Forum Replies Created

Chest Acne That Won't Go Away?!

Acne is a crazy problem that millions of people suffer with and there are so many reasons why and when it occurs... What worked yesterday for someone may not work tomorrow for the same person... Our b...

In forum Back/Body/Neck acne

10 years ago
Permanent Chest Pimples?

Oh my gosh, Omnivium, that sounds terrible.. I don't truley believe anything should be left on ourselves for that long of a period. How is your skin today? Did the red marks go away? In regards to yo...

In forum Back/Body/Neck acne

10 years ago
Chest acne and birth control?

Acne is a crazy problem and there are so many reasons why and when it occurs... What worked yesterday for someone may not work tomorrow for the same person... Our bodies are always changing so I under...

In forum Back/Body/Neck acne

10 years ago