Forum Replies Created

Treatment for icepick scars? (Non-TCA/peel)

So, I had a very mild chemical peel done about a month ago and it messed up my skin. I didn’t get burnt or anything but basically I’m breaking out again. I was on A...

In forum Scar treatments

6 years ago
Is my skin burned?

I just had a non-medical chemical peel done by an esthetician maybe 2 hours ago and my skin is now really red in blochy patches. I’m wondering if I’ve been burned? ...

In forum Scar treatments

6 years ago
10% TCA peel?

18 minutes ago, Sirius Lee said: Only if you want a good exfoliation. It won't do much for your scars though. Also this is something that can easily be done at home. No need to pay top dollar....

In forum Scar treatments

6 years ago
10% TCA peel?

Sooo my dermatologist does not perform TCA peels at her office, only “Vi peels” which is supposed to contained some TCA in it but mixed in with a slew of other acid...

In forum Scar treatments

6 years ago
Scar advice?

Thank you for the feedback everyone. I am a fulltime college student and work only twice a week so my issue is that I don’t possess an extra 1,000-2,000 dollars I can just throw towards lasers and exp...

In forum Scar treatments

6 years ago
Scar advice?

Hi, I’m curious to know what type of treatment would be best for my acne scarring? 

In forum Scar treatments

6 years ago
How *much* Does Accutane Effect The Brain?

Hi everyone, I'm new here and I hope this post isn't too long but anyone who can offer me some solace and good information would be much appreciated, thank you so much. I'm a 16 year old girl and ha...

In forum Prescription acne medications

10 years ago