). The regimen alone didn't keep my skin clear (though it helped), but this addition largely does. It's never lessened in efficacy for me, and I've had no side effects.
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February 22, 2016
This was a LIFE changer!
Knowing what a life changer this product turned to be for me, it breaks my heart to see cases where it didn't work for certain people. I have struggled with bad acne since I was a teenager. I'm now forty and up until recently I continued with my struggle. I noticed that I would always get really bad DEEP skin festering breakouts around my lips and chin a day or two after shaving. I got rid of all my razors and went to a rotating electric shaver. That made a big difference. A little over a year ago, I was scheduled for a minor surgical procedure that required I wash my entire body with an iodine based antibacterial soap for the two days prior to my surgery. During this time I had some nasty deep skin zits along the back of my neck and on my back and shoulders. You know the kind. They feel like they are the size of golf balls and you're SURE they jump out for all to see like a beacons in the night. I immediately noticed that the inflammation drastically reduced about a day or two following my iodine baths. They continued to shrivel up during the next few days. This gave me the idea that this horrible acne problem just MIGHT be bacterial and something simple and topical might just help improve it a bit. I jumped on google and found out about how some people had been successfully using hibiclense. I immediately went out and bought some. I applied it on my face like a mask avoiding the softer skin tissue around my eye sockets and avoiding my lips. (It's also important to NOT get it into your ear canals or inside your nostrils). I would always apply it about three or four minutes before I jumped in the shower to let it sit on my face for a bit. As soon as I jumped in the shower, I immediately rinsed my face and any body areas I had treated with hibiclense and then proceed to shower as normal. You do this to avoid it running into the more sensetive areas or into your eyes and mouth while you shower. I used it every day for about 2 weeks noticing an immediate improvement. Now a year later I only apply it as needed (whenever I start to develop any sign of a breakout). This turns out to be maybe once or twice a week but usually as little as once every TWO weeks. I feel SO bad when I see younger people with bad acne. I want to tell them SO badly about what worked for me. I wish there was a way to tell them without offending. I SURE wish someone had told me about it before. I'm sure I could go back to using razors but I just never did. I would recommend that anything that exfoliates or abrades the skin be done BEFORE the hibiclense application to maximize results. Hibiclense has certainly shown residual effects for me. I got ride of ALL of my acne (body & face). The last hurdle I over came was a condition called chicken skin on my triceps and butt cheeks. The solution to this (called AmLactin lotion) I found just 2 weeks ago and it works like a charm. I can honestly finally say that I have the skin I have always wanted to have and envied everyone else for.
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June 20, 2011


Cleared my skin along with a regimen. Used a few drops in with my Neutrogena grapefruit wash then as I started to see results I started to use even more with my face wash and am pretty clear from this product. Helps to leave it on your skin for a few minutes to take full effect. Also it's known to fight bacteria for up to 6 hours after rinsed off it's used by surgeons prior to surgery to fight bacteria and infections.


Very liquidy. It's not going to lather on it's own. I find it much more effective mixed in with my cleanser. And moisturize because it's strong and can be drying but with Murad skin perfecting lotion I find that it does not dry me out.

Got it at Walgreens for 12 bucks and it has helped clear me up to about 97% clear along with my regimen. Highly recommended if used correctly...remember to moisturize!
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April 20, 2010


clear skin, less oil



At 27 years old, after 13 years of severe cystic acne, my skin is finally clear. I began using Hibiclens about three weeks ago and have not had a single pimple since. Normally, my chin is covered with painful, inflamed cystic acne. I use the product by wiping it on my skin with a cotton ball. I let it sit on my skin for 5-10 minutes and then wash off. While it is on my skin it does feel drying but as soon as I wash it off my skin feels amazing.
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April 11, 2010


may clear face, isnt harmful


its a liquid and may be hard to apply, expensive.

The main ingredient in HibiClens is Chlorohexidine Gluconate, an antiseptic that is used in the treatment of folliculitis. For those who dont know, folliculitis is the inflammation of your follicles and is caused by another bacteria called Staphylococcus Aureus. S. Aurues is known to be highly resistant to antibiotics and several other topical ingredients, like benzoyl peroxide- which only kills the bacteria Propionibacteria Acne. IF you feel as though your face is red, inflamed, and may have puss and bp is not helping, Hibiclens is definetly a great alternative. I have found that my lesions were caused after i didnt shave for a while and thats what gave me these red bumps that looked like cysts. As long as i shaved and used hibiclens, i was good to go. if you feel you have the same problem, this may help for sure.
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March 5, 2010


is great for bacterial infections on the skin, such as really bad acne, smells good, does not overdry, don't need a prescription for it


just make sure you don't get it in your eyes, ears or mouth...it may sting the first time you use it if you have really bad acne, but that goes away after it kills the infection and after regular use, and if you sit it on a shelf in your bathroom, make sure you put something underneath it because it will stain wood and some surfaces, especially if you try to clean it up with a product containing bleach- but comet got rid of the stain after my goof-up!!

I had very nice skin 7 months ago...I didn't even have to wear much foundation at all, but I was taking topamax to prevent stress-related migraines and unfortunately, had an adverse reaction that didn't show up until several months after I was on the medication. I started getting sores/cystic acne on my forehead, cheeks, and a bit under my neck. I had a lot of scars and redness. I am allergic to so many medications that the dermatologist basically told me that I had to take accutane or else he couldn't help me. I said no to accutane, so he tried to give me other antibiotics, but failed to recognize that I could not take them because they were in the same family as things I am allergic to. I gave up on the dermatologist and decided to take things into my own hands. I was doing research online and found this website, so I joined and started to read the reviews of different products. This one had a high rating, so I picked some up and only after a couple of days of using it, it started to smooth out my skin. I still have red spots and scars, but as for the actual acne itself, this stuff helps! It is less painful and I believe it has taken the infection out of my face. I have still got a long way to go because my acne was really bad, but there has been a definite improvement due to tapering off the medication and adding hibiclens to my regimen. It did kind of dry my skin out the first few times I used it, but I just put some lotion on at the end of my skin cleansing regimen and that solved the problem. Now it does not dry it out because my skin has adjusted to it. I took other peoples advice and got some of those cotton pads and that is what I rub on my face after I have let the hibiclens sit on it for a minute or two and that helps to exfoliate dead skin and also it will take the pus out of the middle of whiteheads without having to pick at them. Do not follow with a salicylic acid cleanser like neutrogena because it will make your skin burn!!!
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