Forum Replies Created

Dermatologists Can't Help Me

I have/had very similar problems to you. My skin doesn't like topicals anymore. It responded very, very well to BP initially and I was clear for a few months. After that I started getting flesh colour...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Lied To My Derm To Get Accutane, Need Opinions

Why did you ask for opinions if you're just going to dismiss everyone giving them? I don't think they're dismissing all opinions; just the baseless fear-mongering ones like bubbles'. Accutane does w...

In forum Prescription acne medications

10 years ago
Lied To My Derm To Get Accutane, Need Opinions

Why did you ask for opinions if you're just going to dismiss everyone giving them? I don't think they're dismissing all opinions; just the baseless fear-mongering ones like bubbles'. Accutane does w...

In forum Prescription acne medications

10 years ago
Acne Has Become Severe

Accutane. You could spend years of your life experimenting with elimination diets that will pretty much render you unable to enjoy so many types of food (and possibly not help your acne), or you could...

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
Skin Tone Annoyance

This is apparently normal and your skin should normalize, but I was one of the few whose skin never got over it. I was on BP for two years or so and while my skin cleared of acne, my face where I appl...

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
What In The World Is Going On With My Face?

Do they itch? Yes they itch a lot. I can't help but rub my fingers on them to alleviate the urge to use nails as I know that scratching it will cause it to scar and redden. It could possibly be a ...

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
What In The World Is Going On With My Face?

Do they itch?

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
Need A Good Cleanser

I used quinoderm face wash for a good while and was clear for a few months on it, till my skin changed to a slightly drier type and I couldn't use it anymore. I hear Cerave's hydrating and foaming cle...

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
Testosterone Levels In Women!

Very good. Cold hands and feet are unquestionably signs of hypothyroidism. Your thyroid controls metabolism and temperature. Your doc probably doesn't know this but when you are dosed correctly ther...

In forum Hormonal acne

11 years ago
Testosterone Levels In Women!

So I got the results of my blood tests back, and I'm very confused. I have oily skin, HEAVILY congested cheeks (they look puffed up they're so lumpy), inflammatory acne here and there and dark upper l...

In forum Hormonal acne

11 years ago
Testosterone Levels In Women!

So I got the results of my blood tests back, and I'm very confused. I have oily skin, HEAVILY congested cheeks (they look puffed up they're so lumpy), inflammatory acne here and there and dark upper l...

In forum Hormonal acne

11 years ago
Testosterone Levels In Women!

I don't have any allergies that I know of in the sense that I don't get allergic reactions. If I'm allergic, then my acne is the only symptom, hehe. I've tried three different types of washing powder,...

In forum Hormonal acne

11 years ago
Testosterone Levels In Women!

Thanks for replying! 21st day = 7 days before my period. My skin was feeling a bit dry post cleansing using quinoderm face wash, but I've recently switched to an oatmeal cleansing method. My skin got...

In forum Hormonal acne

11 years ago
Testosterone Levels In Women!

So I got the results of my blood tests back, and I'm very confused. I have oily skin, HEAVILY congested cheeks (they look puffed up they're so lumpy), inflammatory acne here and there and dark upper l...

In forum Hormonal acne

11 years ago
Switching From Epiduo To Differin?

It's slightly stronger than the stuff in the Epiduo (0.1%) so you may see a liiiiittle purging if you have anything lurking deep down or if it irritates your skin to start. You should apply to your wh...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Switching From Epiduo To Differin?

Epiduo is adapalene + benzoyl peroxide. Differin is plain adapalene. If you've been on Epiduo for the past year the adapalene component of it should have done a decent job at clearing up your pores an...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
My Diane35 Diary

I thought I'd come and lend my support after you were kind enough to reply in my thread. I'll be following along with your journey! I haven't started my pills yet because I'm waiting on my period. I'm...

In forum Personal logs

11 years ago
Think I'll Be Prescribed Accutane? (With Pics)

Thanks for all your replies. I went to see my GP (family doctor) . I said I had tried everything for my acne and I wanted a dermatology referral. He did infer that my acne isn't that bad but seeing th...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Confused -- Dianette And Yasmin.

Well I hope you can continue taking it long term Seems your doctors should let you keep taking it if you really want to and since it's not a super dangerous drug. But I guess there are lots of legal ...

In forum Hormonal acne

11 years ago
Confused -- Dianette And Yasmin.

Yeah. I'm not actually too worried about the dangers (we're also considering accutane), just how 'permanent' of a treatment they'll allow it to be. I can honestly see my next doctor immediately pullin...

In forum Hormonal acne

11 years ago
Confused -- Dianette And Yasmin.

So I went to visit the Doctor again today, having requested to go on Yasmin. She'd wanted to clear it with a couple of other Doctors first, as I'm on the NHS and they're still slightly leery about pre...

In forum Hormonal acne

11 years ago
What's Up With My Pores/cheeks? (Pictures Included)

Update: Either an initial breakout or just a bad breakout in general, but I have about eight new red, angry bumps. That's a record for me. ):

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
What's Up With My Pores/cheeks? (Pictures Included)

I'm from the UK too so I can sympathise on the waiting for the post thing!! I was on Yasmin for about 8 months maybe and I LOVED it! Cleared my skin right up, it was coming off that and having the mir...

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
What's Up With My Pores/cheeks? (Pictures Included)

Thank you for replying! I was actually on 2.5% BP when this problem cropped up. I'd gotten clear on Dan's regimen previously so it was really weird for me. What I CAN pinpoint thinking back, actually,...

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
What's Up With My Pores/cheeks? (Pictures Included)

Bump. Still looking for a solution. Maybe it's rosacea.

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago