Zeno : Acne Clearing Device

209 Reviews

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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July 1, 2008


Its working on my pimples. Definitely worth the price. Awesome. Cute. Easy to use. Soothing on the skin.


Would have bought it sooner had I known it worked this well.

My skin looks so much better thanks to zeno! Its working. I was skeptical at first, just like others, but now glad I made the splurge. I have been using it daily for several weeks and have noticed a remarkable difference.
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June 29, 2008


warms your face up?


doesnt work actually makes the pimples get bigger

dont buy this
June 29, 2008


works on smaller, newly forming pimples best.


darn $$ but I found a loophole.....

Hello I bought my Zeno last week after reading many reviews. I know it's not for cystic acne (although some people claims it worked on theirs). I had a dime sized, squishy cyst for over a month. Had it injected with cortisone 3 times...to no avail. I used the Zeno and it seemed to flatten it out--but it came right back hours later. I tried the Zeno on small forming pimples next and that seemed to work fine. I'll keep the Zeno for those little ones. Money-saving trick: when the Zeno is ready for use and the green light flashes telling you to begin cycle...don't push it. Apply Zeno to area and let the green button beep, when it's done and powers down, power Zeno back on, it'll still be the right temp. You just have to time out 2 1/2 minutes in your head or on a kitchen timer. Using Zeno this way prevents you from using up the pre-set cycles and needing more.
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June 28, 2008


looked cute, felt like it was working...has a money back guarentee


didnt do anything!!!

it was expensive and didnt do anything for my acne. tho it is hormonal i still figured it would work on my face and it did nothing! the hot beam that zaps the zit feels like its doing something but didnt do anything for me! i got my money back!
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June 28, 2008




absolutely sucked. it was really expensive and did not work on the big pimples. old scars weren't even silentley faded.

if your hoping for a miricle don't even bother. i was desperate and it did not work out. my suggestion is that ir you need acne to go away use a regular acne treatment or Differin. that worked a whole lot better than this did.
June 28, 2008


Cool looking?


Burnt my skin, didn't help the pimple, expensive, ineffective

I think it just depends on the person. I saw a lot of great reviews and did a ton of research before buying my zeno, and then it ended up being a total disappointment. It burnt my skin, made the area around the pimple sore, didn't improve the acne (if anything, it made it worse), and was not worth the money in any sense. Also, even if this does end up working ok for you, the replacement tips cost a crap load of money and need to be changed frequently.
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June 27, 2008


My big pimple was completely gone the next day, and the same with others.



Unbelievable! I've tried everything and nothing ever works. Finally, a pimple product that actually does what it says it will. I would have bought it sooner had I known this!
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June 24, 2008




I bought this as one of my last hopes before asking my Dr. for Acutane. It was inefective. Every pimple I used it on still matured as it would have even if I didn't use it.

Save your money, if you want to try something similar I also tried Thermaclear which has a permanent head that never needs replacing and treatment lasts like 3 seconds. You can get it at [link removed].
June 17, 2008


Recommended - it really does work



I just can't get over how well zeno works. I use it religiously every day, just like brushing my teeth and washing my face. It has already saved me from several "would be" huge, embarassing zits. I've tried other OTC products, but no matter how gentle they claim to be, they always dry out my skin and cause it to itch. Zeno does not have any chemicals, so it is a nice change.
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June 7, 2008


A good daily skin regimen


Wish price was a little lower than $150

This thing is addictive! I use it on a daily basis. I wash my face, brush my teeth, do a new pimple check, then use my zeno . It's nice to know I can confidently use it and not worry about pimples anymore. It's a great solution for pimples that occur at the worst time, and they always do! I just wish the price were a little lower!
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