Forum Replies Created


Hi! Somehow I ended up in your threads. Subcision does not correct pigmentation. It helps with scar tissue to help raise dented scars. No help with pigment unfortunately.

In forum Scar treatments

7 years ago
Picosure, fraxel duo, or other?

Hi. I'm. It sure if you e already done the Fraxel, but my advice is to never do laser treatments for acne scars. Total waste of money. I've had many laser treatments.. Including Fraxel. Huge waste of ...

In forum Hyperpigmentation - red/dark marks

7 years ago
Searching for non comedogenic anti aging products

Desperately searching for truly non comedogenic eye cream and anti aging products. I have tried different eye wrinkle products recommended or sold by different dermatologists. I break out after using ...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

7 years ago