Forum Replies Created

Scars still red after 20 years. what do ?

Here's my skin stretched. you can see how the pink spots stand out against my asian skin tone.   I know I need subscision and $$$$$ worth of treatment. But the redness Is the issu...

In forum Scar treatments

5 years ago
Acne Scarring 2018 - 2019

car windows are like mirrors, so yeah, that's how other people see you when you're standing in the sun.

In forum Scar treatments

5 years ago
Scars still red after 20 years. what do ?

Went on accutane when I was 18, and 2 decades later, the rolling scars on my cheeks are still redder than the surrounding skin. If I pinch the red scars between my nails, the normal skin color fill...

In forum Scar treatments

5 years ago
Acne Scarring 2018 - 2019

to those who say you're not gonna be under harsh light, not true. I always catch my own reflection outdoors in car windows, and the sunlight makes my face look gnarly !! The scars stand out.

In forum Scar treatments

5 years ago
Apple Cider Vinegar

yo.   i just bought a 16oz bottle of store-brand 5% acv for $1 today at the store.   put it on once today. it seems like there is less oil after 6 hours. i'd estimate that there is 50-60% le...

In forum Scar treatments

18 years ago