Adult Acnomel : Acne Medication

124 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Resorcinol (2%), Sulfur (8%).

Inactive Ingredients:
Alcohol (15% (w/w)), Bentonite (CI 77004), Carbopol, Fragrance, Iron Oxides, Octoxynol 9, Potassium Hydroxide, Propylene Glycol, Titanium Dioxide, Water.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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November 24, 2009
I don't have acne but more of a rosacea type dermatitis that has plagued me for several years and this product has stopped the b umps from occuring.The sulpher seems to keep the bumps at bay and I recommend keeping it on your skin to keep the l lesions from forming.
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November 3, 2009


This product seems to be shrinking rosacea lesions and is helping them to not spread.I am only on day four but finally I think I don't have to live with reoccurring bumps.The sulpher calms them down and I used to use Prosacea(otc) but it was not stro


The pigment color is too dark for me, the smell is nothing if it gets rid of this horrible problem with my skin.What scant sulpher smell there is smells good as it is clearing my skin.The cream is very 'cakey' and one cannot apply make up over it.

I am so very thankful to finally find a product to help clear this strange dermitis.I am 45 and while this is not acne (it is itchy but pustule like) the sulpher helps it to keep from spreading.I feel hope that my skin won't continue to break out in these strange lesions.
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August 30, 2009


It works great, pimples are gone within a week or two, one quick easy step, size of tube is good for travel, much cheaper than stupid ineffective treatments with 3+ steps that take forever to use. Doesn't irritate my skin. Tube lasts a couple months.


I guess the only con is the smell, but it isn't very strong and it doesn't last long, Neither me or my boyfriend really notice it.

I've tried those $20 3+ step acne kits from Clearasil and Clean & Clear. One of them worked okay, and only worked noticeably well if I used it three times a day instead of two. Between the price and time consumption, it wasn't worth it to me. I have somewhat oily skin and had pretty bad acne ever since my younger teens (I am 20 now). My mom found this tube of Adult Acnomel at a salvage grocery store (so she probably got it way cheaper than the price I entered below). She had never really seen acne treatments with the same ingredients, so she thought it might work and gave it to me. And it does! The only time I have ever seen my face this clear is when I lived in Canada for a year and the dry air dried out my skin. Every morning I wash my face with a bar of Irish Spring soap, rub on the Adult Acnomel, and then repeat before bed. That's it. If Adult Acnomel hasn't worked for you, I recommend washing your face with the Irish Spring bar first like I do (or just about any bar
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August 30, 2009


I am 46 and have acne my whole life- this is the first product that worked (other than antibiotics). It is very oil absorbant too. I have tried EVERYTHING including BP, retin A, the ZENO(worthless), Salicylic acid, Zinc, DIM, ...


Has odor- wear at night

If you had acne - you must try it. Wait at least a month to judge. Get it at Walgreens
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August 29, 2009


Dries up acne quick, I bought it today when i got home i washed my face apply the cream and a couple hours later i already seen improvement..I am impressed


The smell is not so great and it is thick and dies up like paste...but heck it works so i dont care about that wish i had of found it sooner.....I almost missed it in the store because of the way it is package but it was the last one left

If you want to see results quick this is the product for you it might be cheap but sometimes cheaper products work better this is proof! ;)
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August 23, 2009


Did not help at all!


Didn't really see a difference.

Didn't help! Besides is it even an ok product for oily skin?
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August 21, 2009


Dries out zits fast. Masks blemishes.


Awful sulfur smell.

I think this is the greatest. I now associate the the awful smell with the demise of the zits. Great stuff.
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July 21, 2009


I've been using this product for 2 weeks now, it's really helped! I'm in my late 40's, I've struggled with acne since my teens. Nothing helped, I've tried everything! This has changed the complexion of my face & quickly takes care of new pimples.


That I never heard of it before.................I could have been using this for years.

I will continue to use this product and I will recommend it.
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June 7, 2009


Dried up my huge cystic 'take forever to surface' pimples, keeps me from having to constantly wash my face, one application lasts all day


The color in it is streaky

I'm not used to having acne, I was lucky enough to grow up with perfect skin until about two years ago when I turned 21. Now I get blackheads, whiteheads and HUGE cystic pimples that will hang around for months under the skin-deep in my tissue and hurt. I was about to give up and shell out $$ for a dermatologist and saw that this had sulfur in it-the last OTC thing I had not tried. I smeared some on and two hours later my biggest most painful cyst was already half the size it was before. Im hoping I continue to see results *knocks on wood*
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June 3, 2009


Fast acting (I saw improvement overnight), contains soothing clay, slightly tinted. Pretty impressed.


Couldn't find in stores--bought online. After it is on a few minutes, a not-great sulfur smell emerges. Definitely to be used only at night.

One of the best OTCs I have used. I have also been on Accutane (relapsed), Clindamycin, Erythromycin, Spironolactone (did nothing), BP--off and on for years-- and pretty much every other thing you can imagine. Still fighting after 33--yes, 33-- years of acne...
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