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Scar help - pictures


Posted : 06/05/2019 8:17 am


can anyone please assist in recommending what type of treatment would be good for my scars? 

I am 28 and have suffered from acne on and off for 10 years. Had a course of roaccutane 2/3 years ago after a very bad flare up which cleared for about 18 months and my skin has never been as bad. I went back on dianette but have recently come off as wanting to regulate hormones. I do have a little active comodonal acne and am using BP/Adapalene. I™m seeing the fern again in a few weeks but they say I am not severe enough for another course of roaccutane. 


My concern is with the state of my skin, scars and uneven texture/marks. I don™t know what to try and what I can try while my skin is still prone to acne flare ups. I am stick of having rubbish skin and would just like to minimise the scars I do have, can anyone help?


I can™t really tolerate a lot topically it tends to brake me out and I have oily skin.


help much appreciated! 




Edit: I have make up on in these photos




Posted : 06/05/2019 10:58 am

@rebeccat90Thanks for posting your pics,

Just a few thoughts do you have fungal acne, ... have you tried anti fungal creams, or a shampoo like nizoral or does your Dr think this is more hormonal and has done a hormone panel of labtests? Fungal acne makes these little pimples like you have all over the face and does this to the texture, Google it and see what you think. Certain products and oils exacerbate it as it's caused by a yeast. IF this is not under control we cannot treat you for texture or we will drive the problem deeper.

Have you tried the basics like a salicylic acne wash for 5 minutes and wash it off daily?

You have slight textural scars with some icepicks and boxcars.

Might be best to start with a spektra or hollywood carbon laser peel. Or Phototherapy / photofacial for the acne. Only cosmetic Dr's do this, not many normal derms, ... work with your normal derm on the fungal acne or hormonal acne.

Many sessions of tca cross would be good

Fraxel 1927nm Full density 22 passes.

Perhaps a chemical peel or a laser peel.

At home before you try those more expensive treatments it would be worth trying dermastamping to the scars or derminator(google it) monthly andglycolic peels alternating. If your sensitive spot test before doing a big area. This can be done between Dr's treatments.

Your case is easy I just worry about the papuals and pustuals

Everything is optional. Treat when you have time, 3 months between Dr's treatments.
