Forum Replies Created

HELP benzoyl peroxide ruined my face

Benzoyl Peroxide is extremely drying to the skin, which can make the skin even worse! This strips the natural moisture barrier which we need to good function in order to protect our skin. The skin is...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

6 years ago
Can increasing your protein intake reduce acne?

Yes it definitely can help! are you a vegetarian? We need amino acids which is what is found in protein. These amino acids make up healthy skin, hair and nails. Also if you're reducing your protein ...

In forum Diet & holistic health

6 years ago
What is going on with my skin?! Nothing is working!

The sugar has to go! Swtich to stevia or monk fruit, which is a non-glycemic sweetener and won't spike insulin (blood-sugar) you want to make sure you're keeping your blood-sugar levels staple whic...

In forum Diet & holistic health

6 years ago