Zeno : Acne Clearing Device

209 Reviews

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May 27, 2008


Easy to use, reduces swelling for a (very) short period after


Doesn't work! It took 6 or 7 treatments for one blemish to finally go away. For the price and time it took, I would definitely not recommend it to anyone.

Dont buy it! Its expensive and hardly works! Waste of $$
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May 15, 2008


Works great and is safe for my fair skin
Gives me confidence


Can't think of any

I am reposting my review because I want others to know that I am puzzled by the negative zeno reviews on this site (I definitely recommend to others to research reviews on more credible sites). I bought zeno in my doctor's office and have used it for a little over two months now and have had nothing, but success in treating my pimples. I purchased this for only a few problem areas where I consistently have breakouts. I have very fair skin. Used as directed, every single pimple I have used it on was gone by the next day. I have never used an acne product with such extraordinary results. And it didn't dry out my skin either. I'm very happy with this product. It is very soothing to use, and comforting to know my pimple will be gone soon.
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May 14, 2008


Zaps new pimples on the spot. Shortens the life-span of forming pimples. Keeps them small and flat--or shrinks them and flattens them out. Minimizes and/or eliminates scarring.


Won't get rid of all of your acne. Just works for spots, and for new ones. The heat can hurt. Expensive. Who knows about long-term affects of heat?

I have hormone/adult acne. While the regimen has helped reduce the spots, new ones do pop up. The Zeno works for me, keeping new ones from forming or reducing their lifespan. This, in turn, prevents scarring. As I tackle existing scars, it is very nice to be able to prevent new ones from forming. Yes, it is hot, and yes, it is expensive. But I am willing to fork out the cash and sit through the pain because I know it's going to work. It does not work for everyone, but if it works for you, it is worth it. The red mark fades quickly, and the pimple disappears, usually by the next day. It doesn't work on all pimples, but it keeps them flat. For me, it even works on pimples that have already formed with whiteheads, even though the package instructions say you have to get them while they are beneath the surface. If you're at the "try anything" point, it's worth a try.
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May 9, 2008


it has helped dry out a few spots on my face which lead to quicker healing.


not effective enough! also- if you don't catch the pimple at just the "right" time it can make your acne worse. i do not believe that enough time and research was put into this device.

not worth it. way too expensive for spotty results. too difficult to determine whether or not your zit will be helped by your zeno.
April 20, 2008




You have to hold it to your face for the longest 2 1/2 minutes of your life just to recieve this huge red spot (somehow much larger than the head of this apparatus) that can take up to an hour or so to fade away.

I bought this item out of desperation bacause I have been getting cystic acne- out of nowhere-- since last summer. Although the products website said it doesn't work on cysts (or many other types of acne) I came across mixed reviews about the product on other websites from people who said it did and they loved it (definately wasn't this site because you folks pretty much dubbed it a piece of crap straight down the line). So I ignored the reviews here, went to walgreens to experience a very embarrasing 20 minute search with 3 different walgreens employees who were'nt quite sure what this thing was or where they kept them (like one of those humorous price check scenes in a comedy for something like adult underwear). Well got home, charged it for 6 hours, began treatment. . . didnt work. Hasn't work since on all varieties of acne. I wouldnt recommend this piece of crap to my worst enemy
April 11, 2008


looks awesome! easy to use


really doesnt work, at least not for 150 bucks

it looks like a next generation acne hunter but it really doesn't live up to its looks. I have mild acne and the manual said that the zeno will only work for mild acnes, but i still have breakouts and my pimples still form as they would usually do. The zeno did work on small pimples, but on the big ones that you want it to go away, the zeno is not the answer
April 9, 2008


I actually work for Walgreens and do not believe in selling anything I do not believe works. my son has been using the zeno and is very happy with the results!I have sold many zeno,s but it pays to be informed about the product .



Don,t expect instant results the same day keep daily regime and use the zeno per instructions!only ever had one returned through inpatience!!
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April 7, 2008


IT WORKS. Feels good. Most pimples gone w/i about 24 hrs. Recommended by my doctor.


Not for severe acne or blackheads (but doesn't claim to be).

Frankly, I'm suspicious at the patterns I've noticed in the poorly rated reviews on this site. I have used this product longer than anyone that has written in on this site. IT REALLY DOES WORK. Use common sense and follow the directions. It will take the full 30 days to really learn the basics on this one because pimples are different and come at different times for different people. Most importantly, use it when the pimple first forms (it doesn't claim to work on old pimples, but it has improved the healing time on older ones for me). It will be gone usually by the next day. The body has to have time to carry the stuff the Zeno kills away, so it doesn't happen instantly, but gradually. I first heard about this product from my dr. Tried it. LOVE IT! ADDICTED TO IT! You can always return it on the 30th day if it doesn't work BUT READ THE MANUAL AND FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS. It's ok to use it a few more/less times until the pimple is gone. A super big pimple could need more.
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April 7, 2008


looks pretty cool


it doesnt work on the pimples that you really need it for.. i.e. the deep ones that hurt like hell. it works ok for the small ones that go away in a day or two anyways.

basically just a waste of money, you can get the same results from an OTC topical acne cream. dont buy it.
March 24, 2008


If used as described IT REALLY WORKS!


Cost of Cartridges.

I have had adult Acne for 10 years. Tried Accutane (worked for a year.) And I've tried every prescription out there. No luck. The only thing i havent tried that i'd love to is LEVULAN/BLUELIGHT treaments (not in the state where i live) So, i tried the Zeno. It really does cut the life of the cyst in half if you catch it at the first sign of soreness under the skin. Although i treat the area many more times than the booklet recommends (on some that i know will be huge and take weeks to go down) and it really works!! If you can afford to use it often, than buy it. One or two treatments per cysts wont cut it!
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