Forum Replies Created

Accutane Log - 26, M (Severe Acne)

Day 7 (End of week 1) End of Week 1, also post acne extraction with my derma. I went to the derma and she was like "Woah your pimples are all out" and I'm like "really?". Turned out thats exactly what...

In forum General acne discussion

8 years ago
How ya feelin' about your acne today?

Frustrated! I wanted to feel good. I tried to feel better but I just can't.

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

8 years ago
Accutane Log - 26, M (Severe Acne)

Day 6 I decided to write my log here instead of a blog. Some pustules dried up. Some pop out while I shower this morning. Still a bad day but I'm feeling positive today because I'm meeting my doctor a...

In forum General acne discussion

8 years ago
Accutane Log - 26, M (Severe Acne)

I'm on my 5th day on acnetrex and my face is suddenly covered with pustules. I'm not sure if this is normal coz i never had this much pustules. It's so ugly. Please anyone who experience the same thin...

In forum General acne discussion

8 years ago
Lowest point of my life (Please Help)

I had a breakout just a month a ago and it changed my life a lot. I am currently using all my resources and energy to fix it. I went to a dermatologist where celebrities go and they gave me a plan th...

In forum General acne discussion

8 years ago
Seriously how do you people hold down a job?

I have been struggling with my acne for a month now and it's affecting my job. Aside from calling in sick for two weeks because of bad breakout, I'm having a hard time focusing with my tasks. I'm stil...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

8 years ago
Broken, anxiety, finding a partner, accepted there is no 'cure', diet obsession (LONG)

I know exactly how you free bro. A month ago, I was travelling, partying and doing sports but my life flips just like that after I suffered acne breakout. Now, all I do is work and go home. I've been...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

8 years ago