Clean & Clear : Advantage Acne Spot Treatment

592 Reviews

Active Ingredient:
Salicylic Acid (2%).

Inactive Ingredients:
Alcohol, Butylene Glycol, Capryloyl Glycine, Cedrus Atlantica (Blue Atlas Cedar) Bark Extract, Cinnamomum Zeylancium Bark Extract, Denatonium Benzoate, Fragrance (Parfum), Glycerin, Hexylene Glycol, Hydroxyethylcellulose, Methylparaben, Portulaca Oleracea Extract, Propylene Glycol, Propylparaben, Sarcosine, Sodium Citrate, T Butyl Alcohol, Water.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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March 9, 2010


Burning sensation gives hope, helping stress that could possibly cause the acne initially.
Doesn't dry out skin.


Creates more acne.
Red spots. Many of them.

I'm going to continue trying this product.
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February 17, 2010


Works very well on those tough to get rid of pimples. The burning sensation when applied boosts your hopes that it's working.


Small amount for price paid.

This product works well for people with moderate and severe acne as well as people with light acne, like myself. Keep in mind, when using a product like this you must also be committed to daily cleansing and well as moisturizing to prevent dry/flaky skin. Product definitely serves it purpose.
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February 7, 2010


got rid of most of my acne after about two or three days. the burning showed that it was working.


the redness did not go away, if anything, it increased. if i used it more than twice a day, my skin actually turned purple. was a bit too strong for my skin.

this product does work in moderation and should not be used for people with sensitive skin. it may not clear up all acne, but definatly reduces them in size. the prize was a little bit to high for me. all in all it was a pretty good product
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January 19, 2010


The burn. It makes me feel like it's actually working.


The fact that it doesn't work.

I swear, this stuff made my skin go from light acne, to pretty severe. Tomorrow I'm going to a dermatologist because it has gotten so bad. Red burns left from this product. Maybe I just don't react well to salicidic acid...
January 14, 2010




It doesn't reuce redness. It takes about 9 days for the pimple to actually go away, but then your left with a red acne scar.

Don't waste your money on this usless product!
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January 11, 2010


Gets rid of redness and size quickly.
Smells nice.
Nice package.
Not too oily.


Nothing really. Itll sting if you have an open cut/blemish, but every acne cleanser does that.

Ive only had this for two days and my acne has been doing much better. On the right side of my face, my whole cheek had noticable blemishes that just would not go away. Then I used this, and they went away within a day. Very good product.
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January 1, 2010


helped after the first few times


after a while made spots BIGGER.

I used this for a while, at first very happy with the results because it seemed to clear the zit. But after a while, it actually made the spot bigger and more red.
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December 31, 2009


- reasonable price
-nice packaging


- stings when applied
- not very effective

This product worked the first two times I used it. Of course, it stings a lot, but nothing you can't handle. However, it didn't work after that. It left spots on my face three weeks after I used it. I will not purchase this product again.
December 29, 2009


Reduces redness of pimples
Reduces size of pimples
Has actually worked for me


Burns slightly

I love this product. I use it twice a day with Clean & Clear Advantage 3-in-1 Foaming Acne Wash. I first wash with the Acne Wash, then I spot treat with this. I broke out a lot as a teenager, it cleared up on its own, then shortly after I turned 21 it started again. I have used numerous products that just dried out my skin and didn't work (some even made it worse) but the Clean & Clear Advantage system really works. After the first day I used it, my pimples were noticeably smaller, and not nearly as noticeable. Since then, my acne has been slowly going away and my skin has never felt smoother! I love this stuff and would definitely recommend it to anyone who has moderate acne and oily skin if nothing else has worked for you.
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December 29, 2009




Too Strong
No warning anywhere
Burned face of my 14 year-old.

My daughter is being treated for burns on face after one day use of this product. She only applied it on a few little pimples. Two days later she wakes up with bright red patches on whole face. The doctor said it contains a strong dose of Salycic acid. If you are not someone who knows what is considered a strong dose what happens? They should mention on label that you should do a patch test on the hand. My daughter was prescribed with an antibiotic cream and cortizone cream. She is also quite depressed. Not looking forward to returning to school with this new face after the holidays.
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