Forum Replies Created

Good & Bad Birth Control Pills And Implants For Acne

I have a question for anyone who has an answer! How long does it take before you start seeing results when taking birth control? I'm about to complete my first month of Ocella. I don't think I have h...

In forum Hormonal acne

9 years ago
Free From A 38 Year Long Nightmare Of Skin Problems Yay! And Here Is How I Did It.

Are you sure it isn't the lack of products that you are using on your face that is improving your skin, Lughna? It sounds like you serious cut back on a lot of things. I tried washing my face with jus...

In forum Rosacea & facial redness

9 years ago
Big Blackish Pimple On Side Of My Forehead?

I've never seen that before. I would see a derm. I don't think that's a pimple or a blackhead.

In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago
Should I Do Skin Needling (Dermapen)?

Of course it will! Consult with the person doing the microneedling though. Generally, it takes about 6 treatments before seeing major results (at least that was my case) but since yours are so much sm...

In forum Scar treatments

9 years ago
Head and Shoulders: miracle bacne cure in 1 week

This treatment didn't work for me. I have clogged pores on chest, shoulders, and back but never whiteheads or cystic acne. So I just use a 2% BHA and that helps but it's such a pain when trying to rea...

In forum Back/Body/Neck acne

9 years ago
Are Blocked Sebaceous Glands Under My Eyes Related To My Oily Skin?

Ask a derm or an aesthetician. I have little dots under my eyes and I was told that they could be extracted physically--and I've had extractions done on my face and I know how painful they can be so ...

In forum Oily skin

9 years ago
What Helps Your Extremely Oily Skin? Sensible Answers Only.

I'm still experiencing some oiliness but since I've been on birth control (Ocella) I've noticed some dryness not just on my face but my hair too, so I know that the medication must be affecting my oil...

In forum Oily skin

9 years ago
Oily Skin

Be careful with this, but I've had some success with vitamin D supplements. Thing is, I stopped because I couldn't find a good balance. It's a fat-soluble vitamin so it stays in your system for a whil...

In forum Oily skin

9 years ago
Green Tea

Some people swear by green tea but I wouldn't put too much stock in it. I've been drinking green tea for years and it's never enhanced or worsened my acne. I say, drink green tea if you like green tea...

In forum Other acne treatments

9 years ago
Really Struggling With Ocm

Cleansing with hemp oil has never harmed my skin. Maybe you are not wiping it all off entirely. What I suggest is still use the hemp seed oil (btw what kind are you using?) if you like as a pre-cleans...

In forum Other acne treatments

9 years ago
Will Vinegar Always Cause Purging?

ACV may help topically but I believe it is only temporary. In my experience, even when diluting it, the anti-bacterial benefits of ACV were not very powerful. And when I diluted the ACV less, it would...

In forum Other acne treatments

9 years ago
Accutane Did Not Work, Stuck With Severe Back And Neck Acne For 5 Years

It very well may be fungal. I would get a second or even a third opinion from a different derm. It's not always good to self medicate but I also know that there are a ton of incompetent derms out ther...

In forum Prescription acne medications

9 years ago
Has Yasmin Stopped Working For Me?

I'm taking Ocella (generic of Yaz) and I'm still waiting to see if it works with my acne lol so unfortunately I cannot answer your question. However, if you are still concerned about your skin around ...

In forum Prescription acne medications

9 years ago
Clogged Pores And Accutane

I was on accutane when I had really bad clogged pores (no whiteheads just clogged pores everywhere) and I saw results by the fourth day. It was great. Unfortunately, I think all it did was shut down m...

In forum Prescription acne medications

9 years ago
Accutane 3.5 Months- No Progress

I'm very sorry you're experiencing this. I would call your derm and ask them if that's normal. Maybe a change of dosage may be required to reach the desired results. I know it's hard to stay positive ...

In forum Prescription acne medications

9 years ago
Help Help Help

If it is hormonal, maybe ask your doctor about birth control pills. I'm currently taking Ocella (generic of Yasmin or Yaz) and it's been notorious for bad side effects but it's also had several succes...

In forum products

9 years ago
Should I Do Skin Needling (Dermapen)?

I use microneedling for a scar I got from a car accident and it takes time for it to show improvements. I'm not sure how deep your scars are (mine are pretty deep so obviously I'm gonna see slower res...

In forum Scar treatments

9 years ago
Tretinoin 0.05 In A Jar?

Question resolved.   I contacted the pharmacy and as it turns out, some pharmacies that specialize in compounding prescriptions can make their own tretinoin. That explains why it doesn't look l...

In forum Prescription acne medications

9 years ago
Impossible To Find A Moisturizer With Good Ingredients...

Coconut oil is very comedogenic. I tried it and it clogged my pores so bad. I think it may be good for some people but not for those with combo-oily skin.

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

9 years ago
How To Not Break Out After Eating Sugars E.g Cakes/chocolate/biscuits

  I don't think probiotics really do anything as far as filtering the sugar your body is digesting. Digestion starts in the mouth and it's a long process. I'm not even sure if I buy into the wh...

In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago
Tretinoin 0.05 In A Jar?

I'm a little nervous about this one. My insurance would not cover tretinoin so I went to my derm and asked them what else I can do about my situation. They said that I can actually get the prescriptio...

In forum Prescription acne medications

9 years ago
Does Cutting Out Dairy Really Help?

  In my experience, no. And I was very VERY diligent and mindful with my dairy-free diet. I even went gluten-free and that did nothing to improve my acne. I know the saying 'you are what you ea...

In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago
The Perfect Spf Moisturizer?

Thank you for your recommendation. I'm glad you found a moisturizer that is working nicely for you! I cannot remember if I have used this one or not. I tend to avoid anything that has the word 'fragra...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

9 years ago
Impossible To Find A Moisturizer With Good Ingredients...

I understand the frustrations in searching for the right moisturizer for you. Just make sure you're picking a moisturizer that's meant for your skin type (dry, combo, oily). I'm using Neutrogena's oil...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

9 years ago
Can't Use The Regimen, Now Acne Is Worse

I unfortunately experienced this the hard way as well. I had a horrible reaction with Epiduo and it was due to the BP that was in it. So, I feel your pain on that. It was awful.   Doesn't Spiro...

In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago