Forum Replies Created

Hi, I'm new here, been using Isotrexin since 2001, need some advice 🙂

Moisturize after treatment, pretty much every effective acne treatment out there dries the skin so moisturizing is essential. I don't know much about isotrexin but i think it does contain an antibioti...

In forum Prescription acne medications

15 years ago
Benzoyl Peroxide causes moles?

I don't know for fact it does. But i don't see why it would not. BP is pretty strong stuff. It bleaches whatever it touches. Anything that strong will react to the sun. The sun will cause freckles and...

In forum The Regimen

15 years ago
Benzoyl Peroxide causes moles?

BP is bound to do alot of horrible shit to the skin, i wouldnt doubt it caused moles. Lol,Here we go AGAIN! so are you going to keep knocking me everytime i have an opinion? He isn't knockin...

In forum The Regimen

15 years ago
Moisturizer before BP and the advice my dermatologist

You say your skin is to sensitive for bp to go on before moisturizer but not after, right?   This means that it does in fact make a difference the order in which you put it on, otherwise your sen...

In forum The Regimen

15 years ago
When does acne end?

Take into consideration how many of the members of are older than twenty five. So for you to say that "the majority of people over twenty five have no need for acne treatments" is a bunch of ...

In forum The Regimen

15 years ago
When does acne end?

In my opinion there will never be a point where you will "never have to use acne products again". You will have your face (hopefully) for you entire life and therefore you will have issues with your ...

In forum The Regimen

15 years ago
When does acne end?

In my opinion there will never be a point where you will "never have to use acne products again". You will have your face (hopefully) for you entire life and therefore you will have issues with your ...

In forum The Regimen

15 years ago
When does acne end?

In my opinion there will never be a point where you will "never have to use acne products again". You will have your face (hopefully) for you entire life and therefore you will have issues with your ...

In forum The Regimen

15 years ago
Does Daniel kern wash his hands before washing his face

I see no need to. When you wash your face with your hands, both are getting cleaned at the same time.

In forum The Regimen

17 years ago
benzoyl peroxide and the sun. possible?

I go out in the sun and I use the tanning beds with no problems.

In forum The Regimen

18 years ago