Forum Replies Created

Fish Oil causing acne? + Any advice on rosehip oil?

Hi guys, Like many here, I suffered bad acne in my early 20s. Accutane was the bullet that shot that problem right in the head, and i have had relatively clear skin since. Up till last year, where str...

In forum Diet & holistic health

6 years ago
Aha+ Purge?

Any updates on this. Jusy started on aha last week and have spots around my nose now as mentioned. My skin was suffering occasional under skin bumps which were leading to red marks but it definitely...

In forum products

8 years ago
Initial breakout or just breaking out?Paula's Choice BHA

Paula's choice bha and aha both broke me out and made my skin very greasy and oily I remember from using them years ago. I'm sensitive to bha but before trying neostrata pc was the only aha I had trie...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

8 years ago
Breakout 4 Years After Accutane


In forum Adult acne

10 years ago
Breakout 4 Years After Accutane

Hi all! So ive been a long termer here and unfortuntately whilst Accutane has generally worked like a DREAM for me, I still have suffered intermittent breakouts. Don't get me wrong, these ive attribu...

In forum Adult acne

10 years ago
tiny tiny tiny bumps

ugh help, another two tiny pimples today, albeit they are in areas where i shave...maybe mild focculitis@? not sure.   help me out here someone! what should i do next!

In forum General acne discussion

15 years ago
tiny tiny tiny bumps

okay guys so im post-tane and whilst i had an oily breakout a month after stopping my skin has been touch wood improving again since i started using a toner.   Now im a man obviously so i have to...

In forum General acne discussion

15 years ago
Very shiny, sticky skin.

I have completed my course for a month and VERY suddenly this week ive started to see sticky, slightly oily skin.   My skin has been bone dry for so long on tane that maybe i forgot what its supp...

In forum Prescription acne medications

15 years ago