Forum Replies Created

Quitting Benzoyl Peroxide (BP) forever, FINALLY!!!!

How is your skin doing now @veganagogo? Do you think the amount of sebum your skin produces has decreased? I am 41 and have been using BP twice a day every day for 15 years. I recently tried stopp...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

4 years ago
How To Find A Derm Who Will Prescribe Spironolactone In The Uk?

Super. Thanks for the tip.

In forum Prescription acne medications

9 years ago
How To Find A Derm Who Will Prescribe Spironolactone In The Uk?

Hi I live in Cambridge, UK and would like to find a dermatologist who would consider prescribing me Spironolactone. Any tips on how to go about this?   I don't really understand the private h...

In forum Prescription acne medications

9 years ago
Acne And Paragard Copper Iud

Hi A2M, I am 34 and had the copper IUD for seven months. I have never had perfect skin, but I started to get crazy acne after about four months. I had the IUD removed and gradually my face recovered...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Copper Iud & Acne?

The copper IUD wrecked my face too. I had it removed after seven months when I finally made the connection between the IUD and the acne that gradually got worse and worse. Finally now, four months a...

In forum Adult acne

10 years ago
The Kitchen Sink -- Solving Acne At 34

So here is an update. It's been seven months since my skin really went crazy. And four months since I got the IUD removed. My face is finally pretty much back to normal and I have my life back. I w...

In forum Personal logs

10 years ago
The Kitchen Sink -- Solving Acne At 34

I had the IUD removed today. Let's see if that makes a difference. I've started a gallery called Copper IUD to document any changes over the coming weeks. Fingers crossed for improvement, as it's a...

In forum Personal logs

11 years ago
The Kitchen Sink -- Solving Acne At 34

Ok. The latest. I searched for "copper IUD acne" and found lots of descriptions of symptoms like mine that occurred after women got a copper coil for birth control. I had one inserted seven months a...

In forum Personal logs

11 years ago
The Kitchen Sink -- Solving Acne At 34

Ok. The latest. I went to a dermatologist in London. The doctor was lovely. She genuinely listened to my history. And carefully examined my skin. She concluded I have both rosacea and acne. She disc...

In forum Personal logs

11 years ago
The Kitchen Sink -- Solving Acne At 34

Just an update to note that my skin is pretty bad. Lots of bumps just under the surface. Feels like an alligator skin when I run my finger over my face. Even the scabs that are healing are looking a...

In forum Personal logs

11 years ago
The Kitchen Sink -- Solving Acne At 34

Thanks for your reply Hunniebun. My breakouts seem to be on a week cycle so independent of my monthly one. My breakouts are exclusively on my face. Mainly cheeks and jawline, but lately no where is...

In forum Personal logs

11 years ago
The Kitchen Sink -- Solving Acne At 34

So I'm a 34 year old woman and my skin has gone crazy again. I'm pretty desperate to find a solution and this is a journal of all the things I am doing to try to fix it--I'm throwing the kitchen sink ...

In forum Personal logs

11 years ago
The Kitchen Sink -- Solving Acne At 34

So I'm a 34 year old woman and my skin has gone crazy again. I'm pretty desperate to find a solution and this is a journal of all the things I am doing to try to fix it. The Regimen worked for me for ...

In forum Personal logs

11 years ago
Panoxyl 2.5% And 5% Aquagel Discontinued

Thanks for the info 3stan. How frustrating is that! And I want to report that Benzac isn't really working so well afterall. My skin is looking pretty bad. So I'm waiting on my order of the acne.o...

In forum Store brand Regimen supplies

12 years ago
Panoxyl 2.5% And 5% Aquagel Discontinued

Just an update that Benzac seems to be a good replacement for Panoxyl Aquagel. It's fairly expensive ordered online and shipping takes a while (it's Australian and comes via Thailand in no great hurr...

In forum Store brand Regimen supplies

12 years ago
Panoxyl 2.5% And 5% Aquagel Discontinued

Aaaargh. Have used Panoxyl Aquagel since 2005. The Quinoderm cream doesn't work as well for me either and I can't even find that at pharmacies now because they can't keep up with demand now that the...

In forum Store brand Regimen supplies

12 years ago