Forum Replies Created

Seven-Year User -- Suddenly Not Working Any More

Hey all, Pretty much every couple of years it's becoming a bit of a tradition for the regimen to stop working for me, huge pimples to start appearing on my face, and for me to freak out until I figu...

In forum The Regimen

9 years ago
Bp Suddenly Not Working Any More -- 31/m

Thanks for the advice. One thing I don't do is dispense a fingerful and then apply; I put dots all over my face and then rub it in.I am using quite a lot of it, and always have. I'll following the reg...

In forum Adult acne

11 years ago
Bp Suddenly Not Working Any More -- 31/m

Hey, thanks for the reply. With me living in China, it's virtually impossible for me to get any products except those in the country. The BP here has always worked for me before. I'm thinking about ju...

In forum Adult acne

11 years ago
Bp Suddenly Not Working Any More -- 31/m

Hey, Ironically enough, a couple of months after I post a topic thanking and its users for helping me with my acne problem and having more or less overcome it for around three years, I've b...

In forum Adult acne

11 years ago
Meanest thing that someone has said about your acne

I knew a guy at work who used to get really bad cysts/nodules. REALLY bad. One time he had one that literally took up the entire space between his eyes -- it must have been an inch-plus across -- and ...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

11 years ago
Semi Adult Newbie From The Uk.

The emotional drain of acne has always been the worst part for me. I think I was in a similar boat to you -- I'm from England too and during the worst of my breakouts I was in a position where I had n...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

11 years ago
A (Semi-) Success Story

Hey, I've been lurking and occasionally posting on this board for around seven years. For the past three or so years, I've been around almost not at all, however. The reason for that, I suspect, is ...

In forum Adult acne

11 years ago