Forum Replies Created

Can anyone help me find out what acne I have/ how to fix it!!

You have nice skin 🙂 Your pores will unclog and the existing acne dry up on clay masks. I'd suggest multani mitti. Keep your hair away from your face

In forum General acne discussion

8 years ago
What kind of acne i have moderate severe?

Hello. Yours will go away on clearogen. I've had great results using Clearogen.

In forum Adult acne

8 years ago
Blackheads or something else?

You don't have to be depressed, your skin doesn't look bad. If I may ask, what does your diet consist of.

In forum Oily skin

8 years ago
Worst skin I've ever had and at 25 years old

My Acne Started when I turned 22 precisely after I popped in an I-Pill. The one night contraceptive pill. Since then I loathed the way my skin looked. Turmeric mask works wonders and clears up my acne...

In forum Adult acne

8 years ago

I know what you are going through. When I start feeling my acne gone, they come back. I had used minoz 50 for two weeks two-three times last year, intermittently and it helped. I was crazy clear each...

In forum Prescription acne medications

8 years ago