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Initial Breakout On Bcp

Not sure if it's the accutane just yet, since accutane takes a while to start working and usually people will start seeing their acne worsen before it gets better. Good luck on your journey!

In forum Hormonal acne

13 years ago
Bad initial breakout on BC -- please offer advice!!

Progesterone is a funky hormone. While women have progesterone in their body, they also have estrogen which is a very important hormone. Progesterone may be the cause in birth control to make women ir...

In forum Hormonal acne

13 years ago
Bad initial breakout on BC -- please offer advice!!

Hey Lois, unfortunately many women break out around the chin/jawline when they are on birth control, this type of acne is called hormonal acne. Since you are so new in your pack, it is difficult to te...

In forum Hormonal acne

13 years ago
Initial Breakout On Bcp

Sometimes it takes until the 3rd or 4th pack to clear up, everyone is different so don't be discouraged if your acne is not cleared by the 2nd pack.

In forum Hormonal acne

13 years ago
Should I try water only/ no wash??

Sometimes this method works and sometimes it doesn't. It worked for me for about a week, my acne seemed to get better and then it just all came back. Unfortunately, anything to get rid of acne is tria...

In forum General acne discussion

13 years ago
Initial Breakout On Bcp

Many times when a woman is on new birth control there will be an initial breakout, it's very common within the first 3-5 months of being on birth control. I was acne free until I went on BC and then I...

In forum Hormonal acne

13 years ago
Carley's Clear and Smooth

I'm not going to say this product is either fake nor promising, because I have never used it. I do have to say that there are a lot of reviews on MakeUpAlley about this product, however, it's all abou...

In forum General acne discussion

14 years ago
Your Opinion on Birth Control?

I agree with Skylyre, they only work while you're on them, once you get off your skin can go either back to normal or get worse. You could always try birth control to see if that works for you, gettin...

In forum Personal logs

14 years ago