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does it have to be "cod liver"? the one i bought... is from "fish liver"... though i dont know which kind...would that be ok?

In forum General acne discussion

17 years ago

i take a b vitamin complex, a multi vitamin, and now a vitamin a supplement... hope it works... but as we all know... it takes patience to clear this acne up...

In forum General acne discussion

17 years ago

i've heard that vitamin a, is good for treating acne. so today i went up to the store and bought a vitamin a supplement. has anyone else tried this? if so, does it work very well?...i mean i know accu...

In forum General acne discussion

17 years ago
certain deodorants bringing on acne

crazy. so what are we supposed to do? smell bad? i think thats even less attractive than acne. (i have moderate acne by the way... so it dont look that great)

In forum General acne discussion

17 years ago
Lack of sleep... How bad is it for acne??

i try to get my "9 hours" each night. not only does it make my skin look "brighter"... it helps me from being cranky.. which usually results in a breakout....

In forum General acne discussion

17 years ago
Meanest thing that someone has said about your acne

when i was in 8th grade...   me: walking through halls....   two 6th graders: "look at that girl... all those zits make her look like a monster"   me: about to cry      

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

17 years ago
Why Does Noone Else Have Acne!

i agree. i also get mad when my best friend with a "porcelin" complexion complains when she gets one zit!! one!! i look at myself in the mirror with a face full...and she dont even know what that feel...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

17 years ago