Forum Replies Created

What Age Was Acne Your Worst

I was wondering what age your acne was the worst. I am only 14 and have had acne like someone in their late teens. I already have some scars, but I can't keep thinking what my face will look like once...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

11 years ago
Solodyn, Do You Work?

I first started off with 60mg of solodyn and was on that for about 5-6 months with no effect. the my dermatologist prescribed 80 mg and I noticed a huge improvement in one month. Now I am left with a ...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Red Rash Around My Eye, Possibly Associated With Acne Treatments?

this happened to me when I put too much bp near my eyes. It was right below my eyebrows and around it. All you have to do is put moisturizer on it. It should go away in a couple of days.

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
Will Cerave Moisturizer Help Fade Red/dark Marks

I was looking at the ingredients and found out it had niacinamide. I read that it helps reduce redness. Would this be effective in reducing red marks?

In forum Hyperpigmentation - red/dark marks

11 years ago
Face Still Red After Acne Gone

are there any products that can help?

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
Face Still Red After Acne Gone

I was prescribed an antibiotic (solodyn 80 mg) and epiduo/aczone. my acne finally cleared up so when a rub my hands on my face it is all smooth. But when I look in the mirror my face is still red from...

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago