Forum Replies Created


1 hour ago, baboonmute said: Food doesn't have an impact on acne studies have shown. Eat whatever you want. Stop washing your face and your acne will go away. If you want to speed up the pro...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
What are your trigger foods?

Just curious what everyone is avoiding because it causes break outs. For me, dairy is my worst enemy. I can't enjoy ice cream, milk, or moderate quantities of yogurt without paying the price. I have ...

In forum Diet & holistic health

7 years ago
Has anyone tried Vitamin A?

I take Vitamin A and it helps with keeping pores clear and keeping sebum production down. I would just recommend to take it with Vitamin D at a 1:1 ratio or something close. Because Vitamin A and Vita...

In forum Other acne treatments

7 years ago

Take a deep breathe. You will live through this.. And:

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Tiny bumps all over my forehead and mainly on my chin

Ok I'll just post my 2 cents, just kinda speculating at this point since I don't know your background, but I can give you suggestions. Pinpointing what is going on would be nearly impossible. With tha...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Getting too much - 6 years of torture.

Have you tried messing around with you diet at all?

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

7 years ago
Tiny bumps all over my forehead and mainly on my chin

Work on your diet before going to a dermatologist, who will most likely proscribe you antibiotics, which will just makes things worse in the long run. Try cutting out dairy, soy, and gluten for two we...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Please help, need advice for treatment

As for topical remedies, I would look into oil cleansing or the caveman regime, as they seem to work the best for sensitive skin types. Other than that we need a little background information in order...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
What foods don't cause acne?

Google paleo diet and start researching what foods are recommended. I believe it is one of the best diets to follow if you are trying to clear up your acne.

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Help Im desperate 🙁 Hormonal Acne (pictures)

I feel like I'm in the wrong section  Anyway, I definitely recommend drinking red raspberry leaf tea every night before bed, and throughout the day. You could just make a big b...

In forum Hormonal acne

7 years ago
So, Dark Chocolate Really Isn't Any Good Then

While this is entirely speculation, I think it all has to do with gut health. Since there is a positive correlation between gut problems and acne, it only makes sense that things that affect the gut ...

In forum Diet & holistic health

7 years ago
Acne around mouth, what could be the root? Image included.

Seeing that you have high sensitivity to gluten and dairy I'm almost 100% your acne can be cleared up by working on your gut health. I too had issues with acne around my chin/mouth and it cleared up p...

In forum Diet & holistic health

7 years ago