Forum Replies Created

Adapalene or Tretinoin ??

minocycline is an antibiotic so does not affect your hormones, it was good for my son's skin but did not last. He used tretinoin at one stage and differin, they both were similar and I would not be co...

In forum Prescription acne medications

7 years ago
My face is worse then ever after being off accutane for 3 week. Pictures att.

Have you tried antibiotics? They could help with the inflammation and help clear up your skin.

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Help! Retin-A initial breakout is killing me.

My son was like you went back to doctor and he was prescribed minocycline to go with the retin a it is antibiotic and anti inflammatory it improved immediately. I think you should check with your dr

In forum Prescription acne medications

7 years ago