Forum Replies Created

Acne Changes Your Life. What's Your Story?

Hi.   I started to break out with moderately severe acne 6 months ago.   The bad- my acne does not respond well to BP or Proactive or most face washes, only natural salisylic acid stuff ...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

10 years ago
Retin A Doing Nothing!

I've been on retin A only for a week, yeah I get it "well what do you know?". The thing is I have very sensitive skin and moderate to very very slightly severe acne, and retin A cleared that up like ...

In forum Prescription acne medications

10 years ago
Why Is Retin A Working Immediately?

I was given the same treatment as you last year for acne, and like you, achieved immediate results. The immediate results are likely from the clindamycin. Retin-A just hasn't had enough time to cause ...

In forum Prescription acne medications

10 years ago
Why Is Retin A Working Immediately?

Hi all! I've been occasionally lurking around this site both casually and frantically ever since I got moderate/cystic acne 6 months ago. Before then, I had never had a pimple in my life. I went throu...

In forum Prescription acne medications

10 years ago