Forum Replies Created

Copper IUD & Acne (Isotrexin/Spiro)

On 12/7/2018 at 11:22 PM, AngieK said: Acne can come on as an adult or even get worse.... I've heard of that. My sister was totally clear until she was 30. Also, I've heard of women having acne...

In forum Hormonal acne

6 years ago
Copper IUD & Acne (Isotrexin/Spiro)

I have always had hormonal acne mild/moderate since 19 years old after coming off the combined pill. I never went to a dermatologist until 5 years ago i'm 31 now! They prescribed me Isotrex which work...

In forum Hormonal acne

6 years ago
Spironolactone & Isotrex Log

Thanks for replying, Its weird because Isotrex has helped MAJORLY! It did indeed take one month to unplug everything (it was horrible didnt want to leave my house). I actually have stopped the Sprio b...

In forum Personal logs

10 years ago
Isotrex, Spiro And Hormonal Acne

Thanks pink bunny that's lifted my hopes a bit! Yes they normally say around the chin and jaw is hormonal and I would say women who battle with it for yrs it's definitely hormonal I asked my dermatolo...

In forum Hormonal acne

10 years ago

I think antibiotics must help hormonal acne for some it just didn't for me did your derm say what type of acne you have?

In forum Prescription acne medications

10 years ago
Isotrex, Spiro And Hormonal Acne

I'm 26 i started getting mild acne always had a few spots when I turnt 17 such clear skin before so was on birth control pills on and off then went on dianette until April because I suffer with migrai...

In forum Hormonal acne

10 years ago

I think we are defos in the same boat although I was on doxycyline for 3 months only 100mg and it done zero for me so I now just think antibiotics don't help hormonal acne but everyone's different. Af...

In forum Prescription acne medications

10 years ago
Isotrex, Spiro And Hormonal Acne

How are you finding spiro? I think I have to stay on the topical he seemed more pushy on the retinoid he said I should definitely be on spiro if I can't take birth control but said that alone won't cl...

In forum Hormonal acne

10 years ago
Isotrex, Spiro And Hormonal Acne

Hi guys, so I've just started spiro few weeks ago was on 50mg to start with now on 100mg will give this a good few months before I start seeing any improvement. I also was given isotrex which is the t...

In forum Hormonal acne

10 years ago
Spironolactone & Isotrex Log

Hi dee I have stumbled across your posts and I have just started spironolactone I was on 50mg for 2 weeks now on 100mg been on this for 1 week now. I also was prescribed isotrex 0.5 I've been using th...

In forum Personal logs

10 years ago
Spironolactone Diary (With Video)

How's your skin now on spiro? I've just started it and I'm also on isotrex but my skins horrible at present

In forum Prescription acne medications

10 years ago
Hormonal Chin/cystic Acne

Thanks for your replies guys! It's Xmas day and my skin is worse then ever I think definitely from the isotrex gel it's so depressing I try not to think about it but it's so hard ! Emma how long did ...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Hormonal Chin/cystic Acne

Hi Guys, This is my first post! I hope you can help and give me some advice! I've battled with Hormonal acne id say Mild only around my chin and jawline since i was 17 (now 26) the rest of my face ...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago