Forum Replies Created

Wisdom Teeth Removal Antibiotics

What I know is that penicillin caused the redness in my face to entirely dissipate, and essentially all acne stopped, i.e. I was triumphantly clear. No changes to me were brought about except for the ...

In forum General acne discussion

12 years ago
Wisdom Teeth Removal Antibiotics

Absolutely terrible. I was on vacation and gave in to the request to put on sunscreen; I've never broken out so horribly as that before. Avoiding sunscreen afterwords the salt water and Sun helped me ...

In forum General acne discussion

12 years ago
Wisdom Teeth Removal Antibiotics

A month or so ago I had my wisdom teeth removed, and after that ordeal I was given penicillin to prevent bacterial infections in the sockets. Near immediately my skin cleared up. It is important to no...

In forum General acne discussion

12 years ago
Lilo's Paleo Log

Could you try to adopt a water-only or caveman regimen for managing yourself externally? I noticed that you were using some product on your face. How were you feeling when you were on the paleo diet? ...

In forum Personal logs

12 years ago
The All Natural Regimen

I'm skeptical about this regimen due to the fact that cavemen had access to water and would have likely bathed in it, even their faces, with some regularity. I believe that splashing cold water onto t...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago