Forum Replies Created

Epsom Salts Anybody?

I've been using the Queen Helene mint mask everyone goes on about here for a while in conjunction with the epsom salts. But I found that using them both separately was a) a pain in the ass and b) requ...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

10 years ago
Epsom Salts Anybody?

About 5 days on from having started using this stuff and all I can say is... wow, it actually works! I wash my face with cold water than splash a 2mol dm^-3 solution of the salts on. So far I'm about ...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

10 years ago
Epsom Salts Anybody?

That's a bit unlucky! Has it improved at all since? I started mine today, it's only been 12 hours but they already look at lot better I made a solution which was way too concentrated (about 2.5mol d...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

10 years ago
Epsom Salts Anybody?

Has anybody tried Epsom salts, and if so, are they working long-term? They seem like the next best thing to try for me, I had a sulfur soap that worked a treat but the other chemicals were REALLY har...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

10 years ago
Pretty Much Out Of Ideas - Help?

I've tried leaving the skin for like two weeks over the holidays, it got about 10x worse unfortunately. I've bought three things which are pretty highly rated on the review section - Queen Helene min...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

10 years ago
Pretty Much Out Of Ideas - Help?

I used to use Quinoderm, which kept me almost completely clear. Now I'm allergic, and can't bring it near my face without getting a massive red ring around my mouth. Think I may be allergic to BP, I'm...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

10 years ago
Has A "spot Treatment" Product Ever Worked For Anyone?

Quinoderm worked quite well until I became allergic to it. Everything else I've tried has worked for a few weeks and then caused massive breakouts.

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

10 years ago
Edta-Free Tea Tree Soap?

I suppose it's possible - but I used quinoderm 5 to treat my spots without a problem for several years, then I suddenly became "allergic", getting a big red ring around my lips. Hell, even used quinod...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

10 years ago
Edta-Free Tea Tree Soap?

Does anyone know where I can get some in the UK? Basically, I stopped using quinoderm because it gave me horrible angular cheilitis and eczema. I tried organic tea tree soap, which works fantasticall...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

10 years ago
Quinoderm 5% Vs 10%?

Hey all. Tried Quinoderm 5 last night to tackle a mild case of acne - mainly above my lips and on the right side of my face. It is mildly effective - spots are less inflamed and nasty looking - but ...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

11 years ago
Is It Weird That Otc Benzoyl Peroxide 5% Didn't Dry Me Out?

Same problem here mate, I used Oxy BP2.5% a while back and it dried the hell out of my skin. Tried Quinoderm 5% last night for the first time and although mildly effective, it does almost nothing.

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

11 years ago
Mild Acne - Tried Everything With No Luck - Need Help

Update. Something is working great - Sudocrem - probably because it's sort of non-abrasive. Just a related note - That nasty ingredient Sodium Laureth Sulfate. Is it bad in shampoo, too? More speci...

In forum General acne discussion

12 years ago
2.5% Bp -> 5% Bp

Just an update, 2.5% has stopped working so well, it is working to some extent but nowhere near what it was. Though I'm not getting any irritation anymore, either. Should I try up to 5% now? I have ...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

12 years ago
Mild Acne - Tried Everything With No Luck - Need Help

Bump. Just like every other goddamn cream I've tried, it's stopped working. Should I try 5% or 10%, or something else? I have pure tea tree here but no means of diluting it.

In forum General acne discussion

12 years ago
2.5% Bp -> 5% Bp

A couple of days ago I started using Oxy On The Spot cream 2.5%Bp. It's working pretty damn good, less breakouts, did have a couple of 'em go cystic but they cleared up. Would I be safe switching to...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

12 years ago
Mild Acne - Tried Everything With No Luck - Need Help

Just an update. The Oxy On The Spot is working fantastically. Few of the spots initially went cystic but it settled down. Might step it up to Quinoderm 5% to nab those last few. Would that be a good...

In forum General acne discussion

12 years ago
Mild Acne - Tried Everything With No Luck - Need Help

Sorry I should have been a bit better with my wording, the Sertraline actually cleared it up completely for the duration I was on it. Regarding diet - two things: 1) I'm definitely milk sensitive ...

In forum General acne discussion

12 years ago
Mild Acne - Tried Everything With No Luck - Need Help

Did post elsewhere but it looks far more active in here so I'll put something in here too. Basically, I have mild/moderate acne, have done since age 11. I'm nearly 18 now. I'm not terribly self cons...

In forum General acne discussion

12 years ago