Clean & Clear : Advantage Acne Spot Treatment

592 Reviews

Active Ingredient:
Salicylic Acid (2%).

Inactive Ingredients:
Alcohol, Butylene Glycol, Capryloyl Glycine, Cedrus Atlantica (Blue Atlas Cedar) Bark Extract, Cinnamomum Zeylancium Bark Extract, Denatonium Benzoate, Fragrance (Parfum), Glycerin, Hexylene Glycol, Hydroxyethylcellulose, Methylparaben, Portulaca Oleracea Extract, Propylene Glycol, Propylparaben, Sarcosine, Sodium Citrate, T Butyl Alcohol, Water.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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August 26, 2010


- works practically overnight
- extremely effective
- inexpensive
- one tube lasts a long time (I have been using the same tube for a month and it shows no signs of being close to empty)
- I like the tingly feeling it gives
- keeps my face consistently clear regardless of my working 30 hours a week at McDonalds
- this one step is better than the 7 step Proactive system


- if you get over-excited at first applying it more than 2 times a day it will make your face peal, but after using it a while I could do 3 or 4 times daily with no ill effects

This is a life saver for me. I had been using it a while then my mother offered to buy me Proactive. I stopped using this to try the Proactive system and my face broke out so badly. As soon as I stopped Proactive and began to use this again my face cleared up in days and has stayed clear since, even through the grease and sweat of 8 hour shifts at McDonald's! That alone is amazing especially considering I have to wear a visor which would usually rub the grease in and make a pimple line across my head, but with this my face is clear like a movie star's! The best part is how quick and easy it is to apply, especially compared to the 7 steps required with the Proactive system, and it works even better.
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March 17, 2010


It was cheap! ($6.99 at Walmart). There was noticeable improvement right after applying. I only use it on specific blemishes right after washing my face (morning and before bed), and I make sure to moisturize the rest of my face with a non-oily matifying or pore reducing lotion.


None! This is the first acne treatment that did NOT dry out my skin or cause it to peel. It seems to be speeding up the healing process, shrunk the size of blemishes and after a few minutes decreased redness. I noticed a bit of "shininess" on my forehead but a quick blot with a tissue got rid of it.

I will continue to use this product. From other scathing reviews, I wouldn't recommend it for sensitive, young skin, but it works great on my 35+ skin!
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July 2, 2016
Works for some.
This is amazing for MASSIVE spots, reducing the size dramatically overnight. But if you have sensitive skin it will make it quite red so make sure you splash your face with cold water after use. It does irritate your skin for 10 minutes. It does burn, but it's worth it. Another thing to add is that it is not invisible. It makes your spot shiny and if you add enough, it will cause these odd white patches which is the spot gel sinking into your skin. I wouldn't wear this under makeup. Also, it peels off your face so if you're going to go out without washing it off your face then make sure you don't have any white peelings on your face. It also smells sweet, yet solvent-y. It does work, but you do have to work your way around the redness and the fact that it looks obviously there. That's not that much of a price to pay for clear skin. I have also noticed that the gel causes whiteheads to form prematurely. So if you need to go out spot-free in a couple of days, why don't you put this on every four hours, wash and done your face 3 times a day and apply this straight after. This is what I'm doing and my spots seem to be almost gone! And, spots that were sore yesterday are now painless! It doesn't work for everyone, so just buy one tube and give it a shot. The tiny tune will probably last 2 weeks and be sure to give it a proper trial. Maybe take a picture before and after 2 weeks to see how clear your skin had become? Some people think that this has made their skin more spotty, and I think this is because sometimes it causes crustiness and redness that can be mistaken as a new spot. I have terrible dry skin and sometimes oily skin so this has actually helped both of these! I haven't gotten dry skin since I started using it. I usually have to scrub and peel dry flakes off my skin every 2 days of I want my skin to be baby smooth. But it has been more than 2 days and it's completely fine! I really recommend this!
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July 6, 2017
I was wondering how long do you keep the el on your face and when you wash it, when do you apply it again
June 6, 2010




Did not work

I used this product for a few weeks and it did nothing to improve my breakouts.
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April 27, 2010


Stings for a couple seconds when you first apply it to the pimple.

Sometimes doesn't work.

This product seems to take away the soreness and pain so that you can pop the pimple easier. Sometimes it will even bring the white-head to the surface to make it easier to get. This product contains 2% Salicylic Acid.
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January 11, 2010


Gets rid of redness and size quickly.
Smells nice.
Nice package.
Not too oily.


Nothing really. Itll sting if you have an open cut/blemish, but every acne cleanser does that.

Ive only had this for two days and my acne has been doing much better. On the right side of my face, my whole cheek had noticable blemishes that just would not go away. Then I used this, and they went away within a day. Very good product.
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August 17, 2015
worked great for me!
I had a moderate acne which I dried up actually with persa gel 10. I popped it when I finally could see the puss peeking through, and put this spot treatment gel on it. Next day, I found that it left a huge burn red mark and was freaking out. But guess what! two days after, the area which i thought was a burn mark got peeled off and regenerated skin underneath came out! My conclusion is that this is a great product to apply right after you pop the pimples.
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February 9, 2012


Clear gel
Dries out pimples fairly quickly
Very light odor


Stings - but only for a few seconds. It's nothing bad enough to whine about.

I have tried many different face washes/creams/treatments with no results. My adult acne actually got worse. This is a good product for a great price!
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May 2, 2011


-Clears acne dramatically
-The sting tells you it works
-Does not leave residue
-Sanitary packaging
-Will last long than you think


-Tends to dry out skin
-Applying too much will result in needing to wash it off

I have acne prone skin, T-zone gets really oily, the rest of my face is somewhat dry. Strange huh? My friend introduced with to me. Worked wonders, but DO AN ALLERGY TEST on your arm, I think the other reviewers were allergic? Who knows. This doesn't work for EVERYONE, so make sure you are able to return the product to where ever you bought it from! Good luck everyone :)
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March 17, 2010


-Seems to be strong, due to the sting/burn upon application


-Has an odd smell (like a perfume that is trying to cover up a stinky smell)
-Leaves dark marks rather than "helping to erase them"

When I first got this I thought it was working because it dries up the pimple a little; however a few months in, I realized the pimple would dry up just as fast without it!!The worst part is it has left me with many bright red/purple marks that take weeks to fade!! I would have been better off using nothing.
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