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Should I try water only/ no wash??


Posted : 09/08/2011 10:47 am

I have had acne for the past 2years. I am a 23yo f who has never had any kind of acne trouble before. Thinking back to when I was in my teens, I never had to wash my face. Im thinking maybe all the products im trying to use to cure my acne is actually causing it! Ive tried almost everything and nothing has made it go away. Any suggestions on just not washing my face anymore, or simply using water?? Id appreciate the input, thanks!


Posted : 09/14/2011 8:57 pm

Good thinking mate,


was in the same boat as you (it started out maybe a pimple or so occasionally, I freaked out - started using more and more crap, and my skin got crappier and crappier).


I just started the caveman regimen (no washing with water or anything), 3 weeks ago.


I have extremely dehydrated skin (both dry and oily), so it might take a number of months to recover.


I'm following this:


I believe the use of water only (as it says on the thread) is decent if your skin is not dry/oily.


Otherwise (at least in the initial month or so, until your skin no longer feels dry, looks like an oil slick, etc.) you should not use water at all.


Does your forehead feel tight when you squeeze it, and is your skin really oily?


(Remember, it's not a fast proces... you have to stick with it, but after the first week or so of not using cleansers and crap, I NEVER want to go back to routines and facewash/moisturizures, it feels so good to be free. Also remember your face will go through initial fazes like breakouts, oil, flaking, dead skin, etc. STICK WITH IT, and don't pick or pop)







Posted : 09/14/2011 9:46 pm

This is exactly how I cured my acne and I suggest you give it a try. Depending on your acne situation, give this a try for 1 and 1/2 months and see if you notice good results, if you do don't ever stop.


Here is my experience:


Posted : 11/09/2011 9:54 pm

i have been doing this for almost a month now, i wash with like ivory soap once a week if i feel like it. It seems to be working really well, my face is less red and irritated and i have less zits in general. I even wear foundation every day and the water seems to remove it well enough, i am not getting any clogged pores.

The one thing I have noticed is that changing my pillowcase/cell phone etc. has more of an effect on my breakouts then when i washed with soap 2x a day, probably because bacteria can grow easier.

I am hoping i can get completely clear with this method, i love it. So freeing to go on an overnight trip and not worry about bringing all your skincare products!!!


Posted : 11/10/2011 4:34 pm

I was on the water only regimen and it was great! I still have hormonal breakouts, so i wasnt completely clear, but it was soooo nice for scars! I really recommend you try it :)


Posted : 11/10/2011 10:19 pm

Sometimes this method works and sometimes it doesn't. It worked for me for about a week, my acne seemed to get better and then it just all came back. Unfortunately, anything to get rid of acne is trial and error. While harsh soaps and ingredients could be drying out your skin and causing you problems, you may have problems as well by not removing the dirt and oil on your face when you go to bed and wake up in the morning. However, I agree with awakeodin, if you don't have oily or dry flaky skin I would give the water method a try. If not, I would really recommend getting a mild cleanser for a morning wash and a chemical exfoliant cleanser for the evening, something with AHA.


Posted : 08/21/2013 2:43 am


hello everyone,

this is my first review ever in an acne forum, and the reason why I am writing to you is to tell that I found finally the solution for clear skin, and that unfortunately we have been lied during all this time about any regimen at all. YES, you have been lied, not only by your dermatologist who prescribed you tons of products to put on your face, but you have been lied by the entire system about the solution of acne. Think about it. Beauty industries have made you believe that chemicals can make your skin perfect. millions of products from different brands are being commercialized every day with the only scope to make money. Yes, you understood it right, only for money, they could care less for your skin. Finally i opened up my eyes, and i see the truth as it is. Our skin its already perfect, are at least it was perfect before we started to use those shitty products on our face.

Here is my story with acne. I have had mild pimples when i was a teenager, mostly concentrated on my forehand. they were normal for my age, but I wanted to have perfect skin, and I wanted to feel beautiful. so the first thing that i did was to buy a washer and makeup. i started to wash my face twice a day and putting make up right after it. I thought that i finally found a way to deal with my problem (yeah, for a stupid insecure adolescent, having some mild pimples on the forehead is a HUGE HUGE problem). But i was aware that my problems had just began. Since then, I have constantly had problems with acne, up to the point that they became my obsession. My all humor depended on the condition of my skin-if it is clear, i was happy, if not, i would be miserable for the rest of my day.

I have started to try anything possible to get rid of them. different type of washers, moisterizers, masks, peeling, but nothing was working. This year the situation got worse. I thought i touched the bottom. I am 23 years old, and when i saw my face full of pimples, (they were even infected), i felt that i wanted to die. Believe me i even thought of suicide various times. I spent my days asking to God, why, why me? WHY ME? Now i know the answer: Because of me.

i was so idiot to not realize that it was me and those shitty products i was using that caused acne and made my face vulnerable to infections, sunburn, redness.

i didnt want to go to the dermatologist again because i was sick and tired to take antibiotics each month as if they were vitamins, damn they damage your liver, i cant believe that the doctors have become so irresponsible those days, and in my country (Albania) they are a lot of stupid doctors, believe me.

so i decided to leave my face alone, because i was helpless and hopeless, what did i had to lose?

I washed my face once in the morning only with water, and believe it or not, today it is the 15th day on water only, and my face is 90% clear, yeah, i know it sounds crazy, but thats the truth, that truth which companies, doctors, have tried to hide from us. I cant believe i was so blind. i believe that soon i will be fully recovered by just doing nothing to my skin. yes, i do have some dead cells, but that is not bothering me at all, they will go away after a while, but i am happy becasue i didnt have a pimple at all in these 15 days, not one at all.

I have to ask, beg you guys, please DONT do anything to your skin, please please please dont. Leave your skin alone, wash just with water and you will be amazed by the results, just as i am. your skin is more intelligent than you think of it. The skin has the ability to regenerate itself from any internal or external damage, believe me, just leave it alone. Dont panic if you see a pimple on your face and rush to the drugstore to buy a washer and then screw your skin more. please dont. the only reason i am writing this to you is because i feel you, i have been through the same experience and i want to spread the word now, and save other people from doing the same mistakes i have done. please be informed, read more about how your body works, how your skin works, be literate and fu*ck all the commercial chemicals that ruin your skin and your life. PLEASE DO IT. FOR YOUR OWN SAKE.

before you take any decisions, do a check up of you body, do all the analysis, of blood, urine, liver, allergies you might have, ( i have done them, i it resulted that i did not have a problem at all, so nothing was causing my acne internally), if you find out that something is not working with your body, fix it, not by taking stupid strong medicines, but with vitamins intakes, exercise, some mild medications,. eat healthy, drink teas, and you will see how good you would feel.

The only way to be healthy is to avoid taking any medication at all, of course apart from the cases of bad diseases when you just have to. acne is not a bad disease, the skin can handle it on its own.

Think about my review, and before you put any other thing on your face, think twice, read, get informed, be your own doctor.

Wish you all good luck, and stay healthy,



hello everyone,

this is my first review ever in an acne forum, and the reason why I am writing to you is to tell that I found finally the solution for clear skin, and that unfortunately we have been lied during all this time about any regimen at all. YES, you have been lied, not only by your dermatologist who prescribed you tons of products to put on your face, but you have been lied by the entire system about the solution of acne. Think about it. Beauty industries have made you believe that chemicals can make your skin perfect. millions of products from different brands are being commercialized every day with the only scope to make money. Yes, you understood it right, only for money, they could care less for your skin. Finally i opened up my eyes, and i see the truth as it is. Our skin its already perfect, are at least it was perfect before we started to use those shitty products on our face.

Here is my story with acne. I have had mild pimples when i was a teenager, mostly concentrated on my forehand. they were normal for my age, but I wanted to have perfect skin, and I wanted to feel beautiful. so the first thing that i did was to buy a washer and makeup. i started to wash my face twice a day and putting make up right after it. I thought that i finally found a way to deal with my problem (yeah, for a stupid insecure adolescent, having some mild pimples on the forehead is a HUGE HUGE problem). But i was aware that my problems had just began. Since then, I have constantly had problems with acne, up to the point that they became my obsession. My all humor depended on the condition of my skin-if it is clear, i was happy, if not, i would be miserable for the rest of my day.

I have started to try anything possible to get rid of them. different type of washers, moisterizers, masks, peeling, but nothing was working. This year the situation got worse. I thought i touched the bottom. I am 23 years old, and when i saw my face full of pimples, (they were even infected), i felt that i wanted to die. Believe me i even thought of suicide various times. I spent my days asking to God, why, why me? WHY ME? Now i know the answer: Because of me.

i was so idiot to not realize that it was me and those shitty products i was using that caused acne and made my face vulnerable to infections, sunburn, redness.

i didnt want to go to the dermatologist again because i was sick and tired to take antibiotics each month as if they were vitamins, damn they damage your liver, i cant believe that the doctors have become so irresponsible those days, and in my country (Albania) they are a lot of stupid doctors, believe me.

so i decided to leave my face alone, because i was helpless and hopeless, what did i had to lose?

I washed my face once in the morning only with water, and believe it or not, today it is the 15th day on water only, and my face is 90% clear, yeah, i know it sounds crazy, but thats the truth, that truth which companies, doctors, have tried to hide from us. I cant believe i was so blind. i believe that soon i will be fully recovered by just doing nothing to my skin. yes, i do have some dead cells, but that is not bothering me at all, they will go away after a while, but i am happy becasue i didnt have a pimple at all in these 15 days, not one at all.

I have to ask, beg you guys, please DONT do anything to your skin, please please please dont. Leave your skin alone, wash just with water and you will be amazed by the results, just as i am. your skin is more intelligent than you think of it. The skin has the ability to regenerate itself from any internal or external damage, believe me, just leave it alone. Dont panic if you see a pimple on your face and rush to the drugstore to buy a washer and then screw your skin more. please dont. the only reason i am writing this to you is because i feel you, i have been through the same experience and i want to spread the word now, and save other people from doing the same mistakes i have done. please be informed, read more about how your body works, how your skin works, be literate and fu*ck all the commercial chemicals that ruin your skin and your life. PLEASE DO IT. FOR YOUR OWN SAKE.

before you take any decisions, do a check up of you body, do all the analysis, of blood, urine, liver, allergies you might have, ( i have done them, i it resulted that i did not have a problem at all, so nothing was causing my acne internally), if you find out that something is not working with your body, fix it, not by taking stupid strong medicines, but with vitamins intakes, exercise, some mild medications,. eat healthy, drink teas, and you will see how good you would feel.

The only way to be healthy is to avoid taking any medication at all, of course apart from the cases of bad diseases when you just have to. acne is not a bad disease, the skin can handle it on its own.

Think about my review, and before you put any other thing on your face, think twice, read, get informed, be your own doctor.

Wish you all good luck, and stay healthy,



Posted : 08/22/2013 9:49 am


should I moisturize gently?



what about sunblock
