Aloe vera Plant Gel

395 Reviews

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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October 14, 2008


feels good on your face, moisturizes my cheek area perfectly, gets rid of flaky skin, absorbs quickly (no film on face), reduces redness


if I put as much on my nose as I do on my cheeks then I will wake up with VERY oily tzone, I can't use it during the day because It makes your face a bit "sticky" which doesn't do well with powders

I prefer this to regular moisturizer because it feels more lightweight and less greasy Great for sleeping "relieves" your skin
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October 8, 2008


Cools the skin, soothes redness quickly, lightly moisturizes and tones the skin a little bit and doesn't leave any greasy or shiny residue. Creates a barrier to protect the skin and it's also great to use after sunburn/sun exposure.


Takes a while to absorb and can sting eyes if put too close.

I've been using this stuff on and off for a long time now. I don't use it daily, however a few times a week usually. This stuff comes in handy often. Don't expect this stuff to cure acne or scars. It will give most people a better overall appearance of the skin and help tone and moisturize but as for active inflamed acne, whiteheads or scars it's not really for that. It may however smooth the scars out, making them look a little better and make acne appear less red and inflamed but it won't actually "cure" it, although I've heard rare cases of people finding it useful for acne, it did not do that for me. Still though, this stuff protects the skin very well and heals irritated, damaged and dried skin. Oh, and the best time to use it is definitely after exfoliation of any kind.
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September 10, 2008


Love it i recently started breakin out 3 months ago after having perfectly clear skin...
now aloe natures remedy has been given to me as hope to return to me beautiful self.. Prayer helps with it .. it actually cures it!



LOVE THIS STUFF .God bless the manufacturers
September 7, 2008


Both moisturizes my dry skin and helps heal my acne at the same time. Gives my skin a healthy glow and even tone.


Can't find it here where I live.

I found a bottle of this while visiting the U.S. and started using it to moisturize my dry skin because anything else I tried caused my skin to break out even worse. I'm 36 years old and have tried everything to battle my mix of dry skin and acne breakouts but treatment for one ailment always aggravated the other. Aloe was the only thing I could think of that mightn't make my skin break out, so I tried it. What I noticed was that not only did it treat my dry skin without causing breakouts, it actually *healed* my acne breakouts faster than anything else ever has. Removing facial hair on my chin has always caused breakout but applying aloe gel directly afterwards has reduced the breakouts on my chin by about 90%. And the thicker I apply it at night before bed, the better my skin looks in the morning. (I just need to rinse it off in the AM sometimes before applying make-up if I've applied it too thickly the night before.) NOTHING has ever worked better on my skin than this stuff!
August 28, 2008


works well as a toner. rinse off after two minutes with a thick coating. leaves skin toned yet not too dry. appply moisturizer after. calms skin after use of harsh chemicals. i.e. slacilic acid, malic acid, mandelic acid etc.


kind of tingly, stingy if left on too long. is not 100% natural, i will be using pure organic aloe in the same way. this product has more than just aloe and i think that is where the stinging comes from.

aloe, overall, is my best skin discovery as a toner. i also use it as a hair gel but n=must apply it thickly and only use it to slick m hair into a ponytail. i have 4a hair, very thick. although i enjoyed discovering aloe as a toner for my face with this product, i would prefer a 100% pure, natural organic product. this helps keep pores tight and smooth and keeps acne at bay regardless of which brand you use. i like Lily Of The Desert a little better though but i just buy organic aloe wholesale now.
August 7, 2008


cheap, effective way to heal acne and fade acne scars


leaves a temporary tight feeling once applied

Don't spend a lot of money on acne treatments until you give pure aloe vera gel a try! Not only has it improved my acne, but it has also has diminished my pores and has left my face with a healthy glow.
July 28, 2008


it reduced the redness REALLLLLLLY quick. i just picked at my skinnn [; and my face was alllll red and blotchy. it wasnt going away so i put on some aloe, it was gone in like, three minutes. i jsut started using it all over my face today. vv


but i have a feeling im reallllly gunna like it...

well its cvs brand so im not sure if thats bad, it kind of leaves my skin tight but since i just started using it, no bad things to say yet.

i recommend it especially if your skins blotchy. it doesnt have a smell which is realllly good, and for me, it didnt sting my eyes at allll. so as of today, i reallly like it and am going to start using it. i have a good feeling about this product. i hope it helps my scars, i have no-three pimples, a scab, and a few light brown scars.
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July 24, 2008


It doesn't clog the pores and goes on lightyy. Plus, there is no visible residue. It feels so natural on the skin.


When applied on an open wound, it burns, but it's okay. It heals that wound.

This is the best moisturizer I've ever tried so far because it not only feel natural, but it doesn't feel like it will clog my pores. It does feel tight once you apply it, but after it dries, you hardly feel it on!
July 9, 2008


dries up very well and leaves skin feeling super naturally moisturized does not have that oily feeling that makes your face look shiny. it is not reactive and will calm your skin no matter what shape it's in. great to use after a harsh facial wash


will feel slimy and gooey when applying but only temporarily, after a minute it will dry!!!

USE THIS, IVE USED ALMOST ALL KIND OF MOISTURIZER INCLUDING AVEENO and even the lightest moisturizer cetaphil, this stuff can't compare to aloe vera moisurizer, if you can't find this product in your store: consider buying a walgreen aloe vera version same ingredients. be sure to buy the fragrance and alcohol free one
June 28, 2008


Great product because of the ability to fade some old scars quite fast. redness from acne really settled downn.


tightens face, which isnt that bad.

this aloe vera gel works great and im not stopping with it!