Forum Replies Created

Around Mouth Is Always Irritated From Bp

Hey i keep clear with one pump of BP. but my main problem was on my chin and it becomes really red if i apply BP on it, even if i put a tiny bit, the rest of my face can handle BP easly, As of right n...

In forum The Regimen

10 years ago
Derma Roller And The Regimen

Hey i have been on the regimen for exactly 3 weeks and great results so far! i was wondering if i can use derma roller 1.0 on my cheeks which i have hyper pigmentation and very shallow scars... I'm ju...

In forum The Regimen

10 years ago
Dryness On Week 3

Hey I was just wondering if dryness on week 3 is normal. I been using the regimen for 2 weeks and 3 days. I can see a difference but my face gets flakey after I cleanse. Then I put BP it feels tight b...

In forum The Regimen

10 years ago
Help! Does Anyone Have Suggestions For This?

have you tried the regimen? it has a awesome success rate! i been on it for a week and see a huge improvement already!

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Ordered Regimen Few Questions?

1. Yes you can. I do that too. I use the bp only on the problem areas and i have no problem. 2. It seems that as far as you use the bp you have your acne under control. If you stop for more than a co...

In forum The Regimen

10 years ago
Ordered Regimen Few Questions?

1.) should i use treatment on my forehead? (I never break out there) i only breakout on my cheeks and chin 2.) will the regimen prevent me from outgrowing acne? I'm 19 male both my brothers had acne b...

In forum The Regimen

10 years ago
Feeling Very Down

Don't lose hope! It's a matter of finding the right products that'll work for you! Through my teens I'd get so annoyed that I was doing the whole cleanse/tone/moisturize routine twice a day and still...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Feeling Very Down

Try not to feel so bad. I know it can very frustrating at times. Are you a female? I know that I break out around my mouth area (especially chin) when I am ovulating or right before my period. Climate...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Feeling Very Down

So i been feeling really down lately. I'm 19 and still have acne. i got it around 14. it never was really bad but still enough to ruin self confidence. I have two older brothers that are 21 and 23 and...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Can You Feel Your Scars

Just wondering can you guys feel the depth of your scars when you touch them with your fingers. Mine feel smooth with skin

In forum Scar treatments

11 years ago
Is This Scars Or Hyperpigmentation?

How severe do you guys think it is??!

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
Is This Scars Or Hyperpigmentation?

Do u guys think it will look like this?

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
Is This Scars Or Hyperpigmentation?

Can any one tell me? I can't really feel any indents and not really see any but when I'm in a dark room and put a flashlight against my face and look at a mirror then I can kinda see indents but not w...

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
Does Shave Cream Clear Acne

some one told me that Gillette sensitive skin shave cream cleared their acne. is that true

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
Acne Around Mouth

My diet is amazing. Fruits veggies no junk food. I got a flouride free toothpaste and don't touch my face

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
Acne Around Mouth

How come this is the only place I get it? What causes these whiteheads.?? I'm 18 and had this for 2 years. Mainly around mouth/chin. So annoying! Anyone?

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
Im Scared To Use The Regiman

im worried that if i start using it then i have to use it forever:( i hear that once u get off of it then acne returns even worse! anyone successfully gotten off of it without breaking out?

In forum The Regimen

11 years ago
Can Someone Please Share Their Knowledge?

Hey i was wondering if shallow scars disapear. I have them in my cheeks..They dont look to deep.( on pictures your cant see indents you can only see them indented in certain lighting.. Has anyone trie...

In forum Scar treatments

11 years ago
How Can I Get Rid Of These Scars (Pics)

btw,its not that bad. i mean its nothing compared what most people have here. how long do u have these scars?   yes,the colour will fade. see if its deep in the skin..that makes it darker but gra...

In forum Scar treatments

11 years ago
How Can I Get Rid Of These Scars (Pics)

Do you think the color will fade?

In forum Scar treatments

11 years ago
How Can I Get Rid Of These Scars (Pics)

Please someone

In forum Scar treatments

11 years ago
Aha Effectiveness

Is aha more effective using everyday mixed with a moisturizer or using it plain 3 times a week?? It is more effective using it on its own a few times a week. It can sting sometimes though, so maybe ...

In forum products

11 years ago
How Can I Get Rid Of These Scars (Pics)

Hey i was wondering how i can get rid of these scars:( they are slightly indented but cant really tell but i took a mirror and put it in the surface of my face and saw that they are slighlty indented....

In forum Scar treatments

11 years ago
Aha Effectiveness

Is aha more effective using everyday mixed with a moisturizer or using it plain 3 times a week??

In forum products

11 years ago
Can I Use Aha If I Dont Use Bp

I'm scared to use it lol do you think it will break me out?? I haven't broken out in a while. Only a pimple every week or two

In forum products

11 years ago