Forum Replies Created

I found magic cure for acne scars, especially new scar! Now I'm 85% acne scar free.

hey i saw your comment on my post! Great progress but since lighting is different -and that can have an impact on how scarring looks- , could you tell me how much improvement did your skin have in ter...

In forum Scar treatments

3 years ago
Vitamin Deficiency and scarring!

13 hours ago, Dan said: It looks like you're breaking out a little. You can't do anything about scars until you're completely clear. First, I would say get on the regimen and get completely cle...

In forum Scar treatments

3 years ago
Help with my acne scarring please!

Hey guys! I have a question.Weird kind of question but if anyone has an answer I would be very interested! Well,I noticed that a friend has some acne scarring and his beard doe...

In forum Scar treatments

3 years ago
Vitamin Deficiency and scarring!

Hello! Well,my skin until august used to be pretty much amazing.I would get some pimples now and then,i would SMASH them by picking etc and i would only get some scabs that would leave hyperpigmentati...

In forum Scar treatments

3 years ago
Help with my acne scarring please!

2 minutes ago, suvvolo said: Redness make your scars 10x worse. you are good looking girl, don’t worry for your “scars” heyyy...

In forum Scar treatments

3 years ago
Help with my acne scarring please!

43 minutes ago, Sirius Lee said: What you're experiencing is analysis paralysis. It's time to stop freaking out and get the job done. Get rid of those scar edges first. Then get facial f...

In forum Scar treatments

3 years ago
Help with my acne scarring please!

31 minutes ago, Amanda Hall said: You can only realize the true extent of your scars when the redness is gone. Redness/erythema always makes scars look worse than they are. it's angled ...

In forum Scar treatments

3 years ago
Help with my acne scarring please!

Guys i added more pictures with High definition with my best friend's help! @Sirius Lee in case this is more helpful...    Sorry i have some repair cream on t...

In forum Scar treatments

3 years ago
Help with my acne scarring please!

1 hour ago, Sirius Lee said: With TCA, greater than 50% improvement, provided that scar edges have faded. With TCA and filler (again, with no prominent scar edges), nearly 100%. ...

In forum Scar treatments

3 years ago
Help with my acne scarring please!

8 hours ago, Sirius Lee said: Shadows are cast by the distinct scar borders. No matter how deep the scar is, as long as there is no prominent edge, it will appear softer and shallower. TCA and ...

In forum Scar treatments

3 years ago
Help with my acne scarring please!

anyone else having experience and knowledge that could help my case please? ❤️

In forum Scar treatments

3 years ago
Help with my acne scarring please!

8 minutes ago, freshman said: Yes, I would say so. The discoloration is making it appear deeper then it is. I think once the discoloration fades or you get rid of it with peels, you will be abl...

In forum Scar treatments

3 years ago
Help with my acne scarring please!

19 minutes ago, freshman said: I don't think subcision is dangerous in general, it's just overkill for you in my opinion. Donut effect generally happens when scars are tethered down, I don't th...

In forum Scar treatments

3 years ago
Help with my acne scarring please!

3 minutes ago, colorful said: Thank you very much Believe me, you also have a very beautiful skin. Once the red spots are gone, you will feel better. But I understand very well that scars affe...

In forum Scar treatments

3 years ago
Help with my acne scarring please!

@freshman hello thank you for your comment! Whyy would you say subcision is dangerous? I mean,as a procedure it has the best reviews and results!! Also,if filler is not combined with subcision donut e...

In forum Scar treatments

3 years ago
Help with my acne scarring please!

@colorfulomg i saw your photos! your skin looks very nice! You are lucky because your scars aren't as wide as mine  I would probably do nothing if i had your skin , it looks very nice to m...

In forum Scar treatments

3 years ago
Help with my acne scarring please!

@panpziheyy! did depth faded a bit too? or only redness?

In forum Scar treatments

3 years ago
Help with my acne scarring please!

@Amanda Hallthank you for replying!! I'm aware that my scarring is not the worst but that particular scar has made me extremely insecure.Sadly,we don't have scar experts in my countryyy! That's why I ...

In forum Scar treatments

3 years ago
Help with my acne scarring please!

hey! any other recommendations would be really helpful guys! Btw I visited an other derm and he said lasers will do nothing.He suggested subcision without filler (2 sessions spaced 1 month apart t...

In forum Scar treatments

3 years ago
How soon to start treating a scar?

heyyy how is it now??

In forum Scar treatments

3 years ago
Help with my acne scarring please!

@beautifulambition could you please help me too? I know you are very knowledgeable and your advices have helped plenty!!

In forum Scar treatments

3 years ago
Help with my acne scarring please!

@GuyGaGa my acne started 6 months ago but the ones that left this scar went down 10 days ago! Sadly I am in Europe, and i went to three dermatologists that all suggested lasers.Hopefully(fingers cross...

In forum Scar treatments

3 years ago
Help with my acne scarring please!

@GuyGaGahey thank you for answering! I already have a rich diet,and i am taking vitamin c supplements (not ester,but will definitely check it out!!) . I also use sunscreen. Will check out hyaluronic a...

In forum Scar treatments

3 years ago
Help with my acne scarring please!

@getsmart121 do you have any idea of how much improvement could I see? I mean, given the results you have seen and your knowledge,how much could this be "restored" ? Btw thank you a lot for respondin...

In forum Scar treatments

3 years ago
Help with my acne scarring please!

@Candy Says it isn't 100% gone but under harsh lighting when i smile or stretch it it's like 80% disappeared. Would subcision give permanent results? Or when the filler dissolves it's pretty much the ...

In forum Scar treatments

3 years ago