Forum Replies Created

Scar help - pictures

Hi can anyone please assist in recommending what type of treatment would be good for my scars?  I am 28 and have suffered from acne on and off for 10 years. Had a course of roaccutan...

In forum Scar treatments

5 years ago
Scars/red marks which are they? - post accutane what next? *pics*

Hi so have just finished a 6 month course of roaccutane which has worked amazingly. After 8 years of on/off acne which was sometimes severe, I haven't had a spot in 4/5 months and my skin is lovely.&A...

In forum Hyperpigmentation - red/dark marks

8 years ago
Long Term Regimen - Effect On Skin

I've used the regimen and BP on and off for years and finally gave up in Jan as my skin was horrible... clogged pores, dehydrated dull and flakey... It kept the full blown breakouts at bay but honestl...

In forum The Regimen

9 years ago
Differin Initial Breakout Is This Normal (Pics)

It is absolutely normal. I am 4 months in and still breakout but there has been improvement. If at the end of 6 months the acne hasn't slowed down, I'll try something stronger. Give Differin between 3...

In forum Prescription acne medications

9 years ago
Differin Initial Breakout Is This Normal (Pics)

Which Differin did you use? Generally, I only applied Differin at night. If needed to apply Differin in the morning, I tend to avoid makeup over the Differin area. Differin can make skin pretty dry a...

In forum Prescription acne medications

9 years ago
Differin Initial Breakout Is This Normal (Pics)

So I've been on differin for 7 weeks yesterday as well as lymecycline qntibiotics. Previously I had mild/moderate acne for years (I'm 24) and kept it at bay with bp, though always had a couple of spot...

In forum Prescription acne medications

9 years ago
Help Please - What Am I Doing Wrong?! Pictures Included

Hey don't feel discouraged. I feel as thought all this irritation might be because of using too many irritating products way too often. You need to give your skin some time to heal all the trauma from...

In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago
Help Please - What Am I Doing Wrong?! Pictures Included

Hi all, I'm 24 yo female, have had acne since teens and it's never really 100% cleared, other than when I've been on dianette (but it took 6 months to work) I've been off bc for 12 months and have ...

In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago