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How Servere Would You Rate This? (Pics Included)

I have something like this except only on my jawline..... It's so frustrating..... i have none on my cheeks though...

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
Started Epiduo - killed spots but also killed my skin

Thank you so much for feedback. I skipped a day of using epiduo and applied a lot of moisturizer which seemed to help get rid of the peeling.. its been about 2 and a half weeks so far!!! I hope th...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Hormonal Acne On Guys? (Breakout All Over Chin And Jawline)

Do any guys here have this problem? I mean all other parts of my face are perfectly fine, but my Chin and jawline wont stop producing acne... I was clear-skinned all the way through high school w...

In forum General acne discussion

12 years ago
Bb Cream To Cover Up Acne (Is This Ok?)

That's what I don't get. How in the world do you make a pea sized squeeze of epiduo cover all the affected areas? It just isn't enough. And I will try buying cerava moisturizer. Right now I am u...

In forum General acne discussion

12 years ago
Bb Cream To Cover Up Acne (Is This Ok?)

Hello everyone. So recently I've been using epiduo , and for about a week it actually helped. Now it has been a week and a half and my acne came back inflamed and my skin around my mouth started P...

In forum General acne discussion

12 years ago
Started Epiduo - killed spots but also killed my skin

I was prescribed epiduo about a week and a half ago and have been using ONCE every night as directed.... At first, It was working fine. I noticed painful burning, but I just sucked it up and knew th...

In forum Prescription acne medications

12 years ago
Peeling Skin From Epiduo. Do I Keep Applying It On This Area?

Its weird because if I dont put moisturize after putting on epiduo my face doesn't sting. When I do put moisturize on after epiduo, it burns like crazy. I wonder if anyone else gets this.

In forum Prescription acne medications

12 years ago
Peeling Skin From Epiduo. Do I Keep Applying It On This Area?

Thank you! I also hope it works out. I think i am seeing some improvement. How long do you wait to moisturize after applying Epiduo? And Do you moisturize both morning and night?

In forum Prescription acne medications

12 years ago
Moisturizing Face For Acne (How?)

Before? I thought you were suppose to apply after? Won't the moisturize prevent the epiduo from permeating into your skin?

In forum General acne discussion

12 years ago
Peeling Skin From Epiduo. Do I Keep Applying It On This Area?

I have been using epiduo for a few days now and have noticed peeling skin in one area. Should i keep applying epiduo on this area of peeling ?

In forum Prescription acne medications

12 years ago
Entered College Fine, Then A Month In : Worst Breakout Ever. Depressed. Help!

Judging from the google images, I don't think it's perioral dermatitis . I woke and started with a few bumps that developed really quickly under my lower lip/ upper chin. My friends thought they wer...

In forum General acne discussion

12 years ago
Moisturizing Face For Acne (How?)

Wait should i Moisturize only areas with acne or my entire face? My cheeks do not have acne should I still moisturize it? My whole life i was fine without moisturizing my cheeks.. I never had a break...

In forum General acne discussion

12 years ago
Entered College Fine, Then A Month In : Worst Breakout Ever. Depressed. Help!

Thanks for the encouragement. Hopefully during the winter break I can figure all of this out... It's funny because I've always thought "Man I wonder how bad it feels like to have a lot of acne, to...

In forum General acne discussion

12 years ago
Moisturizing Face For Acne (How?)

I use my fingers right? Not like a Q-tip or anything? I feel uncomfortable touching my acne though, fearing that it will make it worse.

In forum General acne discussion

12 years ago
Entered College Fine, Then A Month In : Worst Breakout Ever. Depressed. Help!

sigh.... I hope this works out/ I'm wondering if this is hormonal. I mean if i had really nice skin throughout my teens and suddenly got a huge breakout on my chin and jawline at 18. Then it must b...

In forum General acne discussion

12 years ago
Entered College Fine, Then A Month In : Worst Breakout Ever. Depressed. Help!

This isn't really useful..

In forum General acne discussion

12 years ago
Please Tell Me I'm Not Alone.... (Pics)

I never had these until recently. I started getting this all over my upperchin/ under my lip and my jawline accompanied by red pimples. Can anyone explain why this is happening to me? I am so depre...

In forum General acne discussion

12 years ago
Moisturizing Face For Acne (How?)

When I moisturize my face, do I apply it on and over my acne? I feel like this would make it worse but people keep telling me to do it. (Especially because I am currently using epiduo). Do I also mois...

In forum General acne discussion

12 years ago
Entered College Fine, Then A Month In : Worst Breakout Ever. Depressed. Help!

Hey everyone. Please listen to my story.... I have combination skin (I think) and I am a male 18years old. For my whole life I barely had any acne, even throughout my teen years...(People would ...

In forum General acne discussion

12 years ago